Commander Jamesons first flight in his new Atomic X1 rocket.
Only manual controls, no retro thruster.
Is he able to made it to Gates Spaceport?
see how he made it, or perhaps how he failed?
to be able to fly there without assistance and retro booster, you my good sir are awesome.
if you want a challenge try to fly to one the moon bases 😛 one word of caution, a bit of gravity, granted thats 4 words lol
the ship (textured version)
[attachment=1136:Bildschirmfoto 2012-03-24 um 12.43.43.png]
In the absence of retrorockets, an anchor would be well. 💡
A Rocket!
Amazing, That can be a lot of fun to flight.
It stages would be possible... 🙂
a slight mistake fuel consumption was is 10 times to high.
i made a test flight through hyperspace and managed to land, but had to divide the fuel consumption by 10 (thruster_fuel_use = 0.001,), else you can't accelerate above 100km/s and you ran already out of fuel.
still it's difficult and a speed above 500km/sec is not recommended, you will need some fuel to approach and land.
walterar, you will soon see how i throw the anchor.
now i have to edit the clips.
Great flying, Commander! I managed to get the first version of that thing into something resembling an orbit, which was difficult enough for me! 😀
but you can't let them drop after start, you need the most propellant to approach a spaceport in a system.
except you would like something like a saturn and fly only to the moon to do a rough landing.
you would have to drop them on the way to your destination and perhaps land with a capsule left 😉
but i guess "Atomic X1" is a recyclable rocket, it makes more sense for interstellar travel, it makes more sense after all.
here we go, commander jameson made it to ross154 and has survived 😉
shortened version
manual approach and landing with the "Atomic X1" vessel.
unfortunately i approach at the nightside, but i was happy to made it and didn't wan't to change my course. the clip runs at approx. 8x speed (starts and ends slower).
that might look long and boring, but try it yourself...
the updated ship as used in the clip, textured and naked version.
That's pretty cool! I would love to see a Saturn V, Shuttle STS, or Ares V.
i thought about such, really, but to have a rocket or a shuttle that is only useful to fly to orbit or the moon, didn't makes much sense in pioneer, imo.
there are games like orbiter who deserve that better.
but if you really like, i can fix up such a "candle" for you, models there will be hunderts to use for this guess.
i found one I really like to fly
[attachment=1146:Bildschirmfoto 2012-03-31 um 13.19.40.png]
the "M-C 1001" (magic carpet 1001)
You can make a flying broom for my witches? 💡 😆
"the devil's wife's the old mad witch and she's a ridin' me...
the devil's wife's the old mad witch, she used to ride a broom...
now every night she leaves the earth and rides me to the moon."