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Jovian Cruiser

Warrant Officer Registered
Joined: 12 years ago
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So I've been playing with Blender a bit lately and I've got a rough model together for a Patrol / Exploration ship I'm tentatively calling a Spitfire.





Here's a closer shot of the front Cargo Scoop / Loading Doors



The underside of the Front Section is "scooped" slightly to accentuate the Lifting Body of the Hull.



Looking aft from above the Front Section to see the Hydrogen Scoops on top of the Aft Section, with the Secondary Cargo Doors and Sensor Tower ahead and between them.



View from above the Aft Section looking forward past the Sensor Tower and Secondary Doors to show the channels directing gas flow towards the Scoops.



I'm going to try unwrapping and texturing it... but I really only understand geometry (and some game physics...) in Blender so far. If someone else would like to take a crack at it let me know and I'll post the blend.
