To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
Hiya, I did search but could not find if anyone had any issues with loading older saves. I know the money cheatie is now gone and wanted to load my save from only the last version (before the new stations were added). it seems to fail and crash however.
best wishes,
The old money cheat is gone but you can just bring up the console and enter:
- import("Game").player:SetMoney(9999999)
- import("Game").player:SetShipType("varada")
There is an ongoing effort to give us save games that don't get broken but it's not currently possible to load an old save game.
Geepers. OK thank-you FF. So, maybe a Mark Walberg of a question but like, where do I find the console? and can I enter the amount of money I have currently instead of all the 9's?
Yes you can enter different amounts for the money and you can change the ship name too 🙂 I just used those as examples.
I "think" that the ship names you can used are:
- deneb
- dsminer
- kanara
- ac33
- amphiesma
- kanara_civ
- lunarshuttle
- malabar
- molamola
- natrix
- nerodia
- pumpkinseed
- sinonatrix
- storeria
- varada
- vatakara
- venturestar
- wave
- xylophis
I'm trying to "lobby" (heh) for a fallback system that would be triggered when encountering incompatible save data (for example because the system generation changed) but this will need the JSON or TLV based saves to work.
I don't know why it's formatted them like that! Odd.
it reflects the script names in folder "ships".
ships are called by this and it also makes some sense.
i.e. for "Sputnik" (which is unfortunately lost) i used "defaultship" instead of the given "deneb" (i guess this replaces the ladybird or eagle, i'm not sure)
also "policeship" instead of ex-ladybird for the police vessel
finally this allows to have a "defaultship.lua" and a "policeship.lua", while the content in the script won't matter,
means it could be any ship listed in "defaultship.lua" and "policeship.lua".
i guess i wouldn't change that behave, imho there are already to much fixed and unflexible things in pioneer, but it's only my opinion.
this has allowed me to strip down "Sputnik" to only two ships which will be necessary to start it
and the name isn't given in case one would like to have a different "default" or "police" ship,
for whatever sort of total MOD.
I meant that I didn't know why the forum had formatted the list with a gap in it 😉
Here are some useful commands for restoring lost saves:
I'm trying to "lobby" (heh) for a fallback system that would be triggered when encountering incompatible save data (for example because the system generation changed) but this will need the JSON or TLV based saves to work.
Don't lobby for others to do, we've all got a huge amount to do, if you want something then do it. Otherwise it's just a case of if someone else ever gets interested enough to do it.
We do this for fun y'know 😉
Don't lobby for others to do, we've all got a huge amount to do, if you want something then do it. Otherwise it's just a case of if someone else ever gets interested enough to do it.
We do this for fun y'know 😉
Yeah, I guess I need to get back to Pioneer, set up the project to work in C::B and do a bunch of things I've been posting about.
Oh, and by the way, does anyone have a working solution for building Pioneer in C::B under Windows?
No it's been unmaintained since Luomu left to pastures new.
@DraQ, honestly if you're building on Windows just install Visual Studio 2013 Community edition so you have a working version to test against.
Then if you want to get C::B working again you can contrast and compare the two until it works.
Then uninstall vs2013 again if you want.
@DraQ, honestly if you're building on Windows just install Visual Studio 2013 Community edition so you have a working version to test against.
Then if you want to get C::B working again you can contrast and compare the two until it works.
Then uninstall vs2013 again if you want.
My main problem with VS is that it's a trialware.
I did build what little code I wrote for Pioneer using VS, but I'd prefer something that works and *keeps working*.
It's not trialware anymore, the edition I linked too is permanent and free 🙂
The express edition was similar but was a cut down version, free to use forever but with only 32-bit support.
Last year MS decided that was a bad idea so the Community edition is just... free, for small groups upto 5 users and is the full VS2013 edition with 64-bit support etc.
It's not trialware anymore, the edition I linked too is permanent and free 🙂
The express edition was similar but was a cut down version, free to use forever but with only 32-bit support.
Last year MS decided that was a bad idea so the Community edition is just... free, for small groups upto 5 users and is the full VS2013 edition with 64-bit support etc.
I'll still probably use another IDE for actual work, but it beats having to run VM with Linux or dual booting just to build Pioneer and I'm still not ready to move fully to Linux.
Almost there, getting "The ordinal 4445 could not be located in the dynamic library LIBEAY32.dll" error when trying to run. 🙁
Also, why the hell do we suddenly *need* OpenSSL?
You have pioneer-thirdparty? Ah, I may have missed a dll out of it.
The openssl stuff is for the web-server stuff that robn is working on. Best to ask him on IRC.
I just added the libs that seemed necessary, I guess you have an older libeay32.dll on your system somewhere that its finding.
There, if you grab the latest "pioneer-thirdparty" it should work.
The openssl stuff is for the web-server stuff that robn is working on. Best to ask him on IRC.
Wouldn't it be best to keep stuff that's not absolutely critical for Pioneer's functioning optional (for example using ifdefs)?
I don't think we're ever going to need fully integrated networking in Pioneer as the need for time compression is going to keep it a single player game.
It's not for networking, it's for community ideas.
The "ifdef" approach, and I've used it before and seen it on other projects, results in a nightmare everytime with a mishmash of builds and versions.
Since it will eventually become an integral part of Pioneer, as all features are, there's no good argument for hiving it off now.
It's not for networking, it's for community ideas.
Such as?
The "ifdef" approach, and I've used it before and seen it on other projects, results in a nightmare everytime with a mishmash of builds and versions.
Only if there are official builds for different combinations of macros.
We might just as well have a single build with the macro defined but still let anyone willing to build Pioneer their own way without needing to modify the sources.
Since it will eventually become an integral part of Pioneer, as all features are, there's no good argument for hiving it off now.
Again, I don't see how it's ever going to be integral.
No offense, but it sounds like the same bunk logic that was used to justify always online in Elite: Dangerous and earlier in many games such as that latest Sim City.
Pioneer is going to be, by necessity, a single player game.
Anything online is necessarily going to be just an extra.
It's optional and I'm not the one writing it so the best person is to ask Robn on IRC.
Also as I said it's not multiplayer or "always online" or any of that crap just some cool web stuff that we hope will make Pioneer better for those who want to use it.
You want to change your build, go nuts of course 🙂
Also from the PR
Well at this point nothing, because there's no server. Or from another angle, EVERYTHING, just a simple matter of programming 🙂
I have some ideas for a kind of player/community site with hooks into the game, but its nothing more than ideas and some paper notes. There's also things like querying for updates, sending in hardware info, that sort of thing. But obviously, needs server and client code.
Its a building block 🙂
It's optional and I'm not the one writing it so the best person is to ask Robn on IRC.
Also as I said it's not multiplayer or "always online" or any of that crap just some cool web stuff that we hope will make Pioneer better for those who want to use it.
Do we have any sort of feature roadmap regarding this "cool community stuff"?
BTW: We don't seem to have any sort of roadmaps regarding the other features either - are there any actual development plans or is it all mostly ad hoc?
Maybe threads on dev forum for discussing how different aspects of Pioneer should end up looking like and what needs to be done in their context would be called for?