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To all SSC Station occupants

Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.

Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.


Official contributor forum open

Estimable Member

Every now and then we have would-be contributors offering art and such through IRC or this SpaceSimCentral fan forum (which we generally don't monitor). Neither is a good way to get noticed, so we have opened a forum for Pioneer contributors. If you want to discuss development of Pioneer, or show off your work, go there!


The Github tracker remains for issue reports and pull requests, as before.


These SpaceSimCentral fan forums remain for for player or community discussion.



Topic starter Posted : July 1, 2013 06:03
Reputable Member

@ Luomu


Maybe you can be more clear ?


What did you mean by contribution ? only work on official Dev . ? in this case you have Ghit.


Or that regroup also the mods ? , in this other case , many threads are already open on this forum ...

Posted : July 1, 2013 06:14
Estimable Member

I would say, it's not for mods. That's more "community stuff", and that's what SSC is good for. We don't offer file uploads anyway.


But, if you have a technical question about modding to Pioneer developers, ask on the new dev forum. And if you have a bug report, use Github.

Topic starter Posted : July 1, 2013 06:52
New Member

I'm unable to pass registration. Does it block IPs from the Tor network?

Posted : July 1, 2013 07:40
Estimable Member

Not purposefully, no. That IP might be on some spam protection list. Try regging without tor.

Topic starter Posted : July 1, 2013 10:00

Great! I've already started up a thread about that small transport of mine. 🙂


( I had problems with the registration too, that Capcha kicked me out at least two times, and I entered the text correctly. Managed to register on the third run.)

Posted : July 1, 2013 11:10
Illustrious Member Admin

You know I can make any sub forum for the pioneer community that you need (like I did with the german area) someone just needs to speak up and ask for it. I can create pretty much anything ya want people just need to let me know what they want 🙂

Posted : July 1, 2013 13:28
Noble Member

Obviously DarkOne is free to do whatever he wants on his forum. Just understand that SSC is not considered official and isn't monitored by most of the core team, mostly because its very noisy. So a development forum here is probably going to be of limited utility.

I expect the SSC will always be significantly more friendly and community-focused than the dev forum ever will. That's by design - its not supposed to be a place for making friends, its supposed to be a place to get shit done without having to filter out the chatter.

Posted : July 2, 2013 01:40
New Member

Not purposefully, no. That IP might be on some spam protection list. Try regging without tor.


Maybe it was that, or I am unable to write a captcha... because now it worked 😉

Posted : July 2, 2013 03:05
Eminent Member

I tried to register yesterday, but never got an activation mail. I tried "Resend activation e-mail", both yesterday and today: Still no success. Both client-side and server-side junk folders are empty. I do receive other e-mails on the account, so it is working.


When trying to login without the activation e-mail, it refuses because the account is inactive as expected. But it also suggests to contact a board administrator, but gives you no way to do so (contact link, whatever).


Username is the same as here.

Posted : July 5, 2013 10:50
Estimable Member

I tried to register yesterday, but never got an activation mail. I tried "Resend activation e-mail", both yesterday and today: Still no success. Both client-side and server-side junk folders are empty. I do receive other e-mails on the account, so it is working.

Username is the same as here.

Odd. I've activated you manually.

Topic starter Posted : July 5, 2013 14:03
Famed Member

I've joined although I will mostly lurk, very interesting discussions though guys! :girlcrazy:

Posted : August 29, 2013 02:50