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To all SSC Station occupants

Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.

Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.


Pioneer alpha 32 released

Noble Member

The Pioneer development team are pleased to announce the release of Pioneer alpha 32. This release is the first running entirely on our new model system, and includes three new ships to show it off. There's also the usual bunch of improvements, fixes and other tweaks. Full changelog and builds for Windowws, Mac OS X and Linux (32 & 64-bit) are available from the homepage.

New features

  • Ship parade on the menu screen (#2112)
  • New ship "Kanara Interceptor" (#2037)
  • New ship "Lunar Shuttle" (#2082)
  • New ship "Deneb Transport" (#2119)
  • New fast random number generator (#1893, #2078, #2079)
  • Upgraded hoop station (#2046, #2131, #2114)
  • Removed Lua model system (LMR) (#2029, #2071)
  • Removed LMR-based ships (#2061)
  • Removed Elite/Frontier content (#2093)

Minor changes and tweaks

  • Balanced DSMiner fuel use (#2062)
  • Added laser mount to DSMiner (#2055)
  • Model animation state saved and restored to savefile (#2044)
  • New missile AI (#2094)
  • Shortcut key to launch missiles ('m') (#2094)
  • Show realtime orbit positions in system view (#2104)


  • Work around missing model UV coordinates (#2034, #1952)
  • Fully initialise Body object in its constructor (#2048)
  • Fix crash when refueling (#2050)
  • Reduce terrain "grid" effect (#2053, #1631)
  • Fix crash in several mission screens when accessed during hyperspace (#2064, #2056)
  • Fix crash when missiles explode before activation (#2067, #2066)
  • Fix duplicated model animation groups (#2063, #2024)

Model changes

  • Converted Natrix ship to SGModel (#2033, #2095)
  • Upscaled DSMiner model (#2096)
  • New missile model (#2036)
  • New cargo model (#2101)
  • Downscaled building models (#2052)
  • Add test_gun model (#2060)
  • Converted tombstone to SGModel (#2083)
  • Basic support for station door animations (#2046)
  • Support for navigation lights (#2080)
  • Support for per-instance skinning (#2088)
  • Modelviewer: Scale/landingpad test model (press 'p') (#2034, #1981)
  • Modelviewer: More/better log output (#2034, #1876)
  • Modelviewer: Enable mods (#2032)

Script changes

  • UI: MultiLineText objects now have SetText and AppendText methods (#2045)
  • ShipTypes is deprecated, and EquipTypes has been removed; use the new ShipDef and EquipDef tables (#2026)
  • Player.SetHyperspaceTarget and GetHyperspaceTarget methods (#2028, #2027)
  • Model: Ship.GetSkin & SetSkin and skin manipulation methods (#2080)

Internal changes

  • Removed Text::VectorFont (#2041)
  • Removed Renderer::DrawPoints2D (#2041)
  • LuaObject wrapper cleanup (#2026, #2049, #2073, #2075)
  • Fix SGModel NodeVisitor not applying correctly to all node types (#2076, #2074)
  • Remove ShipFlavour structure (#2069, #2135, #2113)
Topic starter Posted : March 7, 2013 23:21
Famed Member

Wonderful Robn! I will get updating ModDB right away. Love the new Pioneer Site too. :girlcrazy:

Posted : March 8, 2013 02:10
Honorable Member

downloading now, what does this new random number generator do btw ? or replace

Posted : March 8, 2013 02:48
Estimable Member

Very much would like, that would be our creators mods, quickly re-converted all the models under a new game.

Posted : March 8, 2013 03:39
Noble Member

downloading now, what does this new random number generator do btw ? or replace


It's an alternative to the existing MTRand random number generator that produces lower quality randomness but is much faster.

Not all situations require really high quality randomness so now we have this alternative.

Posted : March 8, 2013 04:06
Honorable Member

So where to from here now that the frontier content is out

Posted : March 8, 2013 16:33
Noble Member

So where to from here now that the frontier content is out


Suggestions welcome 🙂


Bear in mind that we'd also like more people modelling, creating assets like buildings, space/ground stations and things. Learning to script and extend things like Walterars scout missions are awesome.

Posted : March 9, 2013 01:31
Honorable Member

id like to see the types of data on systems expanded in some way.  One could start with ship types available for purchase within system ( planetery mineral composition for would be miners would be good once more mineral types are ingame) i started a game and immediatley headed for outlying areas currently about 150 light years from sol exploring the outer rim faction space i think im in "red" space at the moment just seeing howe far civilised space expands out

Posted : March 10, 2013 01:40
Prominent Member

I Have absolutely no programming skills beyond modding games (ie loading other peoples mods), however I have alot of experience in sci fi writing, ie. backgrounds, planetary descriptions, faction histories, system details (long suffering :), traveller and now eclipse phase GM) would that be of any help just to give small blurbs for stuff to be used to fill in system details?

Anguish, that's a useful skill. We have a procedurally generated galaxy with computer generated systems and factions, with a few custom factions and custom systems. I believe our current custom factions are all placeholders, so you could look into fleshing those out (they need decent names, for example).

In addition to this, try to think about how it might be possible to make procedurally generated faction descriptions and histories. Like a photofit picture, the descriptions would be assembled from chunks of text. We can easily write the code to fit the chunks together, but it does require some creative work to provide a large number of text chunks that can be used for that.

Posted : March 10, 2013 03:52
Trusted Member

8 21 -9 Velia

Is impossible to jump to this sistem. As i try, after the jump I get this error 





Is not the first time a get it, it happened in another sistem, I don't remember where.

Posted : March 31, 2013 21:58
Noble Member


Yes we've had that reported and fixed it for this coming Alpha.

You might be able to grab the latest nightly build - but be aware that it will have new features, and this one _will_ break any save games due to some recent changes.



Posted : April 1, 2013 00:57
Trusted Member


Yes we've had that reported and fixed it for this coming Alpha.

You might be able to grab the latest nightly build - but be aware that it will have new features, and this one _will_ break any save games due to some recent changes.




I'll go on with my travel and start another with the next alpha then 🙂

Posted : April 1, 2013 01:40