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Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.


Pioneer Custom Game Controller Profiles

Estimable Member

Version 4.0 now available on Pioneer wiki

Pioneer controller profile for Logitech 3D Pro (using Xpadder software)

also Pioneer controller profile for Logitech G13 (using Logitech's G13 software)

(basic only Pioneer single tier profile for G13)

(Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Joystick)

Joysticks can be a great and intuitive addition to Pioneer's control suite for general

and low altitude flight control, reducing work load for novice, as well as experienced pilots.

I find a joystick a perfect addition to the control suite. (others may prefer their gamepads)


Here's my custom printable Pioneer key template for Logitech's 3D Pro (previewing version 4 layout for Alpha 27-28..)

(neutral backround color & transparency version in archive)

Pioneer supports simultaneous use of multiple mouse/keyboard and Analog flight controls.

Note: This Joystick profile is meant to be used in addition to existing keyboard and mouse

inputs, and is in not meant as a replacement.

This profile was created to take advantage of the three flight control modes supported

by Pioneer (Keyboard, Mouse & Analog Joystick). Xpadder will enable or emulate either

of these modes via the programed joystick Emulation Mode Button - allowing the user

the ability to toggle between each mode freely durring gameplay ie:

Joystick WASD flight control

Joystick Mouse Emulation flight control

Joystick Analog flight control

User Instructions (included in archive) Please read first.

If either of the 3 modes are activated or exited from improperly

- the profile may fail to work correctly.

This profile is a work in progress. Also due to Pioneer's Alpha state some game keys

may change in later versions.

This profile was designed and tested for Pioneer Spacesim Alpha25.

Unless a major interface rewrite occurs, this profile should remain valid for current

release versions of Pioneer.

As part of my own control suite I have customised my mouse settings using X-Mouse,

so this profile does not include any Xpadder mouse settings support.

(as a ref, here is a pic with my extra mouse functions to customize your own)


Trackman key layout also including a basic Pioneer Logitech G13 template] Edit: version 4 (alpha 27-28..) variation TBA.

(included in the below zip archive) Logitech G13 Key Profile & Trackman res797x1024.png

Extreme 3D Pro Control Modes:

The 3 joystick control modes can be changed in game using the Emulation Mode switch.


Mouse emulation or Keyboard Joystick (joystick must be OFF in game menu)

In default mode you can easily toggle between mouse and keyboard emulation mode by

simply a press of the Emulation Mode button.


Mouse emulation or Analog Joystick (joystick must be ON in game menu)

Once you enable the analog mode (hold in joystick trigger then press the Emulation Mode

button) you can now easily toggle between mouse emulation and Analog mode by simply

pressing the Emulation Mode button while the trigger is depressed.

IMPORTANT Whenever entering or exiting analog mode the game config screen will appear.

Enabling analog mode: (Joystick option should be disabled by default and only enabled for

that period when analog function is desired durring flight -

Otherwise it should remain DISABLED - or other joystick modes will fail to work properly)

For analog stick function to work you must have the Joystick option in pioneer's controls

config screen enabled and the pitch roll and yaw readings should look like this:

Pitch -JoyO Y Axis

Roll JoyO X Axis

Yaw JoyO 3 Axis

(if not move the stick around until you get the same axis assignments)

Each time the analog mode is enabled - you should confirm these axis have not changed.

Disabling Analog mode and re-enabling default control mode 1

-ie: Joystick ASWD mode emulating keypresses.

Simply press the Emulation Mode button (without depressing the trigger) Then make sure

to disable the analog joystick option in Pioneer's controls screen.

Not Compatibility with Xpadder's Oke_Doke's Profile Converter (util available on Xpadder's site)

Joystick Drift and Centering:

(critical for proper analog joystick performance)

Be sure to have your joystick well calibrated to eliminate ALL drift issues.

If Joystick drift persists, you can edit Pioneer's "analog" joystick deadzone via

editing Pioneer's config file (in C:UsersxxxxDocumentsPioneerconfig.ini with

Notepad++ Try changing the Joystick setting to: JoystickDeadzone=0.3

(This setting varies from user to user depending on age & wear on the joystick)

Increasing this number increases the size of the deadzone.

Failing all the above, means it's time for a new joystick.

Quick Run Through

To enter Analog mode - Make sure you are in keyboard emulation mode(default) hold in

the trigger - then hit the Emulation Mode button.The game config screen will pop up to

prompt you to enable the joystick option in game. once enabled you must confirm the

axis settings are correct: Pitch -JoyO Y Axis, Roll JoyO X Axis, Yaw JoyO 3 Axis.

Only then will your stick be in proper working analog mode -

To go directly to mouse emulation mode from analog joystick mode, simply hold the

trigger button in while pressing the Emulation Mode button.

So long as you hold in the trigger you can toggle back and forth between analog and

mouse emulation modes via the Emulation Mode button.

To toggle back to default keyboard emulation mode you can press the Emulation Mode

button (without pressing the joystick trigger) and you will again get the game config

screen to disable the analog function - once done you will be in the default keyboard mode.

To go directly to mouse emulation mode from keyboard mode, simply press the Emulation

Mode button (without pressing the joystick trigger).

Future Updates:

Some controls are the same on all teirs (mostly the joystick base keys) These may gain

other functions over time, depending on their usefulness.

In addition there are still 2 unused teirs, so there is lots of room for the profile to evolve.

Made for current Xpadder version v2012.05.01

Two reference Xpadder profile pictures, with and without labels.

Xpadder Pioneer Theme backgrounds.

Included also is a custom Pioneer Logitech G13 and Mouse basic keymap

reference pic.

Added G13 custom.lgp basic profile for Pioneer.

Made using Logitech's G13 keymap software.

Link to all above files (including my G13.lgp profile) in one downloadable archive

Edit: Latest updates available on Pioneer's wiki: Last official update is version4 (Joystick update only)

(for G-13 refer to v3.0 until separate update becomes available)

Enjoy ..


Pioneer Game Tip: Press ctrl -m when at the commodities market screen for more option$ <img src=' f' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />

Topic starter Posted : September 6, 2012 14:15
Prominent Member

This is a great job. I hope that many find useful. <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':fan:' />

Posted : September 6, 2012 16:55
Reputable Member

I've got an idea for a fairly and simple HOTAS controller hardware hack... I've got a joystick and gamepad to take in to the local hackerspace next open night that I'll hopefully be converting into a control rig for this game, flightgear and freespace <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

I plan to use string, those little retractable ID badge clips, instead of actual "sticks". I'll attach it to the inside pf a tennis ball with a gamepad thumbstick on a mini "fishing pole" to track the angle between wherever I hold the tennis ball and wherever I clip the retractable string. With a few buttons tacked onto the outside of the tennis ball I should have a nice little 2 axis stick ready to go... potentially clipped to my belt should I ever need to defeat the Cylon menace or land a Cobra on an asteroid! <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

I figure a pair of them would be all you need for a decent HOTAS with pedals... depending on how you arrange the strings, you could have a few magnetic clips along each string so you could set things up a variety of ways!

Posted : September 15, 2012 10:45
Famed Member
'walterar' wrote:

This is a great job. I hope that many find useful. <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':fan:' />

+1 from me also! I am going to link this thread into Mod DB <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':good:' />

Great work baobobafet and welcome to the SSC <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':girlcrazy:' />

Posted : September 16, 2012 00:56
Estimable Member

Much Thanks <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':gamer:' />

Topic starter Posted : September 19, 2012 19:52
Estimable Member

Update Note:

At the moment working on vers.4 - Extreme 3D pro layout - everything is functioning - just need to finish a few minor things (hopefully released vsoon) All the new view keys remapped properly to jive with Pioneer's new key config. (at the moment kpd9 key will need remap to kpd1 key for it to work properly for Alpha27's key config )

All for now <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':banghead:' /> but will check back from time to time for feedback, ideas, ect.

Edit: The 3D pro update v4 is released on the wiki - those wanting a G13 template can get the one from v3. (some small key re-maps are required)

When I get more opportunity, I'll do a new G-13 release.



Topic starter Posted : October 30, 2012 23:58