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Pioneer Musical Appreciation Society

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New Member

i like this mix of metal / electro


So, try Cynic, in reverse publication order: (Carbon Based Anathomy, Traced in air, Focus), then add Re-Traced (remixes of Traced in air) and The portal tapes (a side project). Hope you like vocoders/autotune + growl vocals + beautyful solos and occasional Chapman Stick (only in studio, unfortunately... anyway, search for Sean Malone). 😉




Posted : September 24, 2013 08:31
Reputable Member

ho no its another style : progessive rock !! that remind me my young years .

Posted : September 24, 2013 09:46
New Member

It's prog, but they sound quite metal, expecially in the first album, Focus. There's a bunch of proggy-metal bands, emerged from the same scene, all with "philosophical" names that absolutely worths a couple of listening: Cynic, Atheist (try Elements) and Aghora (as in Hindu Aghori, not as in Greek Agora. try the "Aghora" album). They often switch and share their band members. 🙂




Posted : September 24, 2013 10:07
Noble Member

aghora sounds good for me.

Topic starter Posted : September 24, 2013 11:04
Noble Member

Currently playing, very loudly, in Chez Cody - a Poco classic!

Posted : October 6, 2013 04:42
New Member

I recently fell in love with Carbon Based Lifeforms' albums. 🙂



Posted : October 24, 2013 10:26
Noble Member

RIP Lou Reed.

Posted : October 27, 2013 10:35
Reputable Member

Posted : December 4, 2013 11:20
Reputable Member

In 2014 these 3 olds guys from texas have together 65 years !



enjoy this concert ...

Posted : December 14, 2013 00:24
Noble Member

hi, out there

let's get a little serious, i know it's not what is to expect usually of me 😉


i was watching today for the very first time "johnny got his gun" and it has certainly moved me.

i was wondering how i could share this experience with you and fortunately metallica helped me out.


here we (johnny) go...


for once i won't close with "have phun",


have a second thought




(btw, you might have read statements of me like "they won't (can't?) do such nowadays",

well that's the stuff i ment with this).

Topic starter Posted : February 24, 2014 13:46
Prominent Member

"let's get a little serious, i know it's not what is to expect usually of me"


Mmm, what makes me think that you are not Gernot, you're an impostor.   :notme:


Hello old friend, we miss you.  :victory:  😥

Posted : February 25, 2014 03:37
Famed Member

Yaay! Gernot's back! :girlcrazy:

Where have you been hiding?

Posted : February 25, 2014 09:29
Reputable Member

Yaay! Gernot's back! :girlcrazy:

Where have you been hiding?


Think he continue hiding ... :/


Anyway,  i can take the succession.


after my little "mésaventure" with this  GPL-3 licence


i dedicated this one to  Sir Grondilu  ðŸ™‚


Posted : March 18, 2014 07:54
Famed Member

i dedicated this one to  Sir Grondilu   🙂

"You follow a different path than they" Vuzz :girlwink:

Posted : March 18, 2014 09:06
Noble Member

Time for a cryin' song!

Posted : March 22, 2014 15:11
Famed Member

Time for a cryin' song!

Epic! :girlcrazy:

Is waiting for the ED beta getting  you down Cody? Dont worry I am sure the Alphas wont last too much longer. In the meantime have some CSN (without the Y)

Posted : March 23, 2014 05:21
Noble Member

Ahh, Wooden Ships - one of my favourites. Jefferson Airplane do a very good cover of that song.


Nah, waiting for E: D ain't getting me down - I still ain't buit my new machine yet, and I've got a heap of work on in Oolite too.

Posted : March 23, 2014 05:41
Noble Member

can't fly my cobby, thus...



(the model DOESN'T belongs to me, only the cabin, of which isn't much to see and the driver are my creations).



...i had to take a seat in a corvette.


(yes i do thought as well i should have taken a profession as a doll maker)



"not really back, but on my way"



limits everywhere,

shitty max. of a 5k tri's

"headover" hirarchy for alpha and z transparency (argh... even all the tools & editors handle this wrong)

drivers with YELLOW (really yellow) skin




no one will argue a pilot (driver) doesn't belongs here, thus i'm happy


as more detailed i will make the cabin as more they will appreciate it.


could be a cube with no wheels attached, but the driver makes the car alive...




like a co-pilot?


we have


exchangable ("soft-top" or should i say "hard-top"? - the companion i mean)


female drivers (how many racing games with female or colored drivers do exist at all?

yes i do looks funny to see a black bro. resp. sista in a 30's racing car)


a red haired guy wearing a perret in a aston martin?


grandpa (with thick sideburns) driving his "Auto Union typ A" ?

(a unique front wheeler from the 30's (mountain champion) of which i guess it's the first car with a spoiler to keep those rear wheels on the ground, great stuff)


best of all, i'm about to fit the cars i use to the max of 8 cars running together in old NFSHS,

no more: "EAX error" nomatter driver and co-pilot.



(check it out, i'm not the "pro", but this is great even when it's from '89, color besides color without strange "rgb borders", opacity setting for the colors which get used by the pattern, no "rubber look", means always full opacity like it would be a rubber layer)

finally that means, it's possible to use a simple design e.g. my "firedragon", to use as a pattern, well maybe even a naked body... oh, sorry :slow:

in other words i can spare out (almost? - no! check the drivers eyes) a single pixel with the pattern and it's visible!



the original models use cheats everywhere, that's where i have my behave from, cutouts everywhere, cheated, but who cares?

what counts is the impression & not 20K of tri's which will break the neck of the old gameengine.


a senseful naming convention?


let's objects get animated without much effort by the modeler.



now, "why have you done this and why post it here?"


done it because my favoritre SCGT didn't runs proper anymore (to sad), somehow the fast quadcore let's the bumpers feedback the vibration of the motor which ends in cars jumping up and down even when you stand still.


posted it here because i guess i have still some friends here?



ahh... well some fitting music,



Topic starter Posted : April 18, 2014 16:35
Reputable Member

i prefer this sort of cars ... and the pilots are very nicely modeled ^^



From the last album (2012) La Futura

Posted : April 18, 2014 21:29
Prominent Member

Mmmm... You will be famous with your ships; not with your cars. :devil: 


Posted : April 19, 2014 06:49
Noble Member

Was that PS66 I saw sneaking in? I was just listening to an old friend of mine playing All Along the Watchtower.

Posted : April 19, 2014 12:13
Noble Member

he, he, ZZ Top and Hot Rods, it suits.


erm, in general the just picked a new profession, driving a chevy is almost as good as flying the millfalc.


to the Hot Rods in the Clip.

damned yes i would like a class: "Hot Rods".

but the limits in NFSHS are to tight for such, there exist a few models for it, but you can't play them well, NFS get's troubles showing only ONE of them, it's not possible to have 5 or even eight HotRods in a race. open motors, like in the clip use up easy a 20K of tris.

in general vintage cars end up with a lot of tris, even "low modeled" like the ones i use from "Neil Bainbridge" use up easy 5000 tris, it's all this open visible stuff,

modern cars are like soap boxes compared to that.


unfortunately there is this polylimit in the game, i guess it's forced, i mean programmed, since i noticed it simply counts the total amount of triangles the cars have,

stupidly counting the lower lod's as well.

the machines today could handle far more, and it's due to that better to remove the lower lod's and keep the 5000tris for the highest detailed only, it works fine and doesn't

stutters or anything.

but "stupidly" i created for the oldtimers lower lods, until i recognized this behave, while it's hard to find a lower lod for a oldtimer, you can remove this or that, lower the wheels much, but it won't get under 1000tris.


it leaks of a lot of things, it's a old game, the driver and cabin have a own lod and drivers will be removed at lod 3 (of 4), cabins a little later.

of course many just made one object of carbody and cabin, but then you have to accept that transparency won't work proper and the lit dash (for night driving) will cutout

the dash beyond.


i recognized again that most have no idea what hirarchy does to transparency, it's even often disrespected by the developers of the tools/editors.

i know it's complicated (somehow), because as long as you have a mesh in human readable format (a model in asci text format) the hierarchy is natural, means like you read the text from top down, but any binary mesh works counterwise, binaries get read from "bottom up", nfs uses only binary meshes, the assembled model is also a binary format, thus both get read from "bottom up". if you have a model like for FFED3D, means a binary mesh like .x offers it can turns all headover, you probably export it in asci format and convert it to a binary and the shit won't work anymore. if you assemble the binary meshes with a script like model, you will have both behaves mixed, the mesh has the hierarchy from "bottom up" but the model from "top down" (besides collada is to see as a script, hierarchy is natural "from top down", just as a hint. when i checked out this format once i recognized it didn't differs much from a scripted geometry, it only offers less possibilities, so far to "obsolate", and well "signal lost" is only possible with something which is ment intentionally for web presentations, a active x element, do we really need such? is that a format suitable for a game? i don't wear gumboots if i like to compete in a run, do you?).


ah well, often that is not of interest, but if you create cars like the was made original for the game, it's important (i told you once the wheels are cutouts, fenders are even cutout by alpha channel), all this works only if you respect the hierarchy.


and the last i llike(d) to hear is (was), that this isn't "proper", sorry it's how the industry does it 😉

"what was rule 30years ago is still rule, only the speed of our gfx cards has changed"


fortunately NFSHS offers a Z-transparency, but hmm.... i recognized a strange behave with it, i wonder what was the idea to "hardcode" that a soft/hardtop always gets cutout by z-transparency, you can do what you like the top isn't to see inside the cabin.


ok, i abused the possibility to have a removable top and replaced it with a copilot, friend or whatever (if the car has no removable top), ermpf?

i thought it isn't to see? yes and i was surprised. ok let's see what happen if i remove the texture from the windows (you can else shade the windows in a given range with the texture, since the alpha channel is used up by the pattern there is only full opacity or full trnsparency left for the alpha channel). anyway i made it transparent by alpha channel

and the "hardtop" is to see. but next time i played i recognized "shit if i receive damage on the windows and use the "cracked" flag (draws a cracked window texture on the windows) they vanish again.  but by adding a alpha channel to this texture i got rid of that behave.


geometry flags are a vital thing!

have a fully transparent part but it reflects the light like it would be solid.

up to (it would be possible in NFSHS but i know only one single model which used this) "this part is a spoiler" - "if damaged remove it"

that's funny his car breaks into multiple parts if you crash, next round you prob. see your own spoiler or skirts on the trackside.

but yeah, he's right "if i have this possibility, why not using it"


i know that such ideas was spoken out here long ago...

"can't we have a damage model?

parts which prob. burn or get removed?"

well one could... (but i guess the format we choosed isn't suitable for flagged geometry, a big drawback which is still my main point of critizism, well "obsolate" maybe (the LMR) but well it offers such by will, "by the modelers will to use it either or not" and of course the developers will to offer such to the modeler)


nice to see that you didn't gave up your project !


let's see, but first i like to finish my "nfs mod", even if that's only for my personal satisfaction.

i really have no idea if there are other idiots like me who still are fascinated from a 20 year old game,

or who would like to see after so many years something nicely working, not just cars you can download.

Topic starter Posted : April 19, 2014 12:54
Noble Member

hi folks, hi walterar, hi cody and not to forget dear geraldine.


ahh... forgive me walterar, once i will return, cars are a passion of mine, vintage cars preferably.

i'm a funny guy, i don't drive a car for many reasons, but i feel i'm born as a race driver, believe me.

nothing is as cool as to hunt your opponents.


on the other hand when i played NFS now, i haven't for quite a while, it's really obsolate, it wouldn't run in a 64bit environment on win7, usually, which prevented me from playing it,

but accidentially or coincidentially i found the reason why it doesn't runs. which would be on the other hand worth to request some help, someone could assemble a proper d3d library for it, it's part of the direct x developing environment (name is slightly different). it's used by many games but usually fitted specifically to the longings of the game. i don't know what sort of demon rides me sometimes when i try to test things of which i think myself "nah, that won't work" and are not little surprised if i found the right solution (but has method sometimes "do exactly that of what you think it won't work - the result is either negative or positive and already such can help, even when it fails"). in this case i was abusing the libs of NFS3, which neither runs, even worse, NFSHS has worked with the software drivers, but NFS3 you can't install, DOS installers won't work anymore. what has given me the idea i don't know, "but look at that, it works, with flaws but it works" - then i examined this dll found out that it's a common one and tried to check if any other from a different game would work as well (the name might change, but the ordinal name has to be kept always in the file), no they don't, but didn't i have this "update" one offered once a d3da.dll for NFS with slightly better gfx? (i guess he simply took it from the following release) let's see... and it worked out well).



now something more space related


i was snooping the web when you missed me here, had big interset in extraterrestrial life, of which for those who know me i'm a slasher, also you might know my position i have to religions (any ISM).


but it seemes someone slightly changed my way of looking at this problem of E.T.


Mr. Mitchell, Edgar Mitchell seemed to have a huge flash (or trip?) when he returned to the earthly orbit.

He's convinced they are amongst us...

usually i would say, how did one described it? "a THC dream" (i answered him that you don't have to smoke marihuana to believe in bullshit).


anyway his interpretation has me let review my pov.

am i right if i say the possibility is so low?

didn't i have to say:

"on a endless timestream, if something is in the range of possibilities it will happen, i only don't know when it will happen"


truely i have to say, "ok it's in the range of possibilities might it be low as ever, but there is a possibility and there is also a possibility that they are already amongst us".

taking point one to account, then it will or has already happened, this would be in fact a chance of 1:1, bet red or black but either one is always true.

as i'm a graphical thinking human i immediatly imagined a fitting graphic for this, and was surprised that the symbols i would use to describe what is to see on this graphic fit exactly to some very ancient ones, a tree and a snake-shell (a not closed circle or spiral). the tree stands for our evolving knowledge, things useually get "developed", one has started something and all following is build on that, this is common it stood always for this e.g. "the tree of knowledge" (of which "forbidden" fruits we tasted, thus it's to late to return). the spiral i took to describe that everything is in general a repetition of things which already has happened, but this would be a circle, but a circle didn't allows no

forthcoming, no evolution. there must be a gap in the circle.

to see would be a bottom line, which is the range of possibilities, seen as ranging from false to true, the companion vertical line is the endless timestream on which we are, even when we are not endless. on the resulting small gap between false and true lies all what is possible, this is to see as the tree, because certain things we developed but base for the development is usually a coincidence. a more nebulous tree with no sharp borders (i know of what or who you think now, well i thought about that as well).


now can we use this abstract thing for something practical?

i say yes, as far as i know we have no idea how interstellar flight should ever work for us humans, usually we would target our elite on such a problem.

but my thinking is, if i like to reach this, if i like to force it, then i have to use my "method" i described, "do of what you think what couldn't be true".

a negative result will be as good as a positive.

to force it i would say, ask anybody what he thinks how it can work, since we have truely no idea yet.

it's like playing lotto, but maybe one hits, someone HAS to hit, sooner or later, if it's in the range of possibilities.

i thought a little further and came to the conclusion that this must be known already to our ancestors.

besides a little dangerous knowledge, because you can't force to reach something which is certainly impossible.

i mean you can send a million ppl down a cliff, not a single one will be able to fly, but i imagined that at least one was certainly stupid enough to test this out.


check out his "fanpage", he's a interesting character, as well as mr. armstrong.



i came to this, due to a discussion, or a rap of mine to some stupid "moon hoax" clips (in german), made me some friends (good finding - the poster of the controls of the LEM and why the LEM has no shielding, damned can one be so stupid to take such as a evidence? i was fascinated of the controls and could already imagine how this guy has managed it to land it manually (armstrong) on the other hand i asked myself what i would have done, maybe it's was no system failure, maybe he bypassed it because it was his will to land it manually, at least i would have done it, in the meaning of "i'm a pilot and no ape". we will never know he took this into the grave 🙂

and of course also some foes "your'a a lunatic")

and no/yes a LEM needs no windows to be flight manually, you fly mainly by data and you have this cool thing which is a camara coupled to a gyroscope, no window can give you this sight in space (where up is like down), it's aligned always to movement.




"now for something complete different"


i bought me some new headphones, until i weared a pair of in-ear i found once on the street (i-phone, still packed in the plastic bag).

they was suitable because i use to wear a hat.

but they broke a few weeks ago and i had to buy me some new ones, wen't to the shop and picked one which specs and price was satisfying.


put them on and since then you see me dancing everywhere, i can't hold myself back, sound is so damned good, usually i dislike headphones and especially the in-ear ones i can't wear to long or i get a headake or what we say in german "ramdösig".

(that wasn't always so, when i was young i only had in-ear ones, the most advanced i found back then, i guess i damaged at least partwisely my hearing with them,

dual channel, in-ear with a bass channel they shake the brain out of the shell).


but the new ones are simply great, at least if you listen to the music i'm listen to, phils bass is jumping around in space and i do as well...

the sound is extremely brillant and fat to.


it must be really funny to see me now, steady wearing my "stupid smile", because it's such a funny funny band.


queer, but in it's intetional meaning queer, just like "the funny jas band from dixieland".


just because i said once listening on the macbook isn't good, resp. using headphones isn't a real solution, now it is!


now i can listen to the posted clips with real pleasure.

Topic starter Posted : April 19, 2014 15:00
Noble Member

bored? need some entertainment?


i have a "suchbild" for you...


"find the LEM"



besides since i know where it is i can't miss it.


as a hint it's to recognize by it's shade only, this shade is so different that it must be someting artificial, something human created.




walterar, please that's cool no? even when it's no spaceship.

(you know each captain has it's faible, one is growing wine, me is loving vintage cars).









besides i doon't know if "Neil" (the creator of the model) was a bit lousy (he knows it and finds his hand painted textures funny himself)

or if it isn't exactly the same car, the one one the photo is named "Aston Martin International"

while his model is named "Aston Martin Le Mans Competition", but year is the same, 1932.


i forgot to carry some screenshots to the macbook, but thought i can run it under "wine", but actually it didn't runs yet, i will see.

thus the pictures are from "fce finish" which i use mainly to set smoothing groups and colorsets.

colorsets and pattern (you know it) are used to set colors, means this pair of drivers is in a different colorset black skinned.

it didn't shows the model well, the OpenGL output of the editor leaks a bit and has no shader effects.


when i saw the pic (it's from a car lexica) i knew i HAD to place them in the car.

they look so cute, don't they?

(besides, you know him, he occasionally appears in pioneer)


believe it or not, her headscarf was the hardest part to create, still it looks funny and i'm not really satisfied with it.


since i abuse things to my pleasure, this car is "upgradeable" (like many), but not really it's just a change of design, thus v2 she drives,

for v1 & v2 i used a scottish flag (you can't see, it's on the right side) for v3 & v4 i left neils "union jack". v3 & 4 have also different drivers (grandpa with the sideburns).



ahh.. wait another riddle and even somehow space(sim)gaming related


guess where i stole this head from:








this was the last car here.


but spaceships, hmm i don't know should i really?

you have to know i am easy scared, if only one is disliking me i'm easy able to leave the whole bunch.

if i receive ONE single no i never tuch such a thing again, that's also why i still haven't a girfriend after my divorce.

i feel i'm unwanted by women, thus i never will ask again.


i know i shouldn't be so, but i am.

i distrust ppl easy.


i guess, to many have offered me a helping hand when i was in trouble as a child, just to draw it back and say: "you idiot"

while i never was so sure who's the idiot.


the naive one (like me)

or the sneaky one.


to me it's no sign of intelligence to be sneaky.

Topic starter Posted : April 19, 2014 17:09
Noble Member


Topic starter Posted : April 20, 2014 12:49
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