To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
i'm aware most understand a nothing of what is sung here: short: "what would be different if it would be different?" (looking at the starry night) something you might understand better (but it's neither english):
Gernot! There you are! :girlcrazy: Glad to see you back and still making models too! Cars or ships, it matters not as long as your still building them and you get fun out of it too. :girlwink: At present I am flying the Imperial Hunter in Genesia, really like this ship, a bit like a "pocket" Imperial Courier. So thanks once again Gernot! Your ships are wonderful. :curtsey:
Now for some musica, I think Cody may well like this, perhaps you might also :girlwink:
Okay, okay, If you would like make a car, make a car, but, which fly! :pilot:
Smile, you're with friends. :punish:
Now for some musica, I think Cody may well like this, perhaps you might also :girlwink:
Damn right! I saw Peter Rowan perform live several times, way back when. He played my local pub on occasion (and thereby hangs a tale).
<sighs wistfully - slaps Land of the Navajo into the hi-fi>
after this quite sour something sweet:
In another style :
Long live to roooock ^^
yes, i guess the boys in the billardclub will like it, for sure.
"goddam the pusherman"...
hmm... should i really buy me a peacemaker and blow his ass off?
besides, vuzz, how to you know that i'm in trouble with our local "pusher"?
not only because he's pushing hard drugs, especially cocaine and amphetamines,
he's also a tyrant and suppresses everybody (erm, most, because i don't let myself get suppressed, i might be only a skinny one, but no, not me!) with his violence.
one thing i wonder, what to hell does little girls see in such a guy?
why do they have always to stick on their glue?
i know, a huge blonde packed with muscles... stupid behave of the girls as well imho.
in what situation do they find themselfes later on?
he leaves for the next doll and she's addicted to that shit, one, next one, and so on...
i hate weapons,
but i hate this much more.
"and now for something complete different:"
it has a heavy attitude, but it's less loud, personally i can't decide which one i like better, i like both versions of this tune:
a few years before now (a decade or so) i wouldn't have liked something like the "texas hippie convention" neither i would have liked "nine inch nails".
i guess i simply wasn't able to understand this kind of music, which blocked me then from understanding the lyrics behind.
i felt it was either to loud or to self destructive, still i know most will find a "johnny cash" more pleasing for the ear and prob. it's true, prob. you can reach more ppl in the way JC sounds.
the revisited "Hullcutter" is on his way, it will need a few days to complete it and to fix it up for "Genesia"
again, to cash's version of the tune, it reminds me unwillingly of "PigPens Requiem" (i can't remember the proper title right now, if it had one anyway, most stuff which i downloaded from this source wasn't entitled just numbered, the site was "Grateful Dead Music", i didn't hink it's still up, anyway to get to those special things you had to open the site with a FTP browser, he even didn't left a hint that there was more to find, if i wouldn't have been so curious...), i have this along with some '66 demo tapes from him, i will see if i can upload it if i don't forget to carry it to the macbook.
for the deadheads here i have something special already (but must upload it first), i snippet of "Brent Mydland" playing solo, date and venue unknown to me, it's from the same source. it's a AUD tape, the quality isn't good, it's a little out of tune and washed out, but therefore the feeling is great.
i remember that the uploader didn't liked to spread all this widely, but i feel it has been flowing enough water down the drain to do it anyway and upload all this on YT.
Pigpen's Requiem? Hmm... are you thinking of The Stranger (Two Souls in Communion) perhaps?
looks like, or almost.
it's on YT already i noticed now, but it's different, the tune seems to be the same, but the lyrics differ a bit i guess,
besides what i own is played on piano solo and not a "polished up" track, neither it's a live performance of the dead.
complete different lyrics, i'm listening to "the stranger" right now...
instead of "two souls in communion" it goes more like "i could have been... but it wouldn't change a thang".
see, i even don't remember the title, i really guess it had no title, just numbered track1, track2 and so on.
same as for PERRO sessions, no titles
or "wake of the flood" outtakes, no titles
no info at all to any of the material i downloaded from this site via FTP.
thus i had to imagine the titles myself if i didn't knew the track already.
don't say a word "he had to imagine it himself and forgot it" ok, that's my rinse of a memory, "cricket brain" my best friend used to call me, lol.
it has diff. lyrics and a diff. temper, never ment to be heard by audience, "just another demo tape".
Currently playing in Chez Cody - Tuareg rebel rock.
Ha! It worked!
of course, i always wondered...
i guess it's such easy, because the link gets parsed automatically, that one can miss it.
i always thought, "ok, probably he didn't likes to".
you're mean cody 🙁
you know i was married to a little berber girl...
such brings tears in my eyes (tears of joy as well).
such brings tears in my eyes (tears of joy as well).
Aye, such is the power of music!
i had a fabulous friday night... :russian: (he, he, i like the "uschanka" i own one to)
ok, actually it's to hot!
have been out to see her:
unfortunately the mix wasn't good and it sounded to muddy.
it's a verywell playing band, good horns, great voice no doubt, funky guitar, "spirit of 66" i've read on the equipment, it suits.
this lady:
great acoustic band, the drummer already was worth to check out (different one to this show? i guess).
her voice lets you shiver.
this guy:
straight blues, nothing less, cool backing up from italy
and finally this rude boy:
he still jumps around like a young deer, fascinating (some "little helper"? never mind)
great gig, a lot of ppl, a lot of toads as well (one said he belongs to the grave, facing away from the stage, provokating, insulting, i couldn't hold back my loose mouth and told them to leave some space for those who really like to see him, who are kindhearted and didn't spoil the show).
but nature (or who ever) washed the dirt off with a short but heavy shower
and it turned out to be a great party with true warriors only.
ts, broad necks, many muscles, (no guts) but when it starts to rain one could believe they are made from sugar.
life has been good to me, for once 😉
it would have been continued today with mr. satriani, but you can't have everything.
further it would have been today the only act which i really liked to see.
not joe satriani?
🙂 fine!
well ok, jimmy page (page is brillant but what would it mean to me without plant, bonham and jones?) i would really like to see.
a legend?
certainly he is one.
legendary also, the cheap "danelectro" (it's what you hear in the clip you posted).
unfortunately i missed all opportunities to see plant&page together.
i haven't so much "guilders" to travel half around the world for a concert (or not anymore), thus i take the chance if one is close to my home.
at "Montreux" i never was, it's first expensive for me to get there, tickets are expensive as well, i could almost say i dislike "Montreux Jazz".
just because to me it seems to be a party for the wealthy, not for "proletarians" like me, i said "seems", that might be unfair.
for the same reason i never went to a AVO session (now, baloise session), i can't imagine that some good feeling will be transferred if the audience sits on tables, eats and drinks, while the musicians have to act like "minstrels" on the stage (i guess if i would be a musician i wouldn't like to do such. or prob. snip my booger in the aud. just like sid did. ok that's totally respectless, but isn't it respectless as well to be unattentive while the girls&boys give their best?).
i remember also the very first comment of my "berber girl" when we went to "paleo" in nyon,
"why does everybody stand/sits around, saucage in one, beer in the other hand, are they bored of the music?".
i'm not sure how satriani sounds 2014, but back in the 90's it was a little to less band and to much a single guitarist for me.
"everybody" was calling him "guitar god", but when i listened to his early records the band sounded so replacable, almost unimportant,
such i dislike else you can take a drum machine and play the guitar to it.
but of course i respect someone like V4VLuLz, he's young, plays the "oud" well, has no band, but offers his music for free.
in such a case i didn't dislike the drum machine.
but a band is always something different, because to have a good one each member must be able to listen and to subordinate.
hence a good band can exist right next door to you and is rather unknown, but what counts to me really is this harmony, the togetherness.
from the ones i've seen on friday i guess i like "stina & her soul replacements" and "yvonne moore" best.
the "soul replacements" are a real good band, no doubt.
yvonne moore changes style and members often i guess, but the actual acoustic band i've seen is.... something you have to see on stage, no clip can transfer this feeling.
this can work as well (changing members) poppa chubby, as LOUD as he is (tops the PA only with his voice), is able to listen, unfortunately i missed to see him last year performing together with nigel kennedy, not everybody likes nigel neither that all who like nigel understood the jam to well, but my mother was thrilled (therefore i've heard to a rather unknown soul lady, it was a good party, she invited ppl from the audience to play on stage), i've seen him later with his own band (for the third time), i guess you would liked him too, he's playing page as well as hendrix or leadbelly and is able to mix all in a stew. a real rocker in my opinion and a kindhearted fellow, even if he looks like someone you won't like to meet after 0:00 in the park 😉
i can link as much clips as i like but a good concert is something you can't catch on a vid, you have to "smell & taste" it.
it's something i can live from the rest of the year (even far longer).
hence, support your local rockband, they need audience!
if it's a good band (which doesn't means that they have to be brillant musicians) the audience can lift the band to a different level and it turns to something which is out of this world.
spirit doesn't asks for class, spirit only asks for spirit.
let's nail it down:
i had a fabulous friday night...
Crazy music? Not tonight, amigo - have something soothing instead.
That was nice Cody :queen: . Still adding to my Pioneer sound bank here is two more for the pot, starport music courtesy of the Deus Ex total conversion the Nameless Mod
And now (since it is summer in Sunny Scotland), somethings from the 60s
the beauty of simplicity, great stuff.
something which works well with a space game, but it's not artificial.
i guess i have some folkish guitar stuff on vinyl, we will see, "Martin C. Herberg" plays acoustic guitar but sometimes you could swear it's a synthesizer.
i would have some infamous synthesizer music as well, a guy from eastern germany, a good old "Amiga" record (has no affiliation to commodore, "Amiga" was the national (only? i guess) record label in the german democratic republic) it's at least a piece of historical interest.
nameless mod, mod means mod as mod of for "mod db" or (as it sounds to me) is that sorta soundtracker? (a module)
i havent examined all the info, but it looks like the filesize is enormous, but a module would be very very small.
however "nameless mod", cool. (nearly as cool as this here: ) of course it sounds better & deeper, '95 isn't 2014.
wouldn't have to listen to your later posts (but will, because my new headphones are so cool), when i read the titles i had the tunes in my ears, built in radio isn't to bad.
interesting, reminds me of what i wrote above (synthesizer stuff from gdr), a bit noisy, overdubbed i assume, a single artist?
hmm... this is acoustic i assume even when it's sounds like there is a synthesizer, at least i wouldn't be surprised.
and if there is a synthesizer then it's a Moog or something self soldered analogue, certainly no digital stuff.
a "synthesizer" in the meaning of the word, it's still something special.
it's 4am and i'm in risk to jump around... (summer in the city)
"sunny afternoon" distorted voice, i imagine right now how this would sound with BASS, distorted voice until you nearly couldn't understand the words (feed into a moog)
oh yeah and a piano with tacks on the hammers (i feel sorry for the piano, it will hurt it). a freakin' guitar part in the middle? some flanger ah even better this special analogue equip. they had in the sixties, hendrix used one (it's familiar to me from "more experience" this man has collected all the original equip.) also the 13th floor elevators, it let's your head spinning (if used on stage at least).
charlatans, oh yes... wait.
yep let's do the timewarp one more time (ok diff. tune).
why not some psychedelic stuff from the elevators?
a cover, i know, great version great clip, imho.
i guess that's enough, or else we lose our minds and might suicide 🙂
some might guess now where is the relation between the lyrics and the clip?
i'm pretty sure this material is at it is, i mean original, watch how well the pictures are cut, it fits exactly to the music.
if this is edited by a youtuber, then respect, it's cut professional.
dammit, i had something similar in mind not to long ago, i liked to make a clip to "Jefferson Airplane - This Is My Life".
pictures would be recent clips of war & terrorism, i know a lot will misunderstand such, but there was a reason why "Guido" (founder of the "DeadEnd?") said once to me "Your'e a true Prankster". i'am, i'am, where Gernot (Potsmoke66) goes there is Party.
"Hands me this Harmonica" (and i will blow the shit out of you). Party of course, but well that was different days, long parties,
hanging out in the bandroom, listening to the dead (on a old tape recorder), watching weird psychedelic art who someone brought around from i don't know (a monastery in Nepal, as example), talking, laughing, finding out where is the sense of it, yep you can resurrect '66 whenever you like, it's just a question of will, hence because of this sentence "you can resurrect '66 whenever you like" guido said: "your'e a true Prankster". it doesn't matters '66, '93 or 2014. but you have to do it, make it yourself, not only consume it. it was intoxicating, infectious, ppl brought selfmade decorations into the bandroom and it was going on and on, until, ah shit whatever happened, the band split up, because i told that once it was getting to big for a hobby project. the dudes had jobs and they liked to keep their jobs as teachers, PA developers, record sellers, "son of" or whatever.
but it could have become a real big thing, i told them a year before they split that they will have to make a decision, Band or a life as a bourgoise, well wrong decision imho. i would have left everything behind me, i had no family yet, but some of the bandmembers, women are smart, but sometimes a little to smart, a little to fixed on security. ok, i said (shit i thought).
nameless mod, mod means mod as mod of for "mod db" or (as it sounds to me) is that sorta soundtracker? (a module)
i havent examined all the info, but it looks like the filesize is enormous, but a module would be very very small.
however "nameless mod", cool. (nearly as cool as this here: ) of course it sounds better & deeper, '95 isn't 2014.
wouldn't have to listen to your later posts (but will, because my new headphones are so cool), when i read the titles i had the tunes in my ears, built in radio isn't to bad.
Yes The Nameless "Mod" is a modification for the game Deus Ex. It took its volunteer dev team 7 years to finish it. Has a full sound track and voice acting. If you liked Deus Ex you ought to give it a try. Some cool tracks in that archive you linked to Gernot! :girlcrazy:
I never got around to playing TNM, it's allegedly very meta nature has always thrown me off.
TNM? "the next menace"? i have no idea... sorry.
yep, "johan alpmar" builded some extraterrestrial sounds i think, i thought i linked that once aleady?
it's besides of "mosez"'s raves something of the most ambitious from this scene i think.
but mosez's tracks are often very fast.
hmm... i guess "someone" noticed this links, i'm not sure but we have a track in the Pioneer release which comes very close to one of "mosez"'s ones.
besides, in the meantime i collected some tracks myself, not to much since i'm a bit choosy for what kind of music i like in Pioneer, actually it's all classical music
and when you start the game you get greeted by "Also, sprach Zaratustra" (track 1, "Einleitung", what else).
the MOD (modules/musicplayer) itself i presented once with my "FFE MOD", it supports (besides another one) a new folder "intro", in which you can put some music which will be played only at start of the game. a theme if you like.
the other folder is "adverts" to play randomly and interrupting the music (like it should be) with adverts i ripped from "Simcopter" (or whatever one likes to put in).
means, prob. after 30 sec. of "Mars" will bark some idiot: "aqua-compo is the best water - why? it's imported!".
sad is only i can't use the system clock anymore, because if you engage the stardreamer the adverts get called up so often and fast it's often even not time enough left to let one finish before the next advert starts.
ok, some might get bored by listening repitevely to the same adverts, but i can't get enough of,
"if you sit alot you need toushi-coushi, it's made of space-age polymeres, machine washable and dries in minutes".
"invisible dirt can interfere with vision just like visible dirt - and how do you know it's gone if it's invisible? that's why you need (product name). it gets rid of the stuff that might not even be there"
"this is a public service announcement - when flying pay no attention to public sevice announcements"
"this is a test of the emergency broadcast system, if you hear the sound of my voice you are caused to pruduce as much loot, panic and destruction as possible - remember this is only a test"
in the folder "docked", i put the ripped cheesy "greetings commander" from FFE ("...i thought you never will return commander").
personally i would really like it if some folks would record some funny adverts or greetings, instead that i have to ripp them from another game.
ok, let's link "mosez"s music as well, my account on needs definatly more visitors 😉
btw, when i returned to search for my uploaded music i entered "amiga mods" in the prompter and received a vast amount of hits in return.
but i guess many isn't of much interest, likewise most i have from this times is rubbish (a sampled danish lesson as example, no idea who would like to listen to that).
here we go "Planet E - Mosez"
i'm up to "oggify" more mods, respectively i only have to upload them now., it's even only a selection of what i have on my disk, but since the mods itself are rather small i will upload them as "full content" (likewise for mosez's and johan's tracks), in this way each can pick out of it what he likes (might be someone likes "danish lessons").
of course one needs a module player to convert them to .wav, .mp3 or finally to .ogg.
anyway if one really likes to listen to those modules, to listen on a player like "modplugin" will be far better as any conversion, i feel modules must be played by the machine.
Its funny you mentioning Planet E - Mosez Gernot, I was toying with the idea of adding Jesus On Es to the Pioneer sound bank for a laugh, but thought no. :girlcrazy: Cant believe that old Amiga demo is over 20 years old now.
Anyways a more serious contender, folks I give you Vangelis: Alpha