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To all SSC Station occupants

Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.

Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.


[Sticky] !! Pioneer Question Time !! - Ask them here

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Prominent Member

Would be nice if the author of the code of a function, explain what it is for practical examples of the game.

Otherwise the game is fun only for who writes (or understand) code. Very few people.

I am reviewing C to play. 😉

Posted : April 7, 2012 06:39
Noble Member
walterar wrote:
Would be nice if the author of the code of a function, explain what it is for practical examples of the game.

Otherwise the game is fun only for who writes (or understand) code. Very few people.

I am reviewing C to play. 😉

I'm sorry I don't understand. You are reviewing functions to understand how to play the game? ❓

Posted : April 7, 2012 07:27
Trusted Member

I'll try and do some work on the manual myself, I have the Frontier manual to help with layout and ideas. I thought I read somewhere on the forum that someone else was working on it, so will have to check.

At the moment I'm learning how to use git, I installed it last night and downloaded a copy of the repository. I've added my copy of the shortcut icon to the copy of the repo on my pc. Now I will work on how to fork it and push it and pull it, might take me some time but I'll get there 😆

The icon is only a small contribution, but once I'm successful I can work on other stuff like the manual perhaps.

I think Thargoid may be doing some work on the manual

Posted : April 7, 2012 07:41
New Member

Is there any easier way to catch cargo pods than to thrust at them and hope you actually hit them?

I've been trying to mind on an asteroid, and everything works fine. I have my cargo scoop attached, my mining laser works but when I try to get my hard earned minerals they fly past never to be seen again. I've checked my cargo bay, and it doesn't show any gain. Help?

Posted : April 9, 2012 07:26
Trusted Member

First the basics of cargo scooping:

Your ship must have a cargo scoop fitted; there are currently only four ships that can: Adder, Eagle Mk-IV Bomber, Constrictor and Sidewinder.

The item to be scooped must collide with the scoop surface. So, you'll have to look at the ship to see where that is.

The one thing that I find indispensable is target-relative set-speed mode, which is a feature that may not be well known. Holding CTRL while targeting something will change your reported and set speed to be relative that body. So, CTRL+left click what you want to scoop, make sure you're in set-speed mode with low positive speed, and use external view to get lined up so that it hits the cargo scoop.

Maybe at some point somebody will add a tractor scoop to the game that will make a bit less tedious.

Posted : April 9, 2012 12:22
Honorable Member

SUggest a feature request be made for a tractor scoop-beam

Posted : April 9, 2012 15:26
Trusted Member

Already been done, #194.

Posted : April 9, 2012 17:06
Honorable Member

Seperate thread made for each planets to have a % in the data as far as atomospheric and maybe materials breakdown ( could link in with expanded list of trade goods and missions with trade goods)

Posted : April 10, 2012 02:10
New Member

Then another question: Where's the cargo scoop on the constrictor? I have it fitted from the shipyard, but I can't figure out which part of my ship the cargo needs to hit.

Posted : April 10, 2012 09:00
Honorable Member

does the constructor need a slight retweak redesign ?

Posted : April 10, 2012 13:06
Trusted Member

Outlined in red, note that the scoop does not show on the ship info view (F3).

Posted : April 10, 2012 13:31
New Member

Bleh, I have the cargo scoop attached but it isn't showing on the underside of my ship. Is there a button I need to press to make it work?

Also, it does show up on the ship info screen.

Posted : April 11, 2012 01:09
Trusted Member

Just to clarify, I meant that the scoop won't show on the spinning ship on the right side of the ship info view. It will be listed, as text, in your ship equipment.

If it is listed but you can't see the scoop in the external camera, then please submit a bug report on GitHub.

Posted : April 11, 2012 02:06
Noble Member
Skodyn wrote:
I'm constantly getting denied permission to dock at stations due to npc ships being docked there. After waiting for many hours I'm still denied permission to dock as the ships are still not moving, this is getting very frustrating when trying complete delivery missions on time.

Problem has been discovered and a fix is available on master and in the latest nightly. The problem occurs after a game is loaded. There was a bug in the code that restored the "ship needs to leave at X" timers, so they never undocked.

Posted : April 18, 2012 20:05
Trusted Member

Thanks for that robn, strangely I've not had a problem for some time, nice to know there's a fix 😎

Posted : April 19, 2012 01:26
New Member

Doesn't the bug affect the latest stable, and is it critical? It might be worth putting out another stable build with the fix integrated.

Posted : April 20, 2012 05:04
Prominent Member
Dessimat0r wrote:
Doesn't the bug affect the latest stable, and is it critical? It might be worth putting out another stable build with the fix integrated.

Believe me, the nightly builds are stable. Master is always stable, notwithstanding human failings.

Posted : April 20, 2012 06:06
Noble Member
Dessimat0r wrote:
Doesn't the bug affect the latest stable, and is it critical? It might be worth putting out another stable build with the fix integrated.

Its not critical, just inconvenient. And as Brianetta notes, the nightlies are available and are generally stable.

The alpha releases are really just "blessed" snapshots that we've given a tiny bit more testing. They're also good to give people a way to talk about the game and report problems against a known target. We're still in heavy development, so we make no guarantees about anything working at this stage 🙂

Posted : April 20, 2012 12:29
Trusted Member

I'd like to have a go at some mining, anyone have any tips... like where's the best place to mine? how close does the ship have to be?

Posted : April 25, 2012 11:46
Trusted Member
    [*:wx6id1uv]You need a ship with a cargo scoop. Currently the only ships that can fit one are: Adder, Eagle Mk-IV Bomber, Constrictor and Sidewinder

    [*:wx6id1uv]That ship also needs a mining "laser", which has a range of 8km, though you'll want to be much closer than that to make catching and scooping easier.

    [*:wx6id1uv]This only works on bodies that are classified as asteroids in the game. Phobos, Deimos, Proteus and Nereid are the asteroids in Sol, but none are worth mining. Phobos and Deimos have starports which means firing any "weapon" is a crime and the other two don't produce anything worth mining.

    [*:wx6id1uv]What is produced when mining an asteroid is determined by it's metallicity. No body in a system can have a higher metallicity than the primary star and it may have lower.

    [*:wx6id1uv]M class stars of any size have the highest metallicity. Those asteroids orbitting Wolf 424 A d (in sector -1,1,0) look promising.

    [*:wx6id1uv]I describe the mechanics of scooping earlier in this thread.

Edit: There appears to be an issue with the collision mesh not matching what is displayed. Looking into it.

Edit: Also, systems with more than one star are bugged and all their bodies will always have a metallicity of 0. (In other words, you'll currently only ever get water and rubbish in those systems.)

Posted : April 25, 2012 12:45
Trusted Member

Thanks for the tips Ziusudra, I'm glad you mentioned not to mine Phobos because of the port, it was first choice to go mining 😆

Posted : April 26, 2012 11:26
Trusted Member
Ziusudra wrote:
Also, systems with more than one star are bugged and all their bodies will always have a metallicity of 0. (In other words, you'll currently only ever get water and rubbish in those systems.)

The latest nightly includes a fix for this. It also includes a fix for mined cargo bodies going inside the asteroid. (Among other things.)

We are discussing changing the mechanics of scooping.

Posted : May 1, 2012 16:14
Trusted Member

Thanks for the fix Ziusudra, I experienced the mined cargo body going inside the asteroid, my ship went inside a short distance before exploding. I will download the latest nightly and try it out.

Posted : May 3, 2012 12:16
Active Member


"Hypercloud Analyzer" is working? I don't see any differents if I use this or not.

Posted : May 4, 2012 00:42
Noble Member

If you have a hyperspace cloud analyzer fitted you will see extra information when you target a hyperspace arrival or departure cloud:


For departure (red) clouds you'll also have an extra option on your comms menu (F4) to set your hyperspace target to wherever the ship was headed. This is how you follow a ship to another system, presumably to kill it 🙂

Posted : May 4, 2012 01:30
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