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To all SSC Station occupants

Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.

Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.


[Sticky] !! Pioneer Question Time !! - Ask them here

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Noble Member
SimonR wrote:
You mentioned the galaxy being static in the sky and that would reduce some believability, if the galaxy was a seperate 'strip' across the sky, it could be scaled or moved in the sky as needed to correctly represent a distance from the galactic core. Perhaps, if other more subtle sky elements were used they could be scaled inversely to become larger as the galaxy nearest becomes smaller. The galaxy strip and any other elements could be rendered in front of the background 'skybox'.

Good ideas but the problem is that rendering the galactic strip is more complicated than sticking it over the background because you're effectively moving around inside the thing that is the strip.

If you wanted too you could head upwards and out of the band itself so you'd be looking down on the galaxy, or out to the rim where the strip would only be in one direction. Or head inwards towards the black hole at the centre where you'd be surrounded by the strip but also my the mass of stars that comprise the central bulge and you wouldn't be able to make out the strip at all.

You can do all of that now, it's how to represent it that is tricker.

Posted : May 12, 2012 01:39
Famed Member
robn wrote:
Yeah, I have too many places to keep to up to date and not enough time.

Totally understand Robn, I don't know how you manage to put out those nightlys as well as all the other things you do!

robn wrote:
Would you like to take over the ModDB page?

I would love to Robn, but I wouldn't know where to start. 😕 If someone is willing to show me I would be happy to. 🙂 You know already that I always push Pioneer where ever I happen to be on the net, but updating a web page................. 😯 To be honest I have never done anything like this before, but if it helps the project and someone could help me do it, then yes 🙂

Someone PM me if you can help!

Posted : May 12, 2012 07:04
Trusted Member

Hello all, so glad you guys are here to help. I'm running Pioneer 17 but I would like to upgrade however, if I install the latest version I am unable to load my previous game files. Can anyone help or advise?

Kind regards,


Posted : May 14, 2012 01:07
Prominent Member
mhollow2 wrote:
Hello all, so glad you guys are here to help. I'm running Pioneer 17 but I would like to upgrade however, if I install the latest version I am unable to load my previous game files. Can anyone help or advise?

We do not attempt to maintain saved game compatibility between alpha builds. I'm sorry to say, this leaves you with a stark choice: Continue with alpha 17, or start a new game with a more recent version.

The unfortunate fact is that the game is changing too rapidly to keep the saved game format up to date.

Posted : May 14, 2012 01:25
Famed Member

Hi mhollow

Welcome to the SSC 🙂

There is the money cheat that you can use to equip yourself back up to the ship and specs you had in your save, ctrl m if that is any use to you?

Posted : May 14, 2012 02:12
Prominent Member

Mhollow2, believe me, it's fun to start over with the experience gained. Pioneer has greatly improved from version to version. Worth it.

If you are concerned about keeping his ship and the money earned, that's easy to fix.

Posted : May 14, 2012 02:16
Eminent Member

Hi everyone,

I'm so impressed and addicted to pioneer it's absolutely great. Arse kissing aside, I've been so addicted to pioneer I've been playing around. I have no code skills whatsoever but i can do a bit of the old photoshop and love playing around with things i have no clue about. (This game has actually made me want to learn code!) Here are some icons and ads for fun, I'm sure not to everyones taste but they're mostly just pinched from google... have a look.

I've also been playing with the cockpit making toggle switches and such. Will put some up and see if anyone likes them, though I have been struggling to make things fit as i'm a codephobe!


Posted : May 23, 2012 14:01
Famed Member

Hi Spazeman

Welcome to the SSC! 🙂 Certainly I will have a look at your Pioneer icons and glad your enjoying the game, it is rather cool is it not? 😎

Posted : May 24, 2012 00:03
Eminent Member

Having just downloaded Alpha 22, got a question. Can I run it in fullscreen mode or maximise the window (the maximise window gadget is greyed out)? My laptop PC is a full-HD model, so the Pioneer window is quite small.

Posted : May 24, 2012 04:33
Famed Member

If you start a new game, press the pause key twice on the star dreamer, that will take you to the options screen were there is a toggle button for full screen mode. There is also a config file in "My Documents/Pioneer" were you can set full screen mode (near bottom of page once open on notepad) by changing the 0 to 1 so that it looks like this StartFullscreen=1

Posted : May 24, 2012 04:43
Eminent Member

Thanks Geraldine, that worked (I editted the .ini file).

Posted : May 24, 2012 06:04
Active Member
Marcel wrote:
im on em .........i like the look of the flowerfairy im working on giving it specs more to my likeing with a new name lol .....just for me of course .....but yeah i will have a go at retexturing those if anyones got the texture map ...or an unwrapped version of the model (since i cant find it in game) it woild be a help but it dont matter

The Interdictor and the Flowerfairy are scripted models. They're both in /data/models/ships.lua. Look at the Ladybird Starfighter for an example of how to texture them. Texturing the Ladybird was the first thing I did for Pioneer. I haven't gotten around to texturing the rest of the default ships in that file. I'm sure you'll do a much better job. I was thinking of using the Sidewinder's hexagonal texture on the Flowerfairy. There's a kind of serenata flowers effect with the different colored hex looking a bit like the center point of the flower. That thought is as far as I got before I started messing with the stations. Have fun! 😀

I wonder - can someone do the Flowerfairy for Pioneer as a starter or is it too complicated? I am wondering because I really love flowers and I would love to start with that.

Posted : June 12, 2012 22:59
Noble Member

The only way I know how is to go to the shipyard, accelerate time until one shows up and press ctrl-m until you have enough money to buy it. It's a very simple model and needs some textures put on it at the least. The real reason I'm replying, however is because of the link to an online florist in my quote. I'm sure I didn't put that in my original reply. Do we have some spam creeping in here?

edit: I did some searching and found this.

Posted : June 13, 2012 09:57
New Member

I downloaded and installed Pioneer but I have an 'error:open GL extension ARB_vertex_buffer_object not supported.Pioneer cannot run on your graphics card'

Looks like a graphic card issue with my Radeon 4350?

Sorry if i'm asking this question on the wrong forum.


Posted : June 18, 2012 21:18
Estimable Member
okydoky wrote:
I downloaded and installed Pioneer but I have an 'error:open GL extension ARB_vertex_buffer_object not supported.Pioneer cannot run on your graphics card'

Looks like a graphic card issue with my Radeon 4350?

Sorry if i'm asking this question on the wrong forum.


Radeon HD 4350? Should work, update your drivers.

Posted : June 19, 2012 04:18
Honorable Member

Or update youre PC for the best pioneer experience, that said i think the graphical improvements are well ahead the next step now is ground or close up range procedural generated things in the game world or a shift to population of the gameworld

Posted : June 19, 2012 14:56
Estimable Member
Geraldine wrote:
robn wrote:
Yeah, I have too many places to keep to up to date and not enough time.

Totally understand Robn, I don't know how you manage to put out those nightlys as well as all the other things you do!

robn wrote:
Would you like to take over the ModDB page?

I would love to Robn, but I wouldn't know where to start. 😕 If someone is willing to show me I would be happy to. 🙂 You know already that I always push Pioneer where ever I happen to be on the net, but updating a web page................. 😯 To be honest I have never done anything like this before, but if it helps the project and someone could help me do it, then yes 🙂

Someone PM me if you can help!

Hey, just found out about Pioneer (maybe I've been asleep for too long) and have only downloaded it recently but loving it so far (saying that I have only done insystem deliveries...) I'd love to spend more time getting stuck into it and possibly help out in anyway I can. This said I can not code or compose or model but I can certainly test. I'd also be willing to help Geraldine out with looking after the ModDB page once I actually know abit more about pioneer, in the words of Jeremy Clarkson "How hard can it be". Anyhow I'll be around reading, playing, reporting back/complaining/praising etc. So if I can help out, give me a shout!

Keep up the good work 😛

Posted : June 28, 2012 05:24
Estimable Member
robn wrote:
totya wrote:
Search function... if all planets information is indexed, search time is minimal, I think.

Very true. The only problem is that we don't have all system information available to index - starsystems are generated on demand. It would take a long time and a good amount of memory/disk to generate them all up front in order to index them.

Hi new boy here. i'm working backwards through the forum so I hope this is not too old to suggest something?

How about an option in the config (or upon starting a new game) that allows you to build a starsystem database if you choose to? I am no programmer but with quad cores and HDD in the TB region and SDD available nowdays is it still too much of a problem?

or is the problem coding the ability to access such a database from within the game?

Posted : June 28, 2012 05:32
Estimable Member
robn wrote:
Documentation patches are every bit as welcome as code patches. We also started the manual a few months back but put a hold on it because its hard to track a moving target. If you fancy yourself a good writer you might like to pick it up.

I am by no means a good writer but I like to think I can explain game functions so that others can understand it? If there are no objections I'll take a look at it and see if I can help out.

Posted : June 28, 2012 06:02
Prominent Member
Metamartian wrote:
How about an option in the config (or upon starting a new game) that allows you to build a starsystem database if you choose to? I am no programmer but with quad cores and HDD in the TB region and SDD available nowdays is it still too much of a problem?

or is the problem coding the ability to access such a database from within the game?

You'd have to give serious consideration to how much of the galaxy you would want to index. There are many billions of systems in the galaxy, and right now you can find explored systems up to 1240ly away.

Still, I'm sure it's the sort of thing people might find handy. I'm about to completely forget about it, though... best pop it on the issues tracker so that it stands a chance. (-:

Posted : June 28, 2012 09:49
Estimable Member

I hear what you are saying Brianetta, personally i very rarely stray out that far unless there is a need to. but i have now added it to the issue tracker just so the idea is documented.

i think i'll go and completely forget about it to.....

Posted : June 28, 2012 10:15
Noble Member
Metamartian wrote:
I hear what you are saying Brianetta, personally i very rarely stray out that far unless there is a need to. but i have now added it to the issue tracker just so the idea is documented.

i think i'll go and completely forget about it to.....

It's not too bad an idea actually, the star systems are cached within a certain distance of the player (approximately) but they're not actively generated up front or stored on disk or anything. Could be worth a look and might save some loading time perhaps.

Posted : June 29, 2012 00:46
Estimable Member

If one was so inclined, how difficult is it to add extra key functionality to Pioneer? Is it possible through LUA scripting or must it be coded into the game itself?

For example, Instead of cycling through views by pressing F1 repeatedly, you can setup F1 - Front View, Shift+F1 Rear View, Alt+F1 external view etc


once you press F4 to get the station list view while in space the mouse wheel scroll will scroll the list up and down, being able to press page down+ page up....

Posted : July 6, 2012 03:37
Prominent Member

Key bindings are not scriptable through Lua at all. Currently, that part of the game is underdeveloped and would require that the C++ core code be modified.

Posted : July 6, 2012 11:03
Estimable Member

Thanks Brianetta, thats kinda what i figured...guess i should add it to the issues tracker as a feature request.

Posted : July 6, 2012 12:14
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