Currently you can press F1 for views then press left shift+1 - 4 to go directly to the other views. Shift+1 = front, shift + 2 = rear, shift + 3 = external and shift + 4 = system view. The scroll wheel, etc. would be nice too.
thanks Marcel for that nugget of info, i thought i tried all key combos but clearly not!
how do i use mapper?
(im post 666)
can you land on the sun and gas stars?
I assume you mean the Radar Mapper. If you have one equipped, simply select a ship. It will gain a red combat target and information about it will appear in the top-right of the screen.
Not on stars. Due to a quirk of the implementation you can land on gas giants, but this will go away in the future.
so its no for sun and no for gas stars, and will there be a wiki for this game? cuz there is alot of suff that i do not understand and i dont want to waste your time
We have a wiki for development of the game, but nothing aimed at general users. It probably won't happen in the near future unless someone steps up and starts one. That could be you!
how to shoot?
Eran100, there's a Quickstart.txt file in the main folder. I was just going to refer you to that but I checked and it and was surprised to see that it doesn't tell you how to shoot. Alpha software. <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='' /> Anyway, you can press the spacebar or press both mouse buttons at the same time. You can steer with the mouse by holding down the right button and tap the left to fire. <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='' /> And don't worry about wasting anybody's time by asking questions. <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
how to toggle the stars names?
nvm, for some reason there was a problem with my roll
You can press the TAB key to toggle names and reg numbers on and off. Roll, erm q and e I think....
can someone do a video of a battle in this game cuz i want to be preperd and how to lunch missiles
and how do i get fuel?
what do i do when im out of fuel in the middle of no where in space? and on planet?
can i ask question on IRC? if so how can i join?
is there a screen capture key that outputs to a folder somewhere?
is there a screen capture key that outputs to a folder somewhere?
i use Prt Scr
i use Prt Scr
Yes i do too but then I have to goto the clipboard and paste/save the image rather than just having the game output the shot to a folder for me to fiddle with later...
Yes i do too but then I have to goto the clipboard and paste/save the image rather than just having the game output the shot to a folder for me to fiddle with later...
i dont think there is a key for screen capture
can someone do a video of a battle in this game cuz i want to be preperd (I don't have this capability yet) and how to lunch missiles (select the target and click on the little missile icon above the hyperspace icon in the bottom right corner of the screen. the scanner then changes to equipment view and the missiles are shown at the bottom, click one and it launches)
and how do i get fuel? Buy hydrogen at a space port (or military fuel if using a military drive)
what do i do when im out of fuel in the middle of no where in space? (I beleive you can use water if you have some on board) and on planet? (Buy hydrogen at a space port (or military fuel if using a military drive))
can i ask question on IRC? if so how can i join? (I have not used IRC but you can do this according to the pioneer website...If you wish to use an IRC client, you can find us on Freenode. Most clients have Freenode as a pre-configured option; if you need to type in a server name, use The channel name is #pioneer.)
can someone do a video of a battle in this game cuz i want to be preperd (I don't have this capability yet)
what do you mean?
is naval rocket is better then smart rocket?
what do you mean?
is naval rocket is better then smart rocket?
what I mean is that I can not record video of the gameplay at the moment as I do not have the software to do it <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
is naval rocket is better then smart rocket?
Yes. General rule of thumb, if it is more expensive, chances are its better.
thank you, that is actully helping, is there in keys to change time fast?
shift+f1 to shift+f5
is there a way to change that to num 1-5?
[background=rgb(33, 47, 58)]"And don't worry about wasting anybody's time by asking questions." [/background] <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='' />