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Pioneer star-systems

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since it's a piece of work to find fitting seeds for so many systems, i guess it's a good idea to share them.

i'm aware that this will change often, but exactly because of that it's useful to share custom systems or seeds for generated systems.

the systems can be build with a simple ":seed(n)" in the lua script or whole custom systems you made.

for a complete reference how to setup custom systems refer to

simple examples for complete custom systems are,

- Barnards Star, alpha11 (n01p00)

- Morton's Landing, my (n01p00)

- Epsilon Eridani, alpha11 (p01p00)

- PRU1, my (p04p04)

- Van Maanen's Star, my (p02p00)

you can post the new found seeds in two ways here, either you attach a zip containing the .lua for the system, or paste the content of it to a code display, or use both.

how to get a quick result with :seed(n)

not always easy to find one, but in general you can simply start with numbers from 0 - 9 for a first try (0 is the same as the initial seed for the system).

if you have one hit (populated system), note the seed maybe as a comment under the system call, section the seeds to the systems economy type and add perhaps if it has a atmosphere (i.e. "!"), this helps you later to decide which you like most (if you find many various).

you can assume that there is usually a similar system within the next exponent (hit at 3 possible next hits 30 - 39), this can be expanded with a next exponent (i.e. 330 - 339).

most of the time this works well and you don't have to check countless possibilities.

that'll look like this


-- s. industrial: 3 (no ports), 4 (no ports), 6, 65 (no ports), 67, 11, 13, 14! (no ports), 15, 22,

everything in the line behind the "--" is a comment, you can mark a whole section as comment with --at start and at the end of the section.

complete custom systems

best is to use a result of a generated system as template.

if you have found one that pleases you, you can check most data in the system chart and the systems planetary orbits view.

note all data needed and found to setup your custom system, place cities and stations where you like.

some data you have to guess, mainly the orbits ecliptic (perhaps make a rough drawing of the system to evaluate it) and sometimes surface temperature is missing.

some data needs to be translated,

1 AU = 149597870.691 km

1 Solar Radius = 695700 km

1 Earth Radius = 6371 km

you can use lua-edits converter to translate the values, the program works standalone and you can use the one i linked here if you haven't lua-edit.


there is a custom tab for which under Options/Preferences/Custom additional translations can be saved.

but anyway, if you like to edit the scripts, i recommend to use LuaEdit

hint, change the font under "Tools/Editor Settings/Text Editor/Font" to Lucida Console, it's much better to read then the default Courier font.

to quick(er) check the result of your edits you can remove (make a zip of all ships to restore) all ships from models except, Lanner, Ladybird (ships.lua, don't forget "default ship textures") and the Eagles, this is valid for a common alpha11, it will reduce the loading time much.

start a game, select desired system on the galactic map and (quick)save the game, now you can relatively quick check the changes you've made. if you haven't no short_description given to the system you can see already on the galactic map if it's populated or not.



local s = CustomSystem:new("Van Maanen's Star",{'WHITE_DWARF'})


local star = CustomSBody:new("Van Maanen's Star", 'WHITE_DWARF')

local planet_a = CustomSBody:new('Signs', 'PLANET_TERRESTRIAL')

local sport_a1 = CustomSBody:new("More", 'STARPORT_SURFACE')

local planet_b = CustomSBody:new('Gate', 'PLANET_TERRESTRIAL')

local planet_c = CustomSBody:new('Puff', 'PLANET_GAS_GIANT')

local planet_d = CustomSBody:new('Spade', 'PLANET_GAS_GIANT')

local planet_e = CustomSBody:new('Guardian', 'PLANET_GAS_GIANT')

local moon_e1 = CustomSBody:new('Hell', 'PLANET_TERRESTRIAL')

local moon_e2 = CustomSBody:new('Nord', 'PLANET_TERRESTRIAL')

local moon_e3 = CustomSBody:new('Pace', 'PLANET_TERRESTRIAL')

local moon_e4 = CustomSBody:new('Gold', 'PLANET_ASTEROID')

local sport_e4 = CustomSBody:new("Newtown", 'STARPORT_SURFACE')

s:bodies(star, {
planet_a, {
planet_e, {
moon_e4, {


once arrived in your newly setup custom system, you can check the effect of "seed" and other values for each body in the system with CTRL-F10. except gas giants, they won't show right after any change made in the object view mode.

the planets shape (look) won't show up before you enter a system and changed systems have to be entered newly to perform and view the changes you've made.

any vital changes to a system (added/removed planets or ports), makes savegames located in this system unuseable

but since it's still impossible to complete a mission and PLAY the game, that won't matter much i guess (i was hoping this will be fixed with alpha11, but i must have dreamed...).

first file i post here is a link to my previous posted systems


how long does that take

one can manage to get 10 system seeds ready in one afternoon.

a complete custom system needs a little more time (1 per afternoon).

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i'm aware that this will change often, but exactly because of that it's useful to share custom systems or seeds for generated systems.

FYI it will be ok to make them now, the systems will (should 😉 ) stay the same. But its the planets themselves that will change but only visually.

An Earth-like world will always be an Earth-like world but the terrain will change as more choices are added into the terrain selection.


but since it's still impossible to complete a mission and PLAY the game, that won't matter much i guess (i was hoping this will be fixed with alpha11, but i must have dreamed...).

Again, if you report bugs then they get fixed. If you don't report them, then nobody knows about it. 🙄

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this is a good idea could play into the later "empire building" elements of the game

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An Earth-like world will always be an Earth-like world but the terrain will change as more choices are added into the terrain selection.

as long as it's a complete custom system, generated will change i guess as they did already each alpha.

reporting bugs how many times? 🙄

i guess they're long time known (but nonetheless non regarded. but don't ask ME, i feel everything i report is strongly disregarded, so i gave up to report them to the issue tracker, sorry). apart from that so offense you get them at first try you pick any mission. them are so many now, i even forgot how many, but somehow i guess all produced by the same.

i find it hard to open a issue for each, some have already been reported, some not in this way or not in this context.

and what worth it will have, when they got lost between all the already opened issues?

first thing i would have done, revert the jump calculation to how it was before, did one ever noticed that the hyperspace range isn't properly shown when you purchase a ship?

maybe just compare, if it's used proper by all modules that refer to that.

i guess another one that comes from the changes to modules done. further sometimes travels take far to long > 2 months until the game halts, somehow i feel they simply take to long (choose another ship for tests then only the light-weighted eagle perhaps).

pirates module doesn't seem to work, or i never have seen one and i guess many of the "hang ups" come from this when entering a system and a attacker should be generated.

besides, mission opponents work, they appear and attack.

and like i posted once before, time isn't updated properly after the first month, you can see by the not working animations which depend on game time. (after first month only seconds, no fractals = no animations, or only stepping from one second to next).

this are only three, but there are more and i believe they are rooted all in the same, because this got wrong since the changes made for alpha10.

they seem perhaps small and unimportant, but like i said rooted all in the same i assume.

you get often kicked out of the game, when simply moving through the galactic map, even new since alpha10.

personally i still think to much has been changed in the last few releases and it's getting harder each release to track the bugs. less changes and we would have far better chances to localize them (fix old ones before adding new bugs). you can easy loose the overview this way (if didn't lost already).

i miss proper output to stderr.txt! how can one track bugs without that?

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as long as it's a complete custom system, generated will change i guess as they did already each alpha.

Yes thats right, I should have said if you enter individual values for a planet (volcanicity, life, atmos_oxidity ect) they will always give you that same planet type. But the underlying terrain will change with seed and with most releases.

reporting bugs how many times?

Just once in the right place is all it takes. But remember your reporting a bug not writing an essay 😉

first thing i would have done, revert the jump calculation to how it was before, did one ever noticed that the hyperspace range isn't properly shown when you purchase a ship

No I never noticed it, and if you don't report these things no-one ever will.

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Me no making systems .... I prefer systems made ​​by other people, I discovered ! it's very exitant : p

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first thing i would have done, revert the jump calculation to how it was before, did one ever noticed that the hyperspace range isn't properly shown when you purchase a ship

No I never noticed it, and if you don't report these things no-one ever will.

Crisis averted 😉
