New textures for the galactic map of Pioneer 😀 ...
Enjoy ...
Awesome work!!! 😯
will that be in the main branch ?
😯 Beautiful work VampiretteDuCosmos! 😎
Awesome I really like these.
will that be in the main branch ?
Hell, yes. Firemark from the IRC channel has also made a large set of planets, we should have a lot of variation for the next alpha 🙂
Edit// There is one minor nit-pick though.. I hope you don't mind me pointing it out... The Gas-giant graphics all seem to be based on the same planet, whereas before there was a little variation on them.. But like I said its a minor pitpick 🙂
Oh theres one other thing you may not be aware of : Pioneer does have large/small versions of the Type O and F stars, theres just are no graphics for it, I was too lazy to make them all 🙂 So if you added those graphics into your pack I would change the line to read from those icons instead of sharing another stars icon.
FYI I think the larger type F stars are unstable transitional stars.. IE moving from red to blue or back...
Nice pics, that is one crazy cratered world you found 🙂
FYI it looks like you found the new terrain that has 8-10 times the number of craters as any did before 😉
wow these are beautiful. MOAR! 😀
Thanks Vampirette! I liked your textures for FFED3D too! 😀
didn't i say so, hm?
fantastique vampi, j'aime
keep up the good work!
Here's a branch with these included as well as support for more planet icons:
thats a bit system
Can u give me the update link for dowload pls 🙂
@LastShotPT as you probably know, you've revived a 4 year old post. As far as I can tell, at least some of the icons are now in master branch of the game: #168, and other changes have been made since this thread was alive last.
You can find the icons in the github link by s2odan.