To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
Cody, are you suggesting that El Presidente is going for the "Boris Sympathy Effect"?
You might think that. I couldn't possibly comment!
Haha! Good old Francis Urquhart 😀
You look good through a crosshair.
Good old Francis Urquhart
Aye! FU... a beautifully written character, brilliantly acted!
A quick eye update: the second op went well. Now it's a matter of waiting a couple of months for things to settle down, then I can get new glasses made. I hope to be plying the 'lanes of the Ooniverse again by Winterfest. At the moment, the only way I can read or write messages is by using a word processor in 36 point and C&Ping. Even this is difficult, and rather tedious!
As for Covid-19, the way I think it's heading in England is an enforced lockdown for the elderly and vulnerable, while allowing the rest of the population to get on with their lives, and perhaps develop a herd immunity. I see the sense of it, but I don't like it.
Another lockdown? I'll go stir-crazy!
the second op went well
Great news, take good care of yourself and your "optical sensors"! 😉
optical sensors
<grins> My Mk 1.5 eyeballs! To borrow a line from Heller's Catch-22... "I see everything twice!"
Happy for you @Cody, hope the recovery and re-configuration of your optics go well over the next few weeks. I hope in the next 20yrs or so they can really make some advances in medical and life extension tech... I am slowing starting to feel my age 😉 Maybe healthcare system can help me stay younger and able-bodied into my old years. I wonder if Cody's procedures are early Cyberpunk 2077 enhancements 😉
On another note, hmmm Covid-19 may start going up this winter.... what is the populous of the world supposed to do? We cannot stay locked up, I dont want to come over as heartless (its that military thinking in me) but in the Army we do risk assessment in almost everything we do that can involve casualties or equipment destruction.... now if we have a 1-5% casualty/equipment loss rate as a possibility that is a damn good risk for any sort of operation. So if this virus has been proven to only have a 1-5% possibility to cause death then why are we acting like it has a 50% possible death rate?
The way our govts are dealing with this virus is causing mass hunger, poverty and unemployment. We cannot keep going down this road or this affect will be worse than the virus itself. I look at it this way, we are all grown adults. We make daily risk assessments of our own lives everyday, let us decide whether we go outside or to the store or be in populated environments. I am not a huge conspiracy person, but to me this is a big power and money grab for elites in our govts... the normal people are struggling.
A nice little stat came out yesterday, 70% of all restaurants in NYC didn't pay their rent in Aug and its getting worse. Some food banks in some USA cities are processing over 10000+ people a day. You really don't see that stuff on the nightly news, but its happening.
So I hope all SSC members are doing well and continue to stay that way. 🙂
On another note, hmmm Covid-19 may start going up this winter.... what is the populous of the world supposed to do? We cannot stay locked up, I dont want to come over as heartless (its that military thinking in me) but in the Army we do risk assessment in almost everything we do that can involve casualties or equipment destruction.... now if we have a 1-5% casualty/equipment loss rate as a possibility that is a damn good risk for any sort of operation. So if this virus has been proven to only have a 1-5% possibility to cause death then why are we acting like it has a 50% possible death rate?
This is craziness to me. Comparing Civilian Daily Life to a Military Operation should not be normal thinking.
This is craziness to me. Comparing Civilian Daily Life to a Military Operation should not be normal thinking.
Maybe so, but what I am trying to do in my example is to show why are the govts/press over-reacting to the detriment of all our societies. Its already been reported that crime all over is up, child abuse is up, spouse abuse is up, divorce is up, unemployment is up, people are using too much credit or simply not paying bills.... we cannot stay locked up.
Govts have created a much bigger danger to our society than the virus, people are not seeing it because its not really reported or people are not putting the pieces together.
Is the practice of risk assessment really a bad thing? All your doing in essence is weighing the pros/cons of a particular situation and making the logical decision. We do it everyday without even thinking twice because the majority of us do have common sense. Just because the situation may be sensitive doesn't mean we still don't make a choice. 😉
I will use Cody's situation as a simple example.... Cody had to perform a risk assessment of his health on whether the pros/cons of the procedure he was thinking about doing was worth the risk. Because in any medical procedure there is always some risk, that's why your usually signing forms to waive liability to the hospital/doctor before the procedure happens. So if all of the specialists told Cody that he had a 1-5% chance of making it worse, but they feel he has a 95%+ chance of success.... you need to make a choice or do nothing and let time settle it.
Yes my comments may seem rash/crazy to some.... but we have elected leaders of all of our countries to make these tough decisions. Some are making them and some are not. But in the end the people suffer when either inaction or the wrong decisions are made. There is a risk in every single decision we make, it could have a expected or unexpected consequence.... that's why gathering data to perform the risk assessment is vital to lowering the risk.
Comparing Civilian Daily Life to a Military Operation should not be normal thinking
These are not 'normal' times though.
In other news...
A man in the United States has caught Covid twice, with the second infection becoming far more dangerous than the first...
Not entirely unexpected, but worrying nevertheless. Case study here.
Not entirely unexpected, but worrying nevertheless. Case study here.
I have heard of people catching it twice, but yes I heard this morning that one person has actually died from the second infection. Would be nice to know more about the patients background...? And I am sure if you had a hard time with virus on the first infection and it lowered your ability to fight off infections that it could be worse if you got sick from anything again so soon after. I have heard people that had struggled for weeks/months with the virus have some long lasting damage to themselves. Luckily anyone that I have known only was sick for a few days if at all when they were diagnosed.
So I would agree with you Cody, I am actually surprised it took this long. I have read a few weeks back that this virus is mutating, if that's the case it could pose a problem in a few months...
Lockdown! Two weeks too late - again! Damn them! This could throw a spanner in the works - not only have I not got my eyes sorted out yet, but I had a relocation planned for the end of November!
<wanders away, grumbling>
Sorry to hear that @cody 🙁
But here the main reason for the new lockdown was to still be able to provide non-covid care. So hopefully you'll be able to follow your planned schedule?
But here the main reason for the new lockdown was to still be able to provide non-covid care.
Aye, that's how it is here too. Thing is, non-urgent stuff gets pushed into the long grass.
Looks like the second wave is going to be worse than the first. Harsh winter ahead!
I have seen a lot of news here in the USA that parts of Europe are starting to lockdown again 🙁 I see a lot of people in France are rioting... I definitely understand the frustration everyone has.
I hope you can get to the doctors to finish up your treatments @Cody, will the doctor do any in-home visits for some extra money?
I have seen a lot of news here in the USA that parts of Europe are starting to lockdown again
Aye - and overnight curfews in major European capitals.
Economically and socially destructive lockdowns are the only practical option until a covid vaccine and better drugs are available.
Thus spake Professor Chris Whitty, England's Chief Medical Officer.
Meanwhile, in the land of E pluribus unum, it's crunch time!
Can't say I agree with more lockdowns, I think the effect on the transmission of the virus will be negligible and come with a massive economic cost to boot. At this point it seems that nature will take its course regardless what governments attempt.
Stay safe all of you, and when the vaccine comes out... don't rush to get it. Let at least a month pass before deciding, it looks like anything they come up with will be fast-tracked, and that means corners will be cut.
Can't say I agree with more lockdowns, I think the effect on the transmission of the virus will be negligible and come with a massive economic cost to boot. At this point it seems that nature will take its course regardless what governments attempt.
<nods> Aye - and a vaccine is in the pipeline.
Oh they took down that video... not sure how many people saw it... but it was a UK Nurse I think ratting out the hospital system for lying to the populous. Guess she was hurting the higher ups plan and they shut her down as fake news haha
I would be wary, there is no way I am taking a vaccine they whipped together in a few months haha, I don't even get flu shots so I would only entertain taking this if I was dying and it could save me. Outside of that I will just continue to eat well and exercise and take my chances 🙂 I am thinking I may be forced to take it maybe if I want to travel internationally, I hope not. I hope I can just take a test before I leave and that will be good enough.
I would only entertain taking this if I was dying and it could save me
I'm afraid that would be too late D1: a vaccine is preventive not curative. Also its overall goal is to achieve herd immunity at the minimum cost of lives and in the shortest time to limit the damage to the economy (that can't run properly with a global pandemic). So that is also a community effort and IMHO a matter of duty as a citizen when all have to contribute to the common good. You've been in the military you know what I mean first hand.
Just my two cents sorry 🙂
Ooops yeah messed up there, yes vaccine is to prevent getting sick in the first place.
Oh I agree totally about achieving herd immunity, its how we are going about it that I think is the weak link.
I say this is because every year they create a 'new' flu shot of the strains they predict will be causing the most sickness. Will people still get sick from the flu yeah, because maybe the flu shot doesn't have that particular strain. Flu shots are preventative since they give us a small dose of the virus and usually our bodies create antibodies against it, there is no cure to the flu and some people even get sick from getting the flu shot.
I have heard of the covid-19 virus mutating and it having several different strains now, so what are we going to need to do get covid shots every year? That isn't heard immunity. Heard immunity is from people getting the virus, sometimes the fight it off without symptoms, others get sick and recover and some people die from it. Eventually the virus will die off because it will run out of suitable hosts. Once the majority of peoples immune systems adapt the virus is then defeated.
IF the governments of the world can guarantee that this one vaccine is the only one we will need to take to be safe and eliminate the virus and go back to normal then I could see taking it (like polio). But locking down is the worst plan and actually prevents heard immunity from happening, especially since 99%+ of people recover from the virus. And we all know they are still probably a few months away from attaining a safe vaccine, are you supposed to keep the world locked down until its ready?
I already know that this situation doesn't have a good ending there is pain in all of the solutions for everyone, regardless people are gonna suffer. Its trying to limit the suffering that is important. I have seen lots of people die, and maybe it has desensitized me a little but do remember you cannot save everyone in this situation all you can do is limit the pain it causes. Simple example is a triage hospital in battle, everyone there is hurt or dying. Do they want to save everyone, yes of course they do. But they also know they can't save them all, so they rank the soldiers conditions and the soldiers most likely to live will get the fastest treatment.... its shitty concept. But wasting life saving resources on someone that more than likely will die could cause someone that could have lived to die as well. The triage centers do their best, to keep everyone stable so the helicopters can bring troops to real hospitals but in the end someone has to make a life and death decision for the best of the mission.... and in this case the people.
Morbid I know, but its all true.
On another note, hmmm Covid-19 may start going up this winter.... what is the populous of the world supposed to do? We cannot stay locked up, I dont want to come over as heartless (its that military thinking in me) but in the Army we do risk assessment in almost everything we do that can involve casualties or equipment destruction.... now if we have a 1-5% casualty/equipment loss rate as a possibility that is a damn good risk for any sort of operation. So if this virus has been proven to only have a 1-5% possibility to cause death then why are we acting like it has a 50% possible death rate?
The way our govts are dealing with this virus is causing mass hunger, poverty and unemployment. We cannot keep going down this road or this affect will be worse than the virus itself. I look at it this way, we are all grown adults. We make daily risk assessments of our own lives everyday, let us decide whether we go outside or to the store or be in populated environments. I am not a huge conspiracy person, but to me this is a big power and money grab for elites in our govts... the normal people are struggling.
You're not heartless, just being pragmatic. I remember the question about 13 people in a life boat that could only carry 12, what do you do? Do you risk all 13 by thinking with your heart, or do you sacrifice one to guarantee that 12 live?
Something is certainly not right here, why are governments so afraid of this and are risking assured economic destruction over what is after all a very low mortality rate, (with the mass of those that have died, already past the average life expectancy)? I don't know, but this sucks and makes me miss the 70s and 80s even so much more.
Here in England, the second lockdown nears its end - to be replaced by tiers (and tears, probably). I wonder which vaccine I'll be offered? Will I even be told which one I'm getting? Big Pharma are gearing-up - there's big money to be made!
In other news...
Pre-flight checklist:
Port optical array nominal - check
Starboard optical array nominal - check
Stereoscopic vision - check
Depth perception - check
Power-up, all ship systems nominal - check
Control, Spindrifter requesting launch clearance!
Copy, Spindrifter - you are go for launch!
Tally-ho! Commander Madcap Cody rides again!