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Noble Member
Posted by: @sscadmin

I don't think Putin would have went into Ukraine if Trump was in office now,

I ain't so sure about that. When Trump was POTUS, I got the impression he was in favour of withdrawing from NATO/Europe.

Topic starter Posted : June 28, 2022 13:42
Illustrious Member Admin
Posted by: @cody

I got the impression he was in favour of withdrawing from NATO/Europe.

Oh there is some truth to that because USA was paying the majority for NATOs upkeep and Trump wanted all the countries in NATO to contribute more, whether its money or equipment/troops. And if you look at this ranking you can see why Trump put up a stink about NATO funding from the other countries compared to the USA

Here are the 10 countries with the most NATO spending (number in millions):

  1. United States ($811,140)
  2. United Kingdom ($72,765)
  3. Germany ($64,785)
  4. France ($58,729)
  5. Italy ($29,763)
  6. Canada ($26,523)
  7. Spain ($14,875)
  8. Netherlands ($14,378)
  9. Poland ($13,369)
  10. Turkey ($13,057)


Posted : June 29, 2022 09:20
Noble Member

Do the numbers by % of GDP and the disparity is not so marked as with actual dollars spent.

Topic starter Posted : June 29, 2022 16:40
99 Star General

So the Russians claim to have left Snake island, in as they say it a "gesture of goodwill".

And our defence minister here in Britain said yesterday that "Putin suffered from small man syndrome". 🤣  


Posted : June 30, 2022 10:53
Illustrious Member Admin
Posted by: @pinback

And our defence minister here in Britain said yesterday that "Putin suffered from small man syndrome". 🤣  



Russia claims they have total control over Luhansk Prov..

I know why we destroy all the infrastructure in war, but with Russia actually wanting to utilize Ukraine for its land and resources they are destroying everything that would allow them to prosper in their victory if that comes. But since China might ask Russia for pipelines for NG/Oil they may have the money to rebuild everything... guess we will see how the months go.... analysists predict that the war will not end in 2022.... if that is the gas this is going to be an expensive winter for everyone

Posted : July 4, 2022 09:46
Noble Member

The US has just flipped the finger at China, in no uncertain terms. This could turn nasty!

Topic starter Posted : August 3, 2022 16:12
Illustrious Member Admin

China would never attack the USA, but they could attack Taiwan... but I don't think they would do that right away. But if they are going to attack they will do it before Biden leaves office because he is weak anyway. Plus China knows they are overmatched when it comes to military hardware and just plain experience in fighting.

I think if I was China and wanted to hurt the USA. I would just stop exporting everything to the USA for a few months. Shit China makes like what 70%+ of all the medicines and drugs on the market. Yeah the western countries may design and create the drugs but China is the majority manufacturer for the whole world basically and that is its strongest weapon against all the western countries.

Kinda like what Russia may do to Germany, with the whole cutting off the fuel to the country.... if they do it. Germany will be in some major trouble.

ALL of the western countries screwed up, we outsourced our own demise and its going to come back to hurt us eventually.

Its plain and simple, we cannot let China take Taiwan at all. If they do they will acquire like 70-90% of the semi-conductor chip manufacturing in the world then everyone will be in a world of hurt.

We have to start building and manufacturing in our countries again so other countries cant have their way with us. We did this for profit/money, when we should have thought about national security. If we go to war over Taiwan its not about the people, its about what they provide the world that is important. It would be like a country having 80-90% of the fresh water on the planet... eventually countries will want it regardless of the risk.

We will see what the next few weeks bring.


Posted : August 3, 2022 21:15
99 Star General

Looks like Ukraine is on a roll and the Russians are running around like headless chickens.

No doubt the Kremlin will be blaming Ivan the smoker again for the setbacks as he already got blamed for the sinking of the Moskva and blowing up of the air base in Crimea.  

Posted : September 11, 2022 06:30
Illustrious Member Admin

Yeah I have been seeing all sorts of news on Ukraine's progress in taking back occupied areas and winning all sorts of engagements. Of course there is causalities on both sides 🙁 but looks like Ukrainians are taking back their country slowly and the war should slow down soon because the winter is coming too.

I guess all the help from the NATO countries have helped greatly and I am sure Mr Putin is pissed about that because its making his job so much harder. And I seen all the protests in Russia as well so I am sure morale is low.

Posted : September 15, 2022 10:21
Eminent Member

It's not a truth what our people's morale is low. Such troubles can't break morale at this difficult world situation. The only thing I can say is that you should not underestimate the opponent. the future is not static.

This post was modified 2 years ago by spaceship-buran

С уважением / With respect

Posted : September 22, 2022 08:51
Illustrious Member Admin

Anyone have thoughts on the Nordstream pipeline being rendered unusable. The press is saying here in the USA that it was sabotaged, I would expect Europe's news outfits may be better informed on what the real deal is with this. Because I hear NATO is chiming in and stating that this was a act of war. I guess the elite really what a reset huh, when they screw everything up lets have war to hide our mistakes 😉 

Posted : September 30, 2022 11:57
99 Star General

Same here, they think it's sabotage but as Europe was paying billion of euros a month to Russia it's seems a bit odd that they would innless they are trying to see who collapses first, as in the EU or Russia.

Could turn out to be bad maintenance given that they have been turning it off and on like a yoyo over the last few months.

Posted : October 1, 2022 05:14
Eminent Member

Hmm, seems like the idiom "the money went down the pipe" is getting true... 🙁

This post was modified 2 years ago by spaceship-buran

С уважением / With respect

Posted : October 3, 2022 09:31
Illustrious Member Admin

I would understand if Russia just said screw it I want to make the EU suffer this winter.... but turning off the pipeline does this. And I believe both Russia and the EU spent money on the pipeline. So why destroy billions of dollars worth of effort.... doesn't make sense.

Unless it was us (USA) that did it, highly unlikely since Biden can barely speak nevermind think of something like this 🙂 haha but seriously.... why destroy something you can turn off? Unless the EU has something in the works to replace Russian oil then maybe this is a way of telling Russia we are done buying oil from you....? 

I didn't know they send droids down the pipe to do maintenance that would totally be a easy way to sabotage the pipe.... but a analysis of the breaches should tell us what caused the failure at least... I doubt we will ever know WHO actually did it?  

Posted : October 4, 2022 15:33
Eminent Member

Seems like big guys found a new way to get some pocket money... Smell badly

С уважением / With respect

Posted : October 4, 2022 23:25
99 Star General

Looks like's Ivan the smoker will be catching it again as he will no doubt be blamed for the Crimea bridge being blow up.   

Posted : October 8, 2022 08:56
Illustrious Member Admin

The bridge definitely bothered Putin, and he ramped up attacks because of it. No one can be surprised about this. But if Ukraine goes all gorilla warfare in this war then Putin I think will start destroying the infrastructure of Ukraine. Putin has actually been good about not destroying the infrastructure because he knows to take over a country that was totally destroyed he would have to build it all back again. But if Putin thinks he cannot attain his goal he will put Ukraine in a rough spot I think and start destroying key infrastructure.... its military tactics 101 😉 Once you control all the main utilities that provide comfort to the whole country you attain a lot of power over peoples lives. Most people do not know what it is like to live without power and internet for months... winter is coming for most people and this is going to be a tough winter for Ukraine 🙁

Posted : October 13, 2022 09:56
99 Star General

Posted : November 16, 2022 11:56
Cody reacted
Noble Member

She's gorgeous!

Topic starter Posted : November 16, 2022 12:15
Noble Member

How long can NATO/EU sit and watch millions of people freeze? Putin probably wants them to intervene, of course! But...

Topic starter Posted : November 21, 2022 15:06
99 Star General

This is something the UN should be doing but as long the five permanent members have a veto, then it makes the organisation useless when one of the five is involved.  

Posted : November 23, 2022 08:51
Illustrious Member Admin

Yeah this is when it gets tough because of how voting goes because the five core countries are USA, China, Russia, France and UK.... in the security counsel and they rarely vote together on a vote 😉 Like Cody touched on I think Russia wants NATO countries to assist (ie: putting people in their country officially) because this then gives Russia the permission to up its war level.

Why the world in general is letting this drag out is stupid.... because thousands are dying monthly and the Ukraine is going to be lucky to survive the winter because Russia is doing what any military would do and that is attack crucial infrastructure. Can countries send aid... sure. But rebuilding cannot take place until its over. 

The world is in a sensitive spot and everything costs more 🙁 we are just bouncing from crisis to crisis.... how long until the collapse of more institutions around the world? Inflation getting bad everywhere.

Posted : November 29, 2022 13:00
Noble Member

NATO (and the EU) edge a little closer to direct involvement by agreeing to send Leopard (and M1 Abrams?) main battle tanks to Ukraine. The UK has already committed to sending Challenger tanks. Consequently, the Doomsday Clock has been moved forward, and now stands at 90 seconds to Midnight. Closest it's ever been, I think (though the Cuban missile crisis of '62 would've been closer had it lasted longer).

Topic starter Posted : January 25, 2023 09:22
99 Star General

Would have thought the doomsday clock would have been closer during the cold war, after all it was ideology then.

I read the Putin has falling out with the Wagner boss and it can't be long before he fall off a balcony as is the usual result of anyone who runs afoul of Putin.

Posted : January 25, 2023 12:31
Noble Member
Posted by: @pinback

fall off a balcony as is the usual result of anyone who runs afoul of Putin.

Yeah, there's been a few of those recently, and probably more that have gone unreported. So careless!

Topic starter Posted : January 25, 2023 13:08
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