Hey Jabberwocky
Since it is the holiday season and everyone is trying to spread peace on earth and be joyful to each other. I was wondering if the Salvation Prophecy team is going to spread some of their joy around with some new developments, videos or screenshots from this great game?
Hiya DarkOne, and merry Christmas SSC folks!
Some of my more recent work has been technical stuff I have to finish up before we can release the game, like graphics and sound options. But I'll put together some screenshots soon to show some new Salvation Prophecy eye candy.
Thanks for the update Jabberwocky, no complaints here for some eye candy shots :). Enjoy the rest of your holiday...
Looking forward to it! Thanks for the update.
Any ❓ ❓ ❓
++++++ from me also!
Maybe Jabberwocky will come out of his hardened development bunker and surprise us with a alpha/beta demo date 🙂
It has to be close, some of those latest videos do look for the ground and space combat.
Still no salvation ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓
Yeah Salvation Prophecy's website hasn't seen an update for a while and Jabberwocky has been silent since the holidays. Maybe its all good and they are making some finishing touches 😀
We're still here.
Kind of in "shut up and get it finished" mode. 🙂
Kind of in "shut up and get it finished" mode.
Another dreaded "crunch time" period. 😯