Blade runner preque...
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Blade runner prequel

99 Star General


Topic starter Posted : March 6, 2011 01:02
Estimable Member

I am... 😮

Posted : March 6, 2011 07:43
Illustrious Member Admin

I have read a few articles on this and they really haven't come out and said for a fact that they are working on a sequel or prequel. From a bunch of interviews it looks like they are getting the rights to do a movie in the blade runner universe. Which could be really good if they build upon the first one. I don't think I would touch a prequel, a sequel maybe, but it would need to be a sequel that doesn't contain characters from the first unless they are just mentioned.

I am so surprised it took this long for people to see the light and make this type of movie.

Posted : March 7, 2011 07:16
Estimable Member

That is what I'm afraid.

Do android dream of electric sheep was a nice dystopic book, inferior to the movie, but nice nonetheless. Blade Runner doesn't have much of a world per se. It is a journey into the nature of the beas.. I mean Man. To make into a "BR 2: the attack of the Replicants! On 3d! 90 minutes of pure action as a team of brave human tries to " kind of movie.

Well, lets wait and see.

Posted : March 7, 2011 08:39
99 Star General

Bladerunner one of these films that should never have sequels or prequel made, maybe the best they could do is a remake.

Pyros wrote:
.To make into a "BR 2: the attack of the Replicants! On 3d! 90 minutes of pure action as a team of brave human tries to " kind of movie.


That was Solider the unofficial sequel to Bladerunner.

Topic starter Posted : March 8, 2011 02:09
Illustrious Member Admin
PINBACK wrote:
Bladerunner one of these films that should never have sequels or prequel made, maybe the best they could do is a remake.

Clive Owens will have have to play the lead role 😉

PINBACK wrote:
That was Solider the unofficial sequel to Bladerunner.

Hey Soldier wasn't that bad .... ok maybe it was ... but it definitely wasn't a challenging dialog role for Kurt Russell

Posted : March 8, 2011 04:12
99 Star General

Clive Owens will have have to play the lead role 😉

Hey Clive Owens a good choice for Ford role, anyone have any thoughts on who would make a good Roy Batty. ❓

Hey Soldier wasn't that bad .... ok maybe it was ... but it definitely wasn't a challenging dialog role for Kurt Russell

I like Soldier a lot myself it's a good sold scfi action film the only bit I would criticise is towards the end when Russell goes one on one with the bad guy, bit too predicable.

Topic starter Posted : March 8, 2011 08:34
Eminent Member

inb4 they ruin it 🙁

Posted : March 10, 2011 10:12
99 Star General

Looks like this may be going ahead again and it a sequel to the first one with Ford returning to play Deckard again.

Topic starter Posted : December 13, 2015 08:24
Trusted Member

It's definitely a bad time to be a SciFi fan. between this unnecessary sequel, The Force Awakens and JJ trek, it fucking hurts!

Posted : January 6, 2016 23:45
Trusted Member

Oh! I also forgot aboot the original Stargate creator making a new one, ignoring all of the universe that was created by SG1, the SG1 movies, Atlantis and the sadly cancelled Universe.

Posted : January 6, 2016 23:47