To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
Keep seeing this about a new Dune film although their dose not seem to be anything trailer wise released yet.
Never got on with the book but I do like the David Lynch version of it.
Yeah there isn't much, there is a large cast for this movie like this video points out
Strange that theirs no trailer yet.
Beat me posting it. 😀
I have to wonder why they have done another version of this.
I have to wonder why they have done another version of this.
Perhaps because the first movie was pretty ordinary (as they'd say in Australia)!
I would not call Lynch version ordinary although it was a failure on release and put Lynch off making anymore big budget films but it does have a unique visual look, no idea how close it is to the book as I was never able to get into the book. But looking at the trailer for the new one it seems they have just copied it scene for scene.
Can't help but feel why do Dune again after doing a film and a couple of tv series when their are show many other Sci-Fi books which could be made into films, is it just trying to start a new film franchise.
I don't think its failure (or ordinariness) was Lynch's fault. His other works are certainly not ordinary - Eraserhead (I love Eraserhead) and Twin Peaks demonstrate that - but Dune was always going to be a tough novel to filmify.
Lynch was unhappy with the work, later saying, "Dune was a kind of studio film. I didn't have final cut. And, little by little, I was subconsciously making compromises." Much of his footage was eventually removed from the final theatrical cut, dramatically condensing the plot.
I believe that their is a longer version of the film which was shown on American TV in the late 80s but Lynch was unhappy with that cut and had his name removed from it.
I still think it's a bit of an odd pick to remake.
The reviews are in - and it's been split into two parts, apparently.
Hum the critic like it, never a good sign that.
You could be right. But on the other hand...
“Denis Villeneuve hasn’t succeeded where the likes of David Lynch and Alejandro Jodorowsky have already failed, [but] his Dune is at least uniquely dispiriting.”
Loved to have seen the Jodorowsky version of this or the Ridley Scott one, but still feel it's an odd choice to have been given a remake.
Genuinely surprised by this as it really good although I would say it's a bit of a slow burner story wise and we may never get to see part 2 as I read some where that it was a bit of a flop at the box office.
Part 2 out in March next year.
The three Dune adaptions I know of are all really good but imperfect in their own way.
The Lynch film is extremely underrated in my opinion. It holds together really well and has oodles of style. I like the wierding voice weapons and the internal monologues really help get a lot of info across. The VFX are mixed though (the body shields are great).
The syfy TV series is way better than it should be. It's extremely faithful and because it has a lot more time, it goes into a lot more depth. It also goes way further than the movies have (Children of Dune gets adapted). The visual style has some big pluses, the costumes and the theatricalness of it works (the dunes are sometimes just painted backdrops but deliberately lit to show it). The budget is really clearly stretched and the CGI (eg the worms) is not great.
The Villeneuve Dune (only part 1 is available at the moment) is also great. The non-scifi designs really work and it has a level of realism I never thought 20,000 years in the future could have. I feel like the ending is a bit blah and I feel like they neutered Duke Harkonnen a bit.
Really, Dune is such a familiar story now, even if you haven't read it or watch it so many scifi tropes come from Dune, it's hard to rank the adaptions. Dune is a great novel but also that doesn't explain the quality of the adaptions -- we've been really lucky!
I think the Tv Dune got a bit of a remake a couple of years ago when the first film came out as in replacing some of the effect shots.
Watched part 2 over the weekend and it's a very good film although I had the feeling of Deja vu when watching it.
And it looks like we will be getting a part 3.