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Ender's Game

99 Star General

Danger Will Robinson. :haha:

Topic starter Posted : May 8, 2013 11:23
New Member

😎  :dwarf:  :O  :dancer:  :swoon:  :yahoo:  :shout:  :victory:  :fan:




This is one of my favourite novels from my teenage years.

OMG I'm so happy .... I think I'm going to cry :')


Posted : May 8, 2013 13:52
Trusted Member

I can't wait, this is one of my all time favorite books! Hope they don't screw it up.

Posted : May 8, 2013 15:34
Prominent Member

Guess it's weird that I never heard of it ? 🙂  Well, the trailer does seem really cool !

Posted : May 9, 2013 01:35
99 Star General

Never read the book myself, the trailer looks good but it might turn out to be brats in space.

Topic starter Posted : May 9, 2013 06:47
Illustrious Member Admin

I have this book on my desk right now and was going to read it since my daughter said it was excellent. I will read the book before I watch this movie, I did read one of the graphic novels for the Enders Game series and it was quite good.

Posted : May 9, 2013 07:34
Estimable Member

Never read the book myself, the trailer looks good but it might turn out to be brats in space.


While the book inital story outline did make me a bit cautious, it more than delivered. Yes, it is about a "child's world", but a very harsh vision of it.


Regardless, I still find the Speaker for the Dead follow-up (there were more, with one subseries about Ender's "friends") to be better.

Posted : May 9, 2013 08:27
Noble Member

In November 2010, Card stated that the film's storyline would be a fusion of Ender's Game and its parallel novel, Ender's Shadow,


I've not read Ender's Shadow - that was written a long time after Ender's Game.

Posted : May 9, 2013 10:29
99 Star General

I have Wesley Crusher syndrome every time I see kids in a scifi film  :wacko:


Guess a lot will depend on how well they handle the story.

Topic starter Posted : May 9, 2013 11:52
Noble Member

I have Wesley Crusher syndrome every time I see kids in a scifi film



Posted : May 9, 2013 12:07
Trusted Member

Orson Scott Card is one of my favorite authors, this particular book was one of his best. They kinda gave away the ending already in the video which in the book you don't find out about until the end of the story. If you like reading sci-fi, it is well worth reading.

Posted : May 9, 2013 15:26
99 Star General

2nd trailer

Topic starter Posted : August 18, 2013 10:29
99 Star General

Best description of this film is two hours of tedium.

Topic starter Posted : March 15, 2014 07:16
Estimable Member

We were choosing between this and Thor: The Dark World to watch in Cinema. In the end we chose Thor, but that movie turned out to be meh :/

Posted : March 20, 2014 12:36
New Member

Sad book written a religious homophobe.


Nothing new here - eww - bugs invade Earth and instead of the military leaders we have supposedly trained for this occurance, we send children. Lot of sense there.


If you read between the lines you'll see this is a pedophiles' paradise where children are put into adult roles to fulfill the twisted fantasies of the author

I think you need a history refresher, in nearly every war dated from 17th century to present day children have played an active role, gathering intel, spotting spies, used as human bombs, pointing out plaws in battle plans while on holiday with there army parents, on tour of military facilities with their class. ( no one shoots at children, they befriend them.) As for the pedophile undertone of the book , I would sugest you look in the merror and ask yourself when did I get so jaded.


(Transmition received by SETI Oct18 2014 (We are coming) Origin, Orions Belt.)

Posted : October 18, 2014 12:31
Eminent Member

I actually stopped waiting in anxious anticipation for this movie to FINALLY be released back in 2008 or so after closely following progress since the early 2000s.


This is an EXCELLENT novel expanded from a short story. The "Shadow" series is also VERY good, though while attempting to replace my copies of the series (which were destroyed in a flooding incident) I discovered there are several newer books in the series that I still haven't read. You can easily skip the other 3 "Ender" books (Speaker for the Dead, Xenocide and Children of the Mind) as they are somewhat unrelated and (in my opinion) not particularly good. Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow are MUST READS.


Ender's Game single handedly ruined all other novels for me back around 1990 or so... and i'm 33. I've probably only made it through about 6-7 novels since then without punching out 3/4 of the way through. It is also directly responsible for sparking my interest in multiplayer gaming, which has grown into a raging inferno rivaling the intensity of a type O blue giant. Thank you, battleroom!


I actually thought the movie was pretty decent. (shhhh.... don't tell anybody)


Orson Scott Card did epic amounts of historical research on warfare while writing the first few "Shadow" books, inspiring me to read "Makers of Modern Strategy: From Machiavelli to the Nuclear Age"


The interesting thing about this book (Ender's Game) is that it is not really a typical SciFi novel, but is actually a story about relationships, alliances and societal self-identification. A master of dialogue, he is. Also, if you read between the lines, you'll see anything YOU want.


OSC fans MUST play Lucas Arts/Film Games' title "The DIG"

Written by Spielberg, produced by Lucas, dialogue by Orson Scott Card. Need I say more?

Posted : October 7, 2015 11:37
Trusted Member

The movie wasn't bad. it was just boring.

Posted : January 6, 2016 23:56