Interstellar is a movie by Director, Christopher Nolan (Inception, The Dark Knight Trilogy).
In the future, governments and economies across the globe have collapsed, food is scarce, NASA is no more, and the 20th Century is to blame. A mysterious rip in spacetime opens and it's up to whatever is left of NASA to explore and offer up hope for mankind.
Mainly based on the scientific theories and script treatment of renowned theoretical physicist, Kip Thorne. Interstellar is set to be released in late 2014. Visit the Interstellar
News Archive for constant updates!
Still 400 days left till release, but I smell epic (how can those guys go wrong? )
By : Christopher Nolan (Inception, The Dark Knight Trilogy).
Music : Hans Zimmer
My kind of movie 😀
Should be an interesting film with Nolan doing it.
Official Teaser
Not showing a lot.
New trailer for this one.
Showing a little bit more...can't wait to see it !
Another trailer for the film.
Reading in the paper today that Nolan wants to have the film released early into non digital theaters, ones that still use projectors.
I just can't get excited about this for some reason, not sure why. It just seems a bit pretentious maybe. Looking forward to Jupiter Ascending much more 🙂
You look good through a crosshair.
Watched it the other night and are in two minds about it, you could say it's a 2001 for the twenty first century and some of the real science it's based on is pretty awesome but the story a bit of a plodder and it's not helped by Matthew McConaughey hillbilly accent at the start of the film.
It was good up until the "twist." The twist is something I would've expected from M Night Shamalawn (however you spell his name).
I saw the DVD exposed in the shop last week, and I ignored it, as I was deeply disappointed by this movie
Honestly, after 7 months, I don't even remember what the film was all about. Except that the guy spawned near Saturn and we laughed at that lazy bit of writing.
My wife actually watched this movie with me (and she didn't fall asleep) and I would say it was on a tad of the boring side. But I thought they potrayed the passage of time well in the movie. I don't know about the ending of this movie, could have been done differently. I would see it because there is some decent points in the movie but I would rent it and not buy it. Just a long movie and I don't see a whole heck of a lot of replay value here.
I won't buy the Blue-Ray, worth the one tie watch, but a tad boring time to time, I didn't like whole bookshelf thingy at all.
The Cinematogtaphy was incredible! We all know about the accurate representation of a black hole before the twist, and that was just amazing! The ending and twist of the black hole being a machine was just really... fucking.... stupid!