Re release of Blake...
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Re release of Blake 7

99 Star General Site Moderator
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Spotted it the other day on YouTube and it looks like they are re releasing Blake 7 with all new CGI effects and special feature for each of the four series of the show.

I have all four of the series on DVD so not sure if I want to buy it again but I'm interested to see what they have replaced with new effects.   

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I'm really excited about this. Yes they have used CGI but primarily they built new practical models and filmed those. I think they even got the original SFX supervisor to help out. It seems really respectful and about the best way to do it! Pity most of the show was done on tape and will never look as crisp as TNG or Space:1999 in HD

99 Star General Site Moderator
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Interesting did not realise they were doing any new practical effects for the show.  ? 

Hope they do a good job of the CGI like the original Star Trek where they replaced all the old effects and did a really good job of it and not as the beeb did with Red Dwarf.
