Star Wreck: In the ...
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Star Wreck: In the pirkinning HD remaster

Reputable Member


Seems they're remastering it, and looks like they've completely redone several of the scenes.


Added bonus, it sounds 10x more epic with Japanese dub:

Topic starter Posted : January 18, 2016 17:58
99 Star General

Have they just upres it for YouTude as I have it on DVD and I don't think it looks any different although it's been a while since I last watched it.

Posted : January 19, 2016 10:56
Illustrious Member Admin

I actually have never seen this and will have to watch it when it is completed.

Posted : January 20, 2016 04:44
Reputable Member

they changed some of the models, but mostly just detail upgrades. And yeah, I think besides some minor quality edits, not much has been edited TBH. Main difference is that it now will be released on youtube for free.

Topic starter Posted : January 20, 2016 07:28
99 Star General

Always found both this and Iron sky comedy misses the mark although both are gems of ideas.

Posted : January 22, 2016 10:33
Reputable Member

fun trivia fact:

A large part of the crowdfunding for Iron Sky came from the European Parliament. Several MEP's donated substantial amounts.

Topic starter Posted : January 23, 2016 01:23