This a series of pics done for a proposed sequel to the 1984 film, I don't it's been given the green light yet and given that Hollywood's track record with doing this sort thing recently, it maybe best if nothing comes of it.
One ray of hope is the guy behind it was part of the writing team on Rouge One, if I understand it correctly so it may not be as bad as some of the others.
And if it does get made would it be the longest time between sequels.
Whether they make a sequel or a remake, with today's tech they could make this movie look amazing. I watched this a few years ago again and looks so dated the special effects, the story was its strong point I though. Netflix has been in a sci-fi mood the past few years, maybe they should pitch it to them.
Been a few years since I last watched it and I know that I have the dvd some where, so I'm going to dig it out and give it a watch.