Here is the latest movie from Ridley Scott
So, am I to infer from the trailer that at some point the entire planet of Mars will be somehow inserted into the orbit of a large gas giant? I will just give them the benefit of the doubt by assuming that the trailer was in no way implying that they are going to use a space shuttle to get to Mars.
Well, Prometheus was only partially terrible, and the original Alien was actually quite good (strobe lights appearing for no reason notwithstanding), so I guess you never know.
Why are science fiction fans so badly treated by Hollywood? Especially with what is a surprisingly large number of pretty-good sci-fi novels in the past 30 years (although they've been buried well enough that it's taken me that long to find them). Thank god we'll always have 2001.
I would say that trailer is a fake, looks like a mash up of Prometheus and Mission to Mars.
Looks like Scott is doing a film called "The Martian" sound a bit like a remake of "Robinson Crusoe on Mars".
If you see it on the TV check it out as it's a great film.
Definitely is a movie...
I thought some of those assets looked familiar.
Big fan of Scott films from Alien and Bladerunner to Gladiator and Black hawk Down so I will be keeping a look out for this one .
I feel pretty silly having responded to it as if it were an actual trailer. Who makes fake movie trailers? That seems to me like an exceedingly odd hobby...
I thing I found the real deal
It's based on this novel, which although self-published, has had very good reviews.
Well the real trailer actually looks good 🙂
Matt Damon played a small role in interstellar, guess he liked wearing the suit.
Aye look's good will be be keeping a look out for it when it hit DVD.
Official HD trailer
Anyone seem this yet ?
My sister went to go see it on opening night. Still waiting on feedback, but interested.
This has been driving me CRAZY (it's a short trip... like the is this a sequel to mission to mars?
whoa... isn't what it used to be... just trying to reference faster-than-light comms
Great movie, I liked it, well worth the watch!
This movie was FANTASTIC! It was a great hard scifi movie, that could definitely be compared to 2001, the Day The Earth Stood Still, etc. It wasn't overly convoluted and in the end dumb like Interstellar and it absolutely shits on Gravity. Thank you Ridley Scott! Prometheus wasn't awful, but it wasn't amazing like Alien, but this movie reminded me of a good Stanley Kubrick SciFi (like 2001 and A Clockwork Orange). It was a really nice change from almost every other Hollywood SciFi.
Just watched the Blu-ray and it's bloody brilliant will have to go and read the book now, the only bit I would criticise is that bit where they go to china as it looks like it was just added just to please the Chinese market.
One of my top 3 Mars movies.
Yep, I thought it was pretty good, which is a relief after all the nausea I suffered from Gravity and Interstellar.
Some of it was pretty hard to believe, which is frustrating because they could easily have changed it to be entirely plausible. Especially the ending where he somehow manages to direct himself a few kilometers with his torn pressure suit despite being in a nasty spin... I don't think so. Didn't ruin the film though.
Forgot to mention the poor selection of special features on the disk as in not much about the making of the film also no directors commentary although their is a number of mockumentaries.
Just watched this and I was definitely entertained the entire time I watched this and I kind of agree that it seemed like they needed some filler for the film so they threw in the Chinese space program to help out NASA 🙂
But overall the thought and actions in keeping alive on Mars weren't far fetched and seemed legit (yeah the space suit flight, was a little... but c'mon its a last ditch effort to live you would do it too.... or try too). Movie was better than I thought and yes a lot better than Prometheus :). So rent or buy this movie you will like it.
Just watched this and I was definitely entertained the entire time I watched this and I kind of agree that it seemed like they needed some filler for the film so they threw in the Chinese space program to help out NASA 🙂
That was my reaction to it well but it is in the book, but it's still feels like an add on that a lot of Hollywood films do for the Chinese market.
It's a pretty faithful adaptation of the book and IIRC the only major sequence missing is the crash when he's on the journey to the second lander.