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To all SSC Station occupants

Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.

Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.


Announcing the Shallow Space Website Redesign!

Eminent Member




There's still much to be done to the site as the game grows, but this is our first step in that direction. 


Check it out!

Topic starter Posted : October 27, 2014 06:55
New Member

That design looks familiar...

Posted : October 29, 2014 21:48
Active Member

That design looks familiar...

Yes, Eve online rip off.

Posted : October 30, 2014 07:29
Eminent Member

That design looks familiar...


It does draw a lot of inspiration from another site I made. πŸ˜‰ 



Yes, Eve online rip off.


Not in the slightest. 

Topic starter Posted : October 30, 2014 15:34
Estimable Member

Yes, Eve online rip off.


This makes me laugh, have you got nothing better to do?


It probably will evolve into a direct Eve website ripoff, complete with bells and whistles - does that make you mad dude?


lol honestly.

Posted : November 1, 2014 03:31
Illustrious Member Admin

I think people underestimate the time and effort that goes into a website. I started with WordPress and a bunch of mods and bridged it to phpbb. It was a maintenatance nightmare (and I have to admit wordpress has grown since 2008, thought about re-looking into it). But I went with more of a pay solution for SSC so I use invision proboards for everything on SSC. I think your theming matches your game great, I have always been artistically challenged and so I have a bland theme on SSC but it works. You can never satisfy 100% of the people so as long as you are not getting overwhelming grief about the website then its great πŸ™‚

Posted : November 7, 2014 08:51
Estimable Member

I think people underestimate the time and effort that goes into a website. I started with WordPress and a bunch of mods and bridged it to phpbb. It was a maintenatance nightmare (and I have to admit wordpress has grown since 2008, thought about re-looking into it). But I went with more of a pay solution for SSC so I use invision proboards for everything on SSC. I think your theming matches your game great, I have always been artistically challenged and so I have a bland theme on SSC but it works. You can never satisfy 100% of the people so as long as you are not getting overwhelming grief about the website then its great πŸ™‚


Thanks, yes it is a nightmare - i've done several wordpress sites but it isn't where my talents lie really! Brian does that sort stuff for a living really happy to have him on-board. What's harder than the website is the in-game UI, such a ball ache!

This forum better than most I think, images are a little fiddly to insert (have to manually resize them) and god only knows how you get stuff into that gallery haha, some black magic stuff πŸ™‚ we're gonna look at in the longer term, it has a lot of feature designed to retain visitors and promote revisits but you don't seem to have much of a problem with that.

Posted : November 8, 2014 00:04
Active Member

Why would I be mad, I just find it, how to honestly say it and don´t offend anyone... but there is extreme similarity with old Eve theme, their newest version is bit different but you can still see influence. But I wouldn´t see it as such a big problem, they set incredibly high standard for sci-fi games website and presentation (including trailers) and it would be actually kinda stupid to not take inspiration from them.


Before someone blame me from not being objective:


Header - black transparent with one pixel grey border, logo / menu layout (one pixel border on bot is from old version)

Space background across whole background

Footer - black, one px grey border on top

Layout of page, layout of images - this one is not taken from front page, it is absolutely same as EVE online expansion announcements pages, it was actually their signature for quite a long time

Bold grey border with sharp corner around dominant image/video in front (this isn´t actually so usual across other sci-fi websites)

One liner / motto under menu


I really don´t see it so bad getting inspiration from AAA sites, even RSI, but denying it when it is so obvious, I mean.. come on with "not even slightest".


Suggestion tho, remove cursor interaction from your motto. Also beware of duplicate IDs, they might cause more issues than expected.

Posted : November 8, 2014 04:43
Eminent Member

Why would I be mad, I just find it, how to honestly say it and don´t offend anyone... but there is extreme similarity with old Eve theme, their newest version is bit different but you can still see influence. But I wouldn´t see it as such a big problem, they set incredibly high standard for sci-fi games website and presentation (including trailers) and it would be actually kinda stupid to not take inspiration from them.


Before someone blame me from not being objective:


Header - black transparent with one pixel grey border, logo / menu layout (one pixel border on bot is from old version)

Space background across whole background

Footer - black, one px grey border on top

Layout of page, layout of images - this one is not taken from front page, it is absolutely same as EVE online expansion announcements pages, it was actually their signature for quite a long time

Bold grey border with sharp corner around dominant image/video in front (this isn´t actually so usual across other sci-fi websites)

One liner / motto under menu


I really don´t see it so bad getting inspiration from AAA sites, even RSI, but denying it when it is so obvious, I mean.. come on with "not even slightest".


Suggestion tho, remove cursor interaction from your motto. Also beware of duplicate IDs, they might cause more issues than expected.


What if I told you, lots of websites have black headers, images in the background, and content laid out like the Shallow Space home page?


Nothing you have described is unique to Eve's site in the slightest. All of which are VERY common elements in MANY websites in any genre. 


Eve online isn't the first or the last website to use the home page layout. Apple has been famous for using that particular layout for a lot longer than Eve's current design has been around. Should Eve not use that layout because Apple did it first? Should I not have a space background for a space game because another space game had a space background? 


Again, everything you have described are all VERY common elements in web design. Eve didn't do any of them first.

Topic starter Posted : November 8, 2014 16:39
Active Member

Alright, so you created absolutely generic sci-fi website (as you are just saying + I actually described pretty much whole design of that webpage), much better. Then maybe don´t say "it is inspired by MY previous webpage" but "it is inspired by general sci-fi webpages and that why you feel like you´ve already seen it"... cut bulls*it.


Btw show me some more webpages that use wide grey boarder around images/video against dark background.





Nothing you have described is unique to Eve's site in the slightest. All of which are VERY common elements in MANY websites in any genre. 


I described pretty much every element on your webpage, so I guess you finally wrote what I wanted to hear in the first place.

Posted : November 9, 2014 02:39
Eminent Member

Alright, so you created absolutely generic sci-fi website (as you are just saying + I actually described pretty much whole design of that webpage), much better. Then maybe don´t say "it is inspired by MY previous webpage" but "it is inspired by general sci-fi webpages and that why you feel like you´ve already seen it"... cut bulls*it.


Btw show me some more webpages that use wide grey boarder around images/video against dark background.




I described pretty much every element on your webpage, so I guess you finally wrote what I wanted to hear in the first place.


Do you realize that all websites borrow elements from other websites?


Pretty much all websites use elements from other websites. That's how the web goes.


Are you going to complain about Eve's website using design elements from Apple's website? Are you going to complain about the Wall Street Journal using many of the same elements as the New York Times?


Every website ever uses elements from other websites. That's how the web (and design and art in general) works.


If I were to show you any websites that use wide grey boarders around images/video against a dark background you'll just claim that I copied those websites, so I won't bother. 


So you got me to admit that a site's design uses elements from another website. That's true of any website from any web designer.

Topic starter Posted : November 10, 2014 15:56
Active Member

Yeah and by total accident pretty much every of element on that website is same to one other specific website. It is not one element... that´s the whole point. Six main elements, all same on both sites, not to mention apart from images that is all there is on those sites, apple site looks quite different, your does not, you can replace every image on apple site with eve images and it will look still look very different, do same with your site.. bam! spot 5 differences challenge.

Posted : November 12, 2014 02:44
Estimable Member

Yeah and by total accident pretty much every of element on that website is same to one other specific website. It is not one element... that´s the whole point. Six main elements, all same on both sites, not to mention apart from images that is all there is on those sites, apple site looks quite different, your does not, you can replace every image on apple site with eve images and it will look still look very different, do same with your site.. bam! spot 5 differences challenge.


Blah blah blah, are you still going on? Brian's obviously happy with it, I'm definitely happy with it, are you not happy with it then? We could never have guessed.


Why don't you e-mail CCP and tell them we've ripped off their site? They will probably give eeeeven less of a shit than we do πŸ™‚


That said, you've taken the time to provide us with pages and pages of detailed feedback so thank you for that at least... But sadly you've overstated your point and we're going to ignore you now, so go and do something useful with your life.



Posted : November 12, 2014 04:59