Game Info
- Developer: Unistellar Industries
- Platform tested on: Windows XP (Core 2 Duo e7200, Ati Radeon 4870 512mb)
- Release Status: version 177 Released, 2.00 beta
General Overview
Rise is a MMO spacesim. The game is centered around a moon of Iomere called Vieneo. The current game style does not lead you though any storyline or tutorials. So its pretty much a sandbox setup for scifi roll playing.
The back story can be found here:
The ultimate goal of this game is to have fun flying scifi spacships and trade your way to riches. Players start out with a taxi making small amounts of credits. Eventually with some help from other players you may make it up to and E10 spacecraft hauling a variety of materials and passengers. Once you profit enough from passenger runs move onto buying property,constructing buildings and mining ores.
I have logged many hours in game. Most of them just hanging out. When I do fly I stick with the E10 since it hauls the most cargo. Passenger runs from the city Deois to EasyDock space station are probably one of the best ways to make credits.
The Game engine is quite unique. The game is started with 3 executables. First the Client which handles communications. Then the Sound module and finally the Viewscreen. It was designed this way to run Viewscreen executable on seperate networked compters. Although this feature is no longer supported and players can simply run all 3 modules on the same PC. Version 2.0 is in the works and combines the game into one exe. Currently there is a lack of options for Level of detail/render distance. So I recommend having a good 3d video card.
If you are hardcore enough you should definitely check out this game. At the very least it should stir up your imagination.
Don't be worried by the lack of players. The glass is half full and less players means more property available to purchase and mine.
As of today you have a good chance of getting a free gratis account. All you have to do is ask.
- Media
This is a fan made trailer I made several years ago.
Nice review M0u53r
I have yet to try this game out just because of time. But the 2.0 beta screenshot is looking good and the fact that it supports Win7 and 64bit is a plus. Is there any combat in Rise?
Sorry for the late response. (I was on vacation)
Thanks Darkone, if you find the time be sure to contact me. I can let you fly some of my ships. (maybe even sell you one 😉 )
There is combat but It isn't complete. Currently repairs are instant and free so It makes combat a little less exciting. Most will simply spam shift+r to repair their ship.
There are three weapons. the first two are the fuzer and sinker. All three are purchased and mounted at Cutter's port which is a space station (orbits at 3000km). If I remember correctly the sinker is the only target seeking weapon and therefore costs a little more. The 3rd weapon, a missile launcher. Ammo for the missile launcher must be loaded at Cutter's port. The fuzer and sinker use your ship's fuel as ammo.
Getting hit will cause some of your systems to be disabled and make it harder to fly. When a player gets hit enough times they usually crash. Explosions occur when a projectile hits an object. Lastly I should add that currently only spacecraft can have weapons since you have to fly to Cutter's port to purchase and mount. (They can probably be mounted on other aircraft by request)