Thanks for the 'map blip' tip, this will speed up my findings, have taken one in the Phoenix sector but it was well-defended with some good enemy ships around.
The patch 1.3 says to have 'fixed a bug' with both time and cloaking device, thanks for the fix, but obviously I have to gather all the pieces first to verify...this may take some time 🙂
Enemy ships (not CAPs):
Up to now I first look at the Level number of the pilot (upper left border of the target window) to know what's about, but this may not tell you exactly about his strenght. I was fighting with my 2 wingmen against only 1 fighter (I don't remember his Level, but he was UF I think), and he only landed 1 hit to reduce my upgraded shields by half, soon my armor was also near to zero and I exploded seconds later
I have upgraded my Weaponery to over 70, but even with the best weapon for the shield/armor type I cannot do as much damage with only 1 hit. Or it was a very powerful missile?
Also if things go badly when my armor/shields are low, I order all my wingen to engage the targets and afterburn away, but still the attacker remains on my tail...Logically he should get busy with my wingmen, but that's not the case apparently...
My Energy Cells are pretty at max and my upgraded speed value (speed bar) is 7. Maybe that's still not enough? I have to be careful because the upgrade points for a ship are limited.
Buying new ships:
I have changed to a Medium EMD Fighter. It's good that you get all your buyed upgrades discounted and your crafted items transfered. So you could aslo buy the same ship type in order to distribute your upgrades differently ?
About the ship info: I wonder if the default upgrade numbers, e.g. in the buying section, if you see a speed = 20 for a ship, is this an absolute value, that is: the same speed for a small, medium or heavy fighter ? Or asked the other way: Will a medium or heavy fighter with a speed = 0 in upgrade be faster than a light fighter ?
Nuclear Torpedo / Missile Damage Modifier:
I can now buy and use the nuke for a ridiculous low price of 250. For doing a damage of 1000 it should cost much more, but I'm ok with it 🙂
I will use it to destroy a building and maybe during a Planet Desinfection mission to see its effects. This missile should be an 'all around' trouble solver, right? I guess a CAP ship just blowing up maybe taking some escorts along with it, but then I haven't tried it yet...Also I'm curious if any other NPC ships are using this one...
Is this right: Missile type X with 'triple' usage and a Damage Modifier of 80 will do a 240 damage (when all are hitting), so it's twice as powerful than a 'single' 120 one ?
Again thanks for your 'durability' in answering all my questions 🙂 I hope all this will be a promotion to this good game, helping others as well 😎
The patch 1.3 says to have 'fixed a bug' with both time and cloaking device,
Good. Most likely it's the bug I mentioned. I hope this time around they'll keep supporting the game.
In regard to wingmen: I don't use them and I don't know if your having them is making the game spawn tougher enemies to even the odds.
Today I finished to befriend the UF. If we exclude the Collective, my only other enemies are the Pirates -- which I enjoy killing. You see, I'm friend with the galaxy and I easily find help wherever I go. No use for wingmen.
I have upgraded my Weaponery to over 70, but even with the best weapon for the shield/armor type I cannot do as much damage with only 1 hit. Or it was a very powerful missile?
Missiles can be devastating if fired from foes higher level than you, especially if your shields are down.
Try to be more aggressive. If you hit your attacker hard you'll force him into evasive action, making it impossible for him to point his weapons at you. And practice your EMP. Too soon and you waste it. Too late and you risk to get hit by the next missile(s) because they may be in flight already but you have no time left to notice them coming.
My Energy Cells are pretty at max and my upgraded speed value (speed bar) is 7. Maybe that's still not enough?
Nah, your Speed is okay. You just need more practice with combat. If you match your speed with your target (look up the keybind in the Options) you'll notice they never go full speed while in combat. This allows them to turn around real quick. You should do the same.
Buying new ships:
I have changed to a Medium EMD Fighter. It's good that you get all your buyed upgrades discounted and your crafted items transfered. So you could aslo buy the same ship type in order to distribute your upgrades differently ?
Confirmed. Every time you buy a ship you get to decide where to spend your upgrades. Take it to the letter.
About the ship info: I wonder if the default upgrade numbers, e.g. in the buying section, if you see a speed = 20 for a ship, is this an absolute value, that is: the same speed for a small, medium or heavy fighter ? Or asked the other way: Will a medium or heavy fighter with a speed = 0 in upgrade be faster than a light fighter ?
Good question. I had to peek inside the game files to answer you.
Yes, they are absolute values. Whether a ship is bought with a Speed pre-upgraded to 20, or bought with Speed 0 and manually upgraded to 20, you end up with the very same end-speed.
Can we say that all ships perform identically if they receive the same amount of upgrades? Hmm... Yes, mostly.
Why 'mostly'? Because in the ship definition files I found a parameter called 'Angular Friction'. It's always a decimal number between 0 and 1 (a multiplier?)
Despite the name, I have no clue what the parameter affects, but the value changes from ship to ship.
Other than that, the differences between ships are in the form of the Armor/Shield types they use, and the number of upgrades they can receive. Ship size is also a factor not to underestimate. The bigger the airframe, the easier to hit.
Nuclear Torpedo / Missile Damage Modifier:
I can now buy and use the nuke for a ridiculous low price of 250. For doing a damage of 1000 it should cost much more, but I'm ok with it
Wait, it's not 1000, but 1000%
Missiles -just like guns- apply a multiplier to increase or reduce your base damage value. For example, with a Weapons level of 110 I have a Secondary Damage of 52.0
Should I launch a Nuclear Torpedo it'd cause 1000% of 52 damage... or 10 times 52. That makes 520 damage.
Another example: The Ecstasy Rocket has a multiplier of 70% but uses 3 warheads. With my Secondary Damage of 52 an Ecstasy Rocket would inflict... 70% of 52 = 0.7 * 52 = 36.4 damage. Per warhead. Only if all 3 warheads hit the target I can inflict 109.2 damage.
Invest in your Weapons level. If you don't know where to spend your upgrades, think 'Weapons'.
I hope that answers your questions Ciao ciao.