To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
This is a hard question to answer for me because I think gaming is totally going away from the single player experience and wanting to get people playing together which isn't a bad thing but I have noticed a lot of MP/MMO's lack the depth to keep you interested for long periods of time and the only thing that keeps you playing is the friends you have made.
I miss the great single player experiences from elite, WC Series, Privateer, FS2 and FL. But the developers nowadays say they cannot make $$ off single player games with MP elements because they don't sell enough. But maybe I can be proved wrong with all the MMO's that are coming out in the space genre (ie: JGE, Black Prophecy, Blackstar, Infinity, STO, etc...)
But I like SP style games with MP elements 🙂
Not a big fan of on line games ,so I will go with the single player game 😀
Does that mean I won't see you in Jumpgate Evolution when it hits the stores? Not too many SP only games coming out Pinback. But I have to admit some of my most memorable times were playing the SP only Wing Commander series... I still cannot believe they let that series die off.
Well I guess I will have to try one these online games one day. 😀
like the look of Infinity if they ever get it finished that is.
You might be able to get into the The Black Prophecy and Jumpgate Evolution Beta's since they are coming very soon. I actually cannot wait to try these because in a way these are the only space sim type games coming that I know of. I don't know of any official commercial space sim product being developed right now that is a single player game.
Isn't single player the only way to go if you like a plot and story line? 😎 Most games today forget entirely about the concept of a story and character development and immersing you into there game. You should feel something for your companions when something happens to them.
When Angel gets killed in WC3 by Prince Thrakhath you just want to kill the hell out of the Kilrathi.
Have to say I much prefer Single player games myself.
I find i just don't have enough time to invest in MMO's as the real world tend to get in the way.
At the moment i am playing StarShatterer: TGS for some Ship fighting, and I also installed believe it or not Fallout. And I have been having a ball playing it.
Surely multiplayer.
Just a question: what's the sense of making singleplayer only rpg-like game???
Single Player. 'Nuff said. 😆
Just a question: what's the sense of making singleplayer only rpg-like game???
I personally get a lot more fulfillment playing any SP rpg style game because the story is focused and not generic like in most MMO's. I have yet to play a MMO that made me feel attached to the environment and the storyline. I would like that to change but no one has gotten it right yet. I am hoping that SWTOR (Star Wars The Old Republic) will come close. You have to think that a lot of MMO's have role play servers just for the reason that there is no real world content and storyline so they make there own on what is available.
Very well said. 🙂
I generally go for games that have a good SP storyline but multiplayer capabilities like dogfights, deathmatches, maybe a few "historical missions" playable in Mp or mini campaigns.
A huge Battle of Midway (or Battle of Endor) multiplayer dogfight would sound pretty cool if they could pull it off though.
Always liked playing the Blazing Angels games the flying is fun and it would be something to have those dogfights. If I remember right those games have 16player MP and set during WWII.
I don't like playing multi-player at all, which I'm glad to see is reflected in the voting. Although if Infinity: Quest for Earth ever launches I am sorely tempted to give that a go based purely on how bloody gorgeous the rendered planets and stellar objects look! My most fervent wish is they license their engine and let someone craft a singleplayer experience from it, but if I have to play online just so I can lose myself in exploring those lovely be it.
I know I am starting to get burnt out on MMO's because the content and immersive feel is not there. I know I like SWTOR that is being worked on and if Dirt 514 (Spin off of EVE online which is a FPS/RPG). But besides that i can't play them more than a week any more. I have been looking for more SP, SP/MP playable games. I just get more out of them and I have a more satisfying time with them. I foundly look back on the days of playing all the WC and FS games and just having a blast with the stories and gameplay.
I hear ya on that Stardreamer, I think every space gamer will get in on this game just to try it. The game looks stunning and I wish they would get a bigger dev team. But the dev wants total control of the content and design style. I really can't fault him in that it truly looks great. I would just like more updates that a blog post every few months 🙂
I voted MMO but the poll is missing an option that says "All of the above". That's what I would've voted. Solo exploration and combat is fun, but 25vs25 fleet fights are also awesome.
I hear ya on that r3dfiv3, but I didn't add that option because I wanted to force people to choose a game type. All of the above doesn't give you an accurate count I don't think, because I like playing all of the above too. But generally people would like one game type over another. Just my .02 though.... 🙂
The purpose of nearly every MMO is to make a system which keeps players hooked, in order to milk as much cash from them as possible.
The purpose of a single player game is to create a gaming experience compelling enough that you will buy it.
Basically. So I would have to lean towards single player games.
Additionally, what is the chance that you can modify a MMO. Very limited. And sadly enough, your ability to have an real impact on the game world is extemely low, given that they don't want to rock the player base by having anything TOO cataclysmic happening.
Single player games are free of both these limitations. Usually.
Additionally, what is the chance that you can modify a MMO. Very limited. And sadly enough, your ability to have an real impact on the game world is extemely low, given that they don't want to rock the player base by having anything TOO cataclysmic happening.
Single player games are free of both these limitations. Usually.
Well, you might want to try out Freelancer then. While it is not directly a MMORPG it can be considered in some aspects as one, but all the servers are driven by the community itself, and some of those have done very heavy modifications.
If you want to try it out first before you purchase it you can just google after freelancer trial/demo.
I personally played freelnacer about 4700 hours till yet, and it still rocks my box !! 😀