To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
I've just subscribed to the newsletter - the hook is in!
I've just subscribed to the newsletter - the hook is in!
The big question Cody is, will you be getting one of these rocking gaming chairs, crash helmet and flight stick to play the game.?
Would be great if they added a rotating space station, like the one seen in 2001 or Elite to dock with.
will you be getting one of these rocking gaming chairs, crash helmet and flight stick to play the game.?
<chuckles> That'll be the day! I'll fly, and almost certainly fail, using stick and keyboard. That is of course if they allow me to buy the "game" and "play" it without having a Steam account, or having to be online. We shall see!
Had a look on the steam forum for the game but did not see any mention of a GOG release although it may come later after early access.
Did see that their was mention of a demo which can got through their discord if it still current.
Had a look on the steam forum for the game but did not see any mention of a GOG release
Thanks, Pinback - let me know if you do.
Short video about HOTAS setup and good to see he still wearing his crash helmet.
I wonder if it will be playable with just a joystick and keyboard, or are pedals going to be necessary?
I would guess that they will have the normal mouse, keyboard and joystick controls, overwise it would severely limit their sales.
I've played the demo in the Steam Next Fest.
Not much in it, only missions are 'take off at a landing pad, and land at a different pad directly in front of you'. One in space and one in an atmospheric planet.
It's a pretty chill flying experience, but hopefully there is actually a reason to be flying from point A to point B in the full game.
Nice going to have too check that out.
Couple of videos, first ones about the demo and the second looks to be a long playthrough of a mission, must download that demo.
quick note for Cody, yes it has keyboard and mouse controls and the game recommends being played with a Joypad.
I played the demo!! It's like trying to get a donkey airborne, with your hand tied behind your back and a gremlin poking at your nose!! It's nearly uncontrollable!!
It's like trying to make a donkey airborne, with your hand tied behind your back and a gremlin poking at your nose!! It's nearly uncontrollable!!
I played the demo!! It's like trying to make a donkey airborne, with your hand tied behind your back and a gremlin poking at your nose!! It's nearly uncontrollable!!
Wow I thought it was too easy with the game pad, then I tried it the mouse and keyboard, smack into the ground.
That's why I don't play "study" sims! Even with a joystick, it's too complicated!!
I find myself really likening this and will probably be a purchases when it released, although I do still feel it maybe a one trick pony in the gameplay department.
Bit of a shame that it's not a full solar system with a number of different planets with different gravity and atmospheres, also throw in a basic trading system and some pirates to fight.
Still uncontrollable!! Uninstalled never to be seen again!!
I haven't tried this demo yet, but I would tend to agree with @captainkal.... if the controls are horrible it will turn me off from the game. So hopefully it will be worked on whether its controller or flight stick.... I rarely play more advanced flying games with KB/Mouse because I am getting to old to remember all the keybindings hahaha
But its looking good 🙂
Xbox 360 controller was fine.
Personally, I thought the flying was a bit too simplistic.
I found the 360 control to be very well implemented as well
Looks like the game has had an update, but no idea what it was.
@pinback I find it kind of strange, that a "realistic" sim needs a gamepad as a requirement!! Joystick control needs a lot of work!!
@pinback I find it kind of strange, that a "realistic" sim needs a gamepad as a requirement!! Joystick control needs a lot of work!!
My guess would be that it was done to make it accessible to more players, most people have a joypad but not every one has a joystick.
@pinback I agree!! But since it's considered a "realistic" sim, the developers should have also worked more, on joystick control!! Granted, they might be short on time or resources, but it is unplayable with a joystick, as it is!!
He did have some videos of him playing it with a HOTAS setup and crashing a lot, so maybe it does need some more work.
Game has released.
It seems a bit shallow and devoid of content for me at $30 though.