To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
wanted to share some hints for the "easy" level mode
worked up to sector 7 in my very first game
first of all dont attack the bridge - its a rather non-critical-system for the enemies ability to do damage to you.
another general tip: have always scrap left to be able to recruit someone - running a ship with a crew of one past sector 4 is just delayed death.
if you are using Kestrel and using the default weapons:
1) if enemy got no shields attack their weapons systems until disabled then switch to their engines - you dont want to escape that loot.
2) enemy got one or even 2 shields :
a)use missille on shield gen and burst laser on weapon - without bad luck you be able to disable shields right before your laser homes into their weapons. you may then even stop using missiles !
b)if you are badly damaged and have to make sure you dont get hit then use missile and laser on their weapons first - this also tend to waste missiles.
3) enemy got 2 or more shields: target shields first - then on their weapon or drone bay if the use one
for the engi-ship following tactic works at least without any problems at least to sector 4 / ships with 1 or 2 shields
use the attack drone and let the ion-blaster autofire on their shield gen if they have one, if not then one weapons - even a lonely default ship attack drone is very good at damaging the enemy.
if enemy got a defend drone that manages to kill your drones fast - disengage !
i used this
1 get ion cannon
2 shoot shield with ion then with missles and guns
3 shoot ion on weapons then with missles and guns
repeat till destroyed
I hate these drones, I have come across them a couple of times so far and one of them was able to shoot straight through the shields.
Had my first uninvited guest last night, he managed to damage most of my systems before the ship blew up. <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' />
you got boared
that sucks man my ship gets boared all the time just put your crew in one chamber and vent it all out
I have started putting all my crew in the Med bay when boarded, sometimes it works and they kill all the boarders some times the ship takes too much damage and blows up.
Have lost all the crew a couple of time to the fact that there is no air in the ship, it would have been better if the crew could have donned space suits and given the player a couple of extra turns to fix the ship.
I have to say, a combination of ion weapons and battle drones seems to be the most effective option. I unlocked the Engi ship accidentely on my first playthrough, and have been using it ever since. I usually stock up on lots of crew members, keeping humans for controling systems and hiring a few rock aliens as a defense force. Good for boarding too!
I think there's a Security drone somewhere, but it doesn't seem that effective.
[background=rgb(33, 47, 58)]Have lost all the crew a couple of time to the fact that there is no air in the ship, it would have been better if the crew could have donned space suits and given the player a couple of extra turns to fix the ship. [/background]
If you put your crue in one room, and vent the air of the ship in space (by opening all the bulkheads except those that connect the crue room with the rest of the ship), the boarding party takes a lot of damage. A door and oxygen upgrade also helps.
Got as far as sector 6 last night but after going through 5 the ship was got so bang up it looked like curtains for the crew <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':fie:' /> lucky for me I have managed to pick up a hull repair drone which fixed up the hull <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':biggrin:' /> but I only had 3 fuel left and no stores in sight.
Met a pirate ship on the first jump but after a long battle he jumped away <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':wild:' /> , luck was with me as a stores appeared on the next jump. so I was able to refuel the ship.
Unfortunately the next jump landed me with a strong rebel ship which destroyed the good ship Darkstar in under a minute <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':banghead:' />
Well, I lost my ship on the second jump. A lucky parting shot, hit my oxygene and caused a fire. And lost all of my crue to suffocation, trying to repair the system.
Well, I lost my ship on the second jump. A lucky parting shot, hit my oxygene and caused a fire. And lost all of my crue to suffocation, trying to repair the system.
ah nice to hear that someone lasted as twice as long as my shortest game - ever !
first jump into a nebula and 3 (or was it 4 - not that one less would change the outcome) mantis invaded my ship out of nowhere
mrrr i hate receiving teleports while shields are up !
This is the video to watch.
Well, I found some good cheats at FTL wiki, like quick saving and dissabling the Rebel Chase. I will use the latter if I want to have a more Starflight/Star Control 2 experience. <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':cool:' />
Had a look at the wiki and seen the thing about quick saving but did not see anything about the rebel fleet.
Tried the idea about venting all the air from the ship apart from rooms where the crew are, I open the airlock at the start and kept them open <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':wacko:' /> put a stop to the fires spreading but did not seem to slow down the boarders. they still killed all the crew (mind you they were 3 rockmen). <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':laugh:' />
Try to upgrade the bulkheads. It's a small upgrade (20 - 25 scrap), but it is very usefull for fire and boarding situations.
I will give it a go as I not upgraded any of the doors.
Finally made it to the last sector but didn't last long <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' />
Sometimes I do not last long, in the first sector!!!!! <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' /> <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' /> <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' />[background=rgb(33, 47, 58)] [/background]
Sometimes I do not last long, in the first sector!!!!! <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' /> <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' /> <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' />[background=rgb(33, 47, 58)] [/background]
mrrr - so true - shortest game ever : 1 jump !
also made it to the final boss
spoiler ----
using kestrel: beat the first stage - then got owned by hordes of drones at the second "damaged" (ya right...) stage
maybe i have to be lucky on my way and get better weapons
There an update to the game, I've not installed it yet as I can't find out what it dose.
Anyone got any of the other ships, I see the wilk says there are given for doing quest.
this night i managed to get the stealth cruiser after some multi-stage quest - did not try it though
so its basically your random-number-generator-luck to get quest-related ships
I not seen any ship related quest yet, plenty of other ones.
Nebular sectors, every time I enter one I seem to get boarded I now try to avoid them anyone else having this experience.
Just got done with my 1st playthrough of this game. and i am impressed! such a fun little game. seems like the type of game that got ported from tablets to pc i think. could easily see this being played on an iPad.
The last round i played i got to the sector that gives you the 1st achievement and that square looking ship, which is ironic cause immediately after that i was completely owned by 1 of those little bastards <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />
he had drones taking out my missles and i only had 2 crew members cause in the previous sector i sent 3 to do repairs in the rear of the ship and forgot that the doors were open from when i was snuffing out fires prior to that. ugghhh, i felt dumb...
I lose crew all the time <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' /> finally worked out what to do with boarders.
1 send crew to medical room
2 open airlocks and doors except the medical room
The boarders will goto the medical room where the crew can deal with them while being healed.
the only problem is keeping your weapons/shields and other equipment working. <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' />
9 hours in and I'm yet to make it to sector 8.
<img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />
Took me a while to get to sector 8 still can't beat the rebel ship.