To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
Hi everyone
Im kinda new here....actully just registrated 5 mins ago, cuz im desperately looking for a game, and i think im in the right place.
I bet most of you used to be playing a lot with Freelancer, and more of you played it with friends via LAN. As we did with my friends. Me and my mate are looking for a game what is the same like FL, i mean: trading, pirating, freelancing, hanging out in space together and hunting down pirates.
I know, we should just reinstall the FL, but we were wondering, maybe there are some games, like clones of FL, what have got better graphics, engine, or even much more better than the great Freelancer (kinda impossible i know)
The keyword is the LAN or private servers. Cuz we do not wish to get to a crowded server like Eve, where 11 years old children are trolling everywhere in space.
I have seen the X3 series, what are the same like FL, but they got no multiplayer. So if one you would help us, to find our best solution, that"d be awesome.
Welcome to the forums HesusProctor
Don't know about new Lan games but it might be worth having another look at Freelancer as they are always improving it.
Hello and welcome.
Evochron Mercenary is a very good space sim that also features multiplayer servers. This might be your best alternative yet
Hey check out "Discovery Freelancer". If you liked original freelancer, you will love this! Its a HUGE freelancer mod that is lan or internet playable. it continues the story of freelancer set about 15 years or so after the original events. Lots of new stuff, and i mean lots. New systems a whole new House (Gallia), loads of new ships, weapons and tradeables. Ill throw you a link here to the server i play on so you can check it out:
Hey check out "Discovery Freelancer". If you liked original freelancer, you will love this! Its a HUGE freelancer mod that is lan or internet playable. it continues the story of freelancer set about 15 years or so after the original events. Lots of new stuff, and i mean lots. New systems a whole new House (Gallia), loads of new ships, weapons and tradeables. Ill throw you a link here to the server i play on so you can check it out:
Thanks for advices from all of you. I (we) checked the Discovery servers of Freelancer. Actually, Discovery RP. The roleplayer community made us enjoy it again. There are a lot of creative, and friendly guy there. It makes a new atmosphere to us as we are no longer playing it via Lan, but with almost 200 other people. π
But, now i got some free time, so ill check out the Evochron Mercenary too.
Thanks again.