Hi, there's been a space-sim exploration-based game I've been trying to find for a while, I remember playing it several years ago but I can't remember the name or the company.. So I'm going to try and explain, as much as I can remember, about the game and hopefully you guys will be able to come up with the game? 🙂
Ok basically this game was 99% about exploration, you spent the entire game in your character's view, and you could be in the cockpit of your ship (you could not upgrade or change your ship IIRC) or beam down to certain planets. You could fly to any place as long as you knew the coordinates. Planets had lots of data such as temperature, mass, size and there were moons too. A very small amount of planets had life and foliage running around (although the animals looked very strange IIRC). There was fuel but I can't remember what the fuel was. You had to refuel at certain stars or gas giants, not too sure. I think the cockpit also had a computer at the front which you used to set coordinates, write notes etc. I think the computer was command based, similar to DOS.
There was an abstract lighting system and if you flew nearby a star the ship would glow in the color the star was (this caused a trippy/confusing view at times because there were no shadows).
I'm not too sure about this next one, but I think if you flew too close to a star you would get a warning on your ship, and if you flew into it the game would close (imitating death) and your location would randomise when you loaded it up again. IIRC that was the only way you could 'die'.
The game was semi-multiplayer, meaning your game would be updated by the server and if a player had explored the location you were at you'd be able to read their notes on that location. However you would never see or be able to directly contact another player in-game (although there were forums on the main site). There was also Sol in the game although very few people actually knew the coordanates.
This is all I can remember, sorry it's a bit vague but if anyone can recall the name I'd be very grateful!
Sounds a lot like Noctis to me. Try here: http://anynowhere.com/bb/layout/html/frameset.html click on the Noctis IV link at the top.
That is absolutely Noctis. If you're going to have a play around with again, look for the Noctis IV CE version. This featured lots of little enhancements overe the default game that made it much less of a chore to play, such as sensibly remapped keys and even a jetpack for tooling around on planets with!
Oh, and:
-New Starmap3, which lets you access the guide from anywhere in the universe
-No more "invisible walls"! Moving between sectors!
-The sun moves in the sky now..
-New creatures
-IRC chat app, which you can use through the ship's console
-Bugfixes (a lot of them)
This link should take you to the page:
Download Release 11 (full) then look for and download Release 11.6a 'Cryoburner Edition'. Extract Release 11 into a folder then extract 11.6a into the SAME folder, overwriting as needed. Anything you need to know should be in the text help files. Happy Stardrifting!
Man, just discovered this gem. I sort of stumbled about, and found all of the above instructions with pure trial and error. While the CE version doesn't like my netbook, and refuses to run in full screen, I'm still having a blast with the game. The manual is a must read, however it doesn't cover fuel usage, or what are high/low levels of lithium. Just logged off in a S06 system and am fueling up. Was down to 3 grams before I figured it out. Not sure if that's good or bad. Ah well. Can't wait to start exploration anew.
Truly a fantastic gem, and I reccomend it to anyone who just wants to explore.
Thank you so much guys! I knew you guys would know what it was!
Time to begin nostalgia 😀
I can't get the Go!.exe files to work, it keeps complaining about conventional memory. I can run DWNoctis though. I also completely forgot how to play 🙄
yeahhh...um, I'm having trouble with those pesky Go! files as well. Not sure what I've done wrong, exactly. OH, wait! try renaming the main folder to something under 5 characters long. Or even just one. I think that might have been what did it for me.
To play: if you have the 11.6a Cryoburner edition you should have access to an F1 help screen listing all the keyboard commands. This works down on planets, too. Very handy for those of us with non-eidetic memories!
You can select your Stardrifter commands with the mouse using the main viewscreen - which is kinda cool - but it is actually simpler and less hassle all round to use the key commands. 1-5 for the main menu selectors, 6-9 for -sub commands within those menus and deeper. After a short time you should begin whizzing through them for your favourite options. 🙂
HOT TIP: The Stardrifter fuel cells needs replenishing after a certain amount of travel but in the Cryoburner edition you can switch to a new type of engine that never needs refueling! This is ideal for newbies, or anyone who hates the hassle of having to find the right stars to gas-up on! The command is simple:
5 (Extended) > 7 (More options) > 9 (Install Omega Drive)
Anything else you need to ask, please feel free. Happy Stardrifting!