Might be wrong but I assume this is some sort of Wing Commander clone and the fighter jet shown in the vids is just some place holder art. not much on the site apart from some technobabble which does not really say anything. They are looking for people to work on the game so if you are interested head to the website https://maniastudios.com/ and follow the instructions.
Do like the city in the second vid.
Mania Studios is a starting videogame company that is on its way to becoming a truly unstoppable force in the industry, the release of “Neon Wolves” is well on its way. Getting closer day by day to its inevitable release.
The main purpose with our videogames is to inspire the world with artistic interactive audiovisual media, by creating colourful worlds with storylines that explore highs and lows of characters that have relatable traits, struggles and personalities. The gameplay is also a vital element of videogames and has to challenge, reward and satisfy the players. Thanks to the power of Unreal Engine 4 we are capable of implementing audiovisual assets with great visuals at a rapid pace, allowing us to work smart but hard at the same time.
The alpha “Neon Wolves” prototype builds will be shared amongst artists, to find and get the right creative people to be a part of the creation process of this current title.
At last, we will work towards the beta builds for the early birds that are interested in the title. With the right people on our side, we will get to realise an epic planned single-player campaign, with a storyline consisting of a unique universe with unique characters and cinematic cutscenes; all powered by Unreal Engine 4.
What's it about? A ship sim? I checked their site and it seems vague. A Google search actually showed me some images of Neon wolves, lol.
Kinda purplish though.... ?
Just looking at the vids it might be more of a futuristic Strike commander game than a Wing Commander one.
Big graphic update according to the YouTube vid, not sure what changed.
This reminds me of a sci-fi version of Afterburner 🙂
I think they could have something a little interesting if they focus more on the bigger capitol ships interactions and fighting back and forth. Will be interesting to see what they come up with in the end. But since environment is not really a factor here since its mostly dark and your always flying above the city then concentration needs to be put on interactions and combat with these big ships.
Another video and looks like they are showing of the cockpit.
Another vid showing off the pre alpha game play.
Just another short vid of the gamplay,not too crazy about that jet fighter, think it should look more sci-fi.
Thats why my comment of it being Afterburner in space, hahaha... The combat looks fun though
Another short vid showing of the clouds.
Short vid showing the main menu.
Menu system simple and useful. The game is coming along and definitely is creating its own style of game. Not too many games like this one, its different and I think that will help them if the gameplay is solid. It will have to be solid in some ways because you know the sci-fi fans will knock it a bit because of its inaccuracies with certain space/sci-fi concepts 🙂