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To all SSC Station occupants

Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.

Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.


Pulsar by 3DMuve

Illustrious Member Admin

Pulsar is a XNA title by 3DMuve. It will be a team twitch based space shooter where up to 64 players will participate in deathmatch, team deathmatch, capture the flag and Universal Domination (UD). As of right now the whole game takes place in your space ship.

The new game mode Universal Domination is a little different than what you are used to in that it will involve strategy and that you will have to earn science credits to help with capturing and defeating enemy defenses. You will need to mine resources to get power-ups for your team. The team leader can choose to spend resources on better shields generators, controlling energy to current shields, better defensive weapons, controlling energy to defensive weapons, better offensive weapons, improved mining equipment and additional science labs and controlling energy to science labs.

What you spend your resources on and how you allocate them will be the deciding factor on whether you will win or not.

Currently Pulsar is only going to be released on the Xbox360, there might be a PC release. ETA for Pulsar is still unknown and great to see some space related games hitting the consoles, even though there still isn't any for the PS3 🙁

Here is some screenshots of Pulsar:




Topic starter Posted : May 26, 2009 18:38
Active Member

First I want to thank Spacesim Central for their post on Pulsar. It’s exciting for me as a developer to see the word getting around. I chose a Wing Commander/Space Shooter style game because the WC series are my all time favorite games and genre. It disappoints me that the genre hasn’t continued to grow. I had a lot of hope for games like Jump Gate, Eve Online and other similar titles but none ever really met my vision. I have this grand idea of a great MMOPG for Space Combat (STARQuest) but I finally realized it’s too large an undertaking for one individual, and there is still plenty of opportunity for more multi-player (not massive multi-player) and single player games in the space combat genre.

I really want to make PULSAR for the community and find the right blend of game dynamics to bring renewed hope to the genre. I’m hoping if enough people can speak up and let me (and other developers) know what you’d like in a new title, it can help me to bring my game to life and meet the wishes of the community. I have several ideas, but the one I’ve been leaning most towards is a multi-team based strategy/FPS hybrid. In this game 2-4 teams will compete. The goal will be to destroy all enemy bases, and the last team left wins. However, to destroy a base will require each team level up to a designated science level. It will require good team strategy and tactics to be victorious and should provide hours of game play in a single campaign.

Also, a small correction to the post, due to limitations of the Microsoft XNA framework for Xbox 360 Community Games, I can only support up to 30 players, not 64. Otherwise, that seems to be the only limitation from my original design.

Feel free to comment here or visit my pulsar forums at .

Thanks and I look forward to hearing from everyone what they think of the game and what they’d like to see in it.

Posted : May 28, 2009 03:21
Illustrious Member Admin

Hey Quadgnim

With WC Arena and Star Trek DAC on Xbox Live and looking over there features game modes and features are very close. What are you doing to separate yourself from these two games?

Will there be a ranking system and possibly a way for players to improve their starting ships because of their rank?

Isn't XNA easily ported to the PC? Or would MSoft take control of Pulsar?

Topic starter Posted : June 2, 2009 07:58
Eminent Member

It'd be cool if:

- I had an X-Box, which I don't

- I didn't suck so bad with a gamepad

- it came to PC... though I don't think that's likely to happen

It looks great on the screenshots though 🙂

Posted : June 2, 2009 09:37
Active Member
Darkone wrote:
Hey Quadgnim

With WC Arena and Star Trek DAC on Xbox Live and looking over there features game modes and features are very close. What are you doing to separate yourself from these two games?

I believe I will have a richer strategy element along with an engaging first person shooter. There is a heavy focus on team play but more importantly cooperative team play so people who just want to jump in and fly around on their own probably wont like Pulsar, but those looking to develop mature teams and engage in serious competition I hope will find it highly enjoyable.

Darkone wrote:

Will there be a ranking system and possibly a way for players to improve their starting ships because of their rank?

Only during game play, not between games. At least not from a MS perspective. MS doesn't allow ranking in community games. However, I can save local players stats, so I could conceivably track your stats locally and allow you certain benefits based on that. I'm still considering those details.

Darkone wrote:

Isn't XNA easily ported to the PC? Or would MSoft take control of Pulsar?

90% of my development is on PC and only final play testing and tweaking in on Xbox. I could definitely release it as a PC title. The reason I like Xbox is because MS has over 12 million units out there and once the game is released to the community market place its immediately seen by a lot of people. Without a formal publishing contract I don't know how I could get that kind of recognition on the PC. If there is a good PC self publishing platform and enough interest I'd definitely consider it. The current version runs great on my development box at over 300 FPS.

Posted : June 3, 2009 03:44
Active Member
r3dfiv3 wrote:

- it came to PC... though I don't think that's likely to happen

It looks great on the screenshots though 🙂

Thanks for the feedback. I am considering a PC version. My development is all on PC and the game runs great on PC. The biggest thing holding me back will be publishing, so we'll have to wait and see.

Posted : June 3, 2009 03:46
Illustrious Member Admin
quadgnim wrote:

90% of my development is on PC and only final play testing and tweaking in on Xbox. I could definitely release it as a PC title. The reason I like Xbox is because MS has over 12 million units out there and once the game is released to the community market place its immediately seen by a lot of people. Without a formal publishing contract I don't know how I could get that kind of recognition on the PC. If there is a good PC self publishing platform and enough interest I'd definitely consider it. The current version runs great on my development box at over 300 FPS.

Thanks for answering all the questions Quadgnim.

I totally agree with your reasoning. With the economy the way it is now and publishers probably unwilling to pickup small projects Xbox Live is probably the best way for you to get rewarded on your hard work. One question on the whole Msoft thing. If you publish a game and they add it to Xbox Live. Does that prevent you from say converting it to run on Wii and PS3? Do you have to sign some sort of non compete clause? I know I have a PS3 and it also has a large almost larger online community because its Live component is free. Just some thoughts, and maybe if Pulsar does good we'll see ya selling it off your website. 🙂

Topic starter Posted : June 4, 2009 19:15
Active Member

With respect to Xbox community games there is not a compete clause, so I'm free to do whatever I want with it. If it were published as part of arcade or a full publishing deal that might be a different story, but community games doesn't have any restrictions. As for making a version for PS3, I'm not aware that they have something like community games, so to distribute something on PS3 I think requires a full publishing deal. Wii might have something similar to community games, but I'm not certain. I'll continue for now on Xbox with a possibility on PC. If it turns out good and people like it and there is interest for a PS3 version then maybe I'd consider porting it using a PS3 engine, but no promises.

Posted : June 5, 2009 07:34
Illustrious Member Admin

Just got a PM from quadgnim and looks like Pulsar development is back on and is in full swing. And one interesting development a lot of you may be interested in is that it is being developed for the PC and not the Xbox360 now.


The actual game code is nearly done and I'm hoping to release an alpha version in the next few months. Originally I was developing for XBOX live indie games, but due to some technology issues I've decided to release it as a PC only title

So add another game to the coming soon list Pinback 🙂

Topic starter Posted : January 12, 2012 18:30
99 Star General

Will do, some how seem to have completely missed this game the first time around.

Posted : January 13, 2012 07:34
Active Member

Thanks guys, I appreciate it. And if we can get some followers to visit and like my new Facebook page, I need to get enough followers for a vanity url:

... 4563065276

Posted : January 13, 2012 07:41