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Rebel Galaxy Outlaw

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99 Star General

Just watched the first hour, good to see a number of different options at the start of the game and that you can travel through space to you destination.

Posted : April 24, 2019 08:21
99 Star General

So got through another hour of the vid, love the fact that you can turn off the ship dampeners and spin around on the axis for a bit of Babylon 5 style flying.

Didn't think a lot of the mining, think they could have gone further with the scanner.

Nice painting tool and he's very proud of it but I wonder how many people will bother with it beyond changing a few colours.

The bubby system is ok but I think they missed a trick by not having them on the ship as a crew mate where they could have taken over a turret or maned the ship while you were in the turret, or have them hacking enemy ship.

Posted : April 25, 2019 08:07
Illustrious Member Admin

Listened too all of this and a lot of good points, any dlc or content for the game will be free and is planned to be released over a years time. The mod tools will allow you to change any aspect of the game, those tools will not be at release and will see them after console releases of the game. Achievements will be added. Watched the video for about 1/2 this 3hr video... combat looks good and I do like the side games as well.

Soon as this is on Steam I will buy this and least by then all of the content and modtools should be out 🙂

Hard to believe its done be 5 people.

Topic starter Posted : April 25, 2019 17:51
99 Star General

Got through the last hour, shame their will be no Blender 3D support for the modding, and no painting tools on the console version of the game.

Really temped to buy it on the Epic store but I can't stand that company and I just have no wish to buy anything through them. So I will just have to wait or buy the console version of the game.

Posted : April 26, 2019 08:24
Illustrious Member Admin

I thought that there was converters for 3d Studio to Blender and vise-versa? Maybe I am wrong so it shouldn't be much of a show stopper for the modders out there.

I am not buying this on Epic, I will wait until its on steam, which in a way is for the best... it should be fully patched and all content released on it by the time steam gets it so it will be pretty solid by then.

The only small comment I thought some people may have some issues with is that it seems like Outlaws control scheme seems like it will be best played on controller (which I don't mind) and even though its supported all other control methods may be tougher to master or lack ease of use.

Which kind of makes sense since the stations is basically menus, which is a controller friendly scheme.... so we shall see.

Topic starter Posted : April 26, 2019 09:12
99 Star General

It's a long time since I used Blender but I think your right, but it will still require some conversion to get the models from Blender into the game.

I know they said their are not doing any VR but I just wonder if they had any other cockpit views, like Privateer and Wing Commander.

Posted : April 26, 2019 20:47
99 Star General

Short vid highlighting the use of mouse/keyboard, thought this would have been out by now.

Posted : July 1, 2019 08:24
99 Star General

More game play from the game featuring some cap ship take down, drifting and wingman. Did I see some tiny spacemen come flying out of the cap ship as it takes damage.

Posted : July 3, 2019 07:39
Illustrious Member Admin

Releases on Epic Game Store (EGS) on 8/13

Topic starter Posted : July 18, 2019 11:44
Active Member

We finally got the release date! Sucks it's bound to only one store for such a long period, but oh well.

Posted : July 19, 2019 02:41
99 Star General

Means I got at least a year to wait, until I can get it.

Posted : July 19, 2019 07:16
Reputable Member

Yes and regardless of the store, waiting for the reviews and first 6 months of polishing patches is always a good move anyway! 🙂

Posted : July 19, 2019 22:15
Illustrious Member Admin

Definitely agree with that, but I do admire this developer. Its just a shame they couldn't release on both stores, I would have paid a bit more on Steam I don't care. But now I will wait for it and if I forget about this game in a year or so when its on steam then that is income lost to the developer. If devs want to make money then make it available on all the PC stores so people have their preference because in the end a happy customer is a loyal customer 😉

Topic starter Posted : July 20, 2019 06:17
Reputable Member

I liked Rebel Galaxy a lot too but no one is forcing these exclusivity deals on the devs (except possibly a publisher if relevant). Allegedly Epic is paying for these, so together with the better revenue split they must have estimated that staying out of Steam was a risk worth taking.
Incidentally on Gamasutra many indie devs report that games actually sell for a very long period, typically 5 years. And indeed their game does not rely on a population of online players to be enjoyable so I'd guess they will do perfectly fine!

Posted : July 21, 2019 20:17
99 Star General

How to get started in the game video, also the game should be out on the 13 of this month

Posted : August 1, 2019 08:31
Illustrious Member Admin

Outlaw does look good, I will be interested too see what the community and the developer does with this while I wait for this to hit stream. The game isn't breaking new ground but it definitely looks very playable and if it allows freedom in modding like in Freelancer this game could be around a long time.

Topic starter Posted : August 2, 2019 17:14
Illustrious Member Admin

Here is a nice review for Rebel Galaxy Outlaw

Topic starter Posted : August 13, 2019 07:11
Reputable Member

Indeed thanks. Not so enthusiastic with the optimization for gamepads but I'll keep an eye on it.

Posted : August 16, 2019 21:32
Illustrious Member Admin

Yeah the devs said it would be best played with a gamepad, probably because it was also being designed for console at the same time. I am not a developer so I don't know the difficulties of implementing control schemes and supporting them and balancing them across multiple platforms. But I would have expected decent mouse/keyboard support. But I have a gamepad too because some games do play well with them and when I do finally play outlaw I will try both methods to see which one I like best.

But hopefully modding will be really supported by the devs and this game game and its content can really grow over time. And maybe if there is enough feedback that the devs might focus a patch on PC controls.

Topic starter Posted : August 17, 2019 08:50
99 Star General

They posted a vid about mouse control for the game a couple of days ago, probably going to buy this on the PS4 so I'm happy with the gamepad.

Posted : August 17, 2019 23:17
Prominent Member

Bought it, and from what I can tell it's an updated version of "Privateer". I prefer my joystick (Logitech Freedom ) to gamepad, like the old times!!!!!!

Posted : August 18, 2019 01:49
Illustrious Member Admin

Does it support flightstick and throttle at all CaptianKal? I am sure you had to spend a few hours mapping all the controls ...

But I do see why more and more devs not supporting the flightstick any more, it is really a hardcore gamer control and the audience for it is getting smaller and smaller because of consoles and the technology behind the controllers. I will admit it has been years since I used my flightstick, I have the controller sitting right here and it gets the job done. But the flightstick does give you a lot better immersion feel that I miss in most games.

We will see what the next few months bring.

Topic starter Posted : August 18, 2019 04:57
Prominent Member

Does it support flightstick and throttle at all CaptianKal? I am sure you had to spend a few hours mapping all the controls …

Yes! I 've seen profiles for Thrustmaster Warthog.

And no I didn't spend any hours mapping the controls. The Logitech Freedom is my pick up and play flight stick, since it's cordless, and supports throttle and rudder functions. For simple sims like Wing Commander or X Series or Outlaw, it is perfect.

If I need something more powerfull then I also use a Thrustmaster Cougar. But in this case, yes I might create a 200 lines script to just to play a game (Strike Fighters, Elite:Dangerous and Freespace comes to mind)!!!

Posted : August 19, 2019 07:11
Illustrious Member Admin

Here is the latest patch notes, from reading the development map on the website (cause epic games store has absolutely no news sections grrr) looks like PC development has basically stopped so the team can put out a PS4 and Switch release. Only emergency patches will be made for the PC if it is necessary. Once that is done they will probably be working on a DLC and mod tools. 

Well least when this game is done it should be rock solid and have everything 😉

Topic starter Posted : September 29, 2019 00:11
99 Star General

Will be looking out for the PS4 version of this.

Posted : September 29, 2019 03:35
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