To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
Well, now that I've put some hours into the game, the rocking, in your face attitude it presented when I first started playing isn't holding up.
I made it to the second system and I was having fun... but not? Its a hard feeling to describe, but the game was just missing something for me personally. I decided to boot up Starpoint Gemini 2, since I hadn't played that since launch and maybe that would scratch the itch.
Rebel Galaxy is a great game, but I feel it could use ..more. As it stands the game feels cramped and small compared to other space sims, even Freelancer had bigger nebulas and asteroid fields. Something feels.. off. I can't put my hand on it, but for now I've shelved RG in favor of SPG2. RG sure leaves a FINE first impression. It just didn't hold up in my case.
Rebel Galaxy is an oustanding game worth every penny, and I HIGHLY reccomend a purchase.
Aye I know what you mean IronHound.
Not Made out of the first system yet as I have just been wandering around, so far the best way I found to make money is by joining the Trade Guild but this has brought up a problem with the missions. In that is make no difference what the risk of the mission is, you are always attacked at your mission destination and after doing 4 in row it starting to grate a bit. I would say that they need to tweak the average and low risk mission to stop this happening all the time.
Anyone got any recommendation for a joypad, the two I have don't work with the game.
Updated 1.05 yesterday.
1) Tactical options for all 16 turrets on Blackgate are available
2) Subsystem damage on turrets past 12 wasn't being stored, but now is
3) If you abandon a dead drop or retrieval mission then pick up the cargo AFTERWARD, it isn't marked for delivery, so you can eject or sell it. Also, retrieval mission cargo that gets jettisoned to a container due to other equipment on board the ship that was destroyed properly retains its tracking data
4) Can't bypass guild rank requirements in tradein situations
5) As a precautionary measure, if saves fail to compress at save time, don't write ANYTHING, to ensure that backups never get overrun. You will receive a message box in this circumstance, letting you know what happened.
6) If you have no missions, the on-station mission log won't erroneously show hidden mission data, and works the same as in-flight mission log now.
7) If you enter Charon, then immediately leave (or dock and undock), a gold diamond will be placed on the gate so that you don't have to go to the map to remember where it is.
8) Protect against an unbelievably rare chance that a mission could fail and complete at the same time
9) PC Steam Achievement stat resets fixed. I believe I've uncovered a Steam stats bug, which I've worked around now and it seems to work again. Very specific circumstances.
10) Mac Steam achievements should work again
11) Fix for scanning traders in a merchant protect mission after the mission is terminated causing a crash
12) Potential DX9 crash fixes for some users?
14) Some new tweaks added to keep mission ships that are approaching you from following you ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE DAMN SOLAR SYSTEM if you decide to bug out.
15) Display of button on death screen was mapped to the 'A' control, not the 'Confirm' control which could lead to confusion if one was remapped. Also now always accepts ESC.
16) On dreadnaught ships w/ broadside beams there were cases where a near hit wouldn't register. Fixed.
17) Atmospheric damage scales w/ shield capacity, so that you don't become effectively invincible to atmo damage later.
18) Added camera zoom settings, just for you! (Located in the in-game settings submenu)
19) Can't run 2 simultaneous copies of the game. Sneaking suspicion this was how some folks got save corruption, by simultaneously trying to save on 2 copies at the same time (since both receive controller input)
(Note for users with 'leftover' delivery/dead drop components. These will 'clean up' upon loading a game, after there are no dead drop or delivery missions in your log, and no story missions that require any deliveries. After that they shouldn't recur)
Sorry man, I can't stand joysticks or controllers anymore. I have limited desk space, and mouse and KB has always done me well.
Not Made out of the first system yet as I have just been wandering around, so far the best way I found to make money is by joining the Trade Guild but this has brought up a problem with the missions. In that is make no difference what the risk of the mission is, you are always attacked at your mission destination and after doing 4 in row it starting to grate a bit. I would say that they need to tweak the average and low risk mission to stop this happening all the time.
Only delivery and "find x amount of goods and deliver it to a station" missions that always have enemies popping at your destination and it's part of the mission I think.
Dead drop, which is among the easiest way to farm money doesn't have enemies blockading/attacking the destination station.
Updated to 1.06 and they call it a small update but it's 130 meg, some wrong with theses updates as I can't believe it would be that big.
Anyhow, these missions, strange thing happened the other night as I took another low risk one and nothing happened at the destination and I now also have a high risk mission for a 140,000 and a low risk one for 48,000. Must be oddities of the procedural generation of missions or I have I gone up in the ranks?.
Finally got a corded joypad that worked and I can safely say this is the way to play the game especially in the combat.
AFAIK risk level mostly ties to the estimated enemy strength you'll encounter. Higher means they'll throw in larger ships.
If you traversed to the next system for the first time (often marked with extreme risk rating in the starmap) you might find out that missions have higher risk level due to your ship has more inferior equipments (the farther you go from the starting system, the higher equipment the station sells/everyone in the system are having as it seems).
130 meg, some wrong with theses updates as I can't believe it would be that big.
LOL! I routinely download 2 gig updates for Payday 2. Most of my games update at over a gig. Must be a multiplayer thing.
I think deves are not doing the patches as individual patches and just putting them all together in one patch so you just end up downloading the same patch with a bit added.
The last three patches I downloaded were roughly 90meg, 100meg and 136 meg in size with the middle one being a hotfix.
Finally bought the jump drive and have gone to the next system.
That next system is quite the difficulty jump. I made it in whatever that ship with 7 turrets is, and promptly got my butt kicked. Started doing more missions in the first system and just got bored. Fun game tho
I know it insane how it's jump up, I ran back to the start system to look for some more big paying missions to either upgrade the turrets, broadsides and shields or get a bigger ship with more of everything.
1.07 out.
1) Saves do not generate backups unless the playtime is >10 minutes - that way people won't accidentally obliterate their backups if they get a corrupted save from Steamcloud or some other vector, and then hit 'new game'.
2) Many delivery missions have had their ambush ranges altered so you have more reaction time, and in some cases the number of opponents has been reduced
3) You can autodock by touching the station even if a cargo is nearby
4) Certain 'rack' ship scaffolding models have been reconfigured so that their targeting centerpoint is better located.
5) Fixed some incorrectly hostile traders in a mission
6) You can 'stealth-dock' at hostile Outsiders stations if you have a story mission on them (citizenry stations already allowed this) without having to fly off and wait for them to de-aggress
7) Fix UI diamond placement issue (need to show on jumpgates) for out-system dead drop missions
8) Quadrophonic/5.1 sound issues in some setups resolved (FMOD has implemented fix)
9) Made it 100% impossible to dock while dying
10) Rufus escort mission now always chooses an outpost, never a planet, & now uses the same path-checking code as other escort missions to ensure it doesn't pass too close to one. (Only affects newly-acquired versions if this mission)
11) (PC) Launcher can be skipped with SKIPLAUNCHER commandline option
12) in some rare drop-retrieval side missions where you can intimidate them into giving you the cargo, they'll properly count toward retrieval (Orion Slaves)
13) Fix for Blackgate sometimes using a different color badging setup.
Good news for console owners as the game is out now on the PS4 and anyone who was daft enough to have bought an XBone should be able to get it on the 13 of this month.
Unfortunately I can't find the link, but development for this game is pretty much dead. Its looking like they shelved it in favor of another game. A real shame, as updates could really flesh this game out.
You maybe right, they have been pretty quite for the last 1.5 months but they did release 7 patches so that is more than what a lot of games get. The ranking of the game is positive so if there was glaring issues their ranking would take a hit, so maybe its pretty playable at this point.
Unfortunately I can't find the link, but development for this game is pretty much dead. Its looking like they shelved it in favor of another game. A real shame, as updates could really flesh this game out.
More like done, I think. The PC version at least shouldn't have any critical bugs/issue left to fix and the last time I heard the dev has no plan to put in any new feature/DLC sadly.
I seem to recall seeing something on the Steam forums saying the devs now considered the game to be finished, which is fair enough as it was not an early access games and I would guess the devs don't won't to be working on the same game for ever.
which is fair enough as it was not an early access games and I would guess the devs don't won't to be working on the same game for ever.
Agreed, after all, it's only since recently that we've had any expectation of developers doing that sort of thing at all.
However, the thing that usually happens at this point gets me really upset: the developer starts making some fantasy themed game. I really wish they would stop doing that. Please, no more fantasy.
Fantasy sells lol. I can't find the study, but female gamers are FAR more likely to play a fantasy title than a sci-fi one. All about the cash.
450 meg update to the game but don't worry as you are not missing anything, they just added a bunch of strange foreign languages.
Rebel Galaxy version 1.08 is now live for both Windows and Mac.
New Features:
*Multi-language support! You can now select your language from the launcher. Supported languages are-
Bug Fixes:
*A rare threaded sound related crash has been fixed.
*Various minor text fixes
*For all you achievement hunters, Pirate Lord events now occur more frequently past the first solar system.
You would think with all the very positive feedback on Steam that gamers would pay for some DLC that they would make some or least publish some mod tools or something. Was hoping to see this one on sale during the summer steam sale in a few weeks.
Looks like the devs have moved on to doing other types of games and we can only hope that they may return to it in the future.
Bought this game on GOG, and just finished playing the story line; I have a number of comments:
- Saving options misleading and inconsistent:
The Main menu (outside a game) has a so called 'Manage saves' options.
This is a misnomer, the only thing it allows you is to delete an existing game: 1 game, 1 save, no manual saving at any time.
The information messages appearing now and then tell you incorrectly that it saves automatically when you dock any station, but actually it does when you dock, leave a station, or exit the game at any other point by its own exit option.
Due to the above I exited my first game in a no-win situation, with the intention to reload from the last station, to find out that I could only reload from the same point; I ended up deleting this game and starting a fresh one.
The ONLY option in such situation is to deliberately get your ship destroyed WITHOUT exiting, at which point you do resume from the last station you docked at.
- Escort missions are buggy:
They require you to go into 'Paired warp' mode, where you get no control; if you accidentally break the paired warp mode for any reason, the mission fails.
I have seen the paired warp mode broken by the game itself a few times, for instance when one of the ships is forcibly dropped out of warp but not the other; I found that this can happen either way, and will frequntly occur when the escorted ship starts or get through an asteroid field or one of the many disturbance areas.
In one case, my ship was in paired warp mode, still stuck in an asteroid field and unable to find its way out (kept hitting asteroids due to some bad pathfinding) while the other ship was already out of it and making tracks without mine.
The escorted ship will sometimes drop out of warp to turn 90 degrees and go attacking a group of hostiles it did not need to (seen once in the story escort).
- The story line is disappointingly short:
It has few stages, each only need you to get enough combined defences and firepower to survive it; one of the last stages is an Escort mission mentionned above, which starts at random location on a certain map (I had to retry it several times in a row, until one attempt started in free space and had only 1 interruption without any other ship in sight).
Once the story ended (you get a dialog with your aunt), you end up in a free mode with just the random base missions; I finished the story itself with just the bigger trade ship (Heavy class), only moved after that to the biggest ones (Very Heavy).
- The game is replayable:
I will replay it at some point in the future, using a different ship then the one I used this time; surviavl strategy depends a lot on the ship itself and its equipment.
You start the game being hostile to various faction, but in theory you could take carefully chosen mercenary missions to fix those status; I might try that soon anyway as it will require a lot more patience than the standard mode.
- The team is apparently still working on the game:
There was an update through GOG a few days ago, but I found no information regarding the content of that update.
In theory, a new story plot could be added (starting some after the first one); I have however no information concerning the team's intentions on that regard.
May have been the hot fix from last month GOG can be a bit slow in updating games or maybe it something related to the GOG service.
It does seem to be that hotfix, yes; Steam has its own special way to install games while GOG uses traditional installs, therefore patches may themselves require to be made differently for both versions.