A new indie arcade space combat game although it sounds more like some sort of transformer game
Would not bother watching the teaser trailer as it doesn’t show anything.
Strike Suit Zero will have players controlling the eponymous transforming strike suits during Earth’s final hours. The game will also be shown at this year’s Gamescom, so stay tuned for that, and is set to arrive on Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network and PC sometime in Q1 2012. The teaser trailer is below.
Some pics from strike suit on this site, no sign of anymore vids from em.
Those pics are great looking and I am excited because this game will be on PSN. I do like the concept of a 3hr timer, but then it makes you wonder how much re-playability there is? But I guess its a start especially on consoles where space games are very slim pickings.
See in the interview, that they are going for a Starfox mission structure, might be a bit of an on rails shooter.
RPS has a preview of Strike suit Zero
Strike suit Zero deves are doing a Q&A, so if you have a question about the game now the time to ask.
Yeah, I'm looking out for this game too. DoubleSix are the guys building this game. They were at PAX, just a few booths away from us. They were awfully interested in our little game. haha. One of there producers offered to give me a sneak peak at the game (they weren't showing it at pax), but he decided against it when I showed up. ah well... It is definitely an On-Rails Shooter, but their ship and mech designs are pretty freaking great.
Developer diary showning a bit more of the game
As Pixelmonkey said its looks very on rails, also bear a passing resemblance to a PS1 game called Omega Boost.
Hi guys, I was browsing this forum and came across this thread on the game I'm actually working on haha (I work at Born Ready Games). Thought I'd elaborate a little on some misinformation here!
The game absolutely is not on rails, it's a open space shooter like Colony Wars, X-Wing etc. It's now planned for release on PC first (Steam et al) later this year, and due for release on consoles early 2013.
Here's the latest trailer and some early gameplay footage on youtube, enjoy + comment + any feedback welcome <img src="' http://spacesimcentral.com/forum/public/style_emoticons//icon_e_biggrin.gi f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />
I think you made my day!!!! <img src="' http://spacesimcentral.com/forum/public/style_emoticons//pilot.gi f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='' /> Great news.
Welcome to the forums Stanith
Indeed great new that the game will be an open shooter rather than an on rails one also that it will now appear on the PC first.
Strike suit Zero have launched a kickstarter http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/43153532/strike-suit-zero about 3 days ago.
Hi everyone,
As per my previous post I work at Born Ready Games; I'm a programmer on Strike Suit Zero. <img src="' http://spacesimcentral.com/forum/public/style_emoticons//icon_e_smile.gi f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
Unfortunately we've had to push back the release to January. This also means that we now need money to fund the game to completion else it might not happen, hence the Kickstarter campaign! As some of you may or may not know, we are a small indie dev studio based in the UK (Guildford) and this game is being entirely self-published (we are not owned by any larger company or publisher); our current investment is simply running out.
Myself and my colleagues would be very grateful if you could help spread the word of our campaign to fellow space game enthusiasts! The more people that know about Strike Suit Zero the more likely we are to meet our necessary funding goal. <img src="' http://spacesimcentral.com/forum/public/style_emoticons//icon_e_smile.gi f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> Of course, if you like the game yourself then a pledge would be incredible for us, we have some great rewards up for grabs!
I will get your video and notice on the frontpage sometime this week. I see that there is a firepower difference when you are in suit mode than in ship. Will the player ever be able to walk/land on the bigger ships to do damage up close?
playing catch up here.
Congratulations to strike suit zero as they have hit their target and still have 7 days to go.
I think Born Ready Games did themselves a great service to themselves and Strike Suit Zero in including modtools as a stretch goal (which was reached). Modtools usually give games extra life and communities are built around this sort of thing. Getting to the next stretch goal of $180k will be tough to get Mac/Linux support. But congrats and look forward to playing this one.
RPS Interview with Born ready http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2012/11/30/strike-suit-zero-preview/
New gameplay video is out
You can still get in on this even after their successful KS as they have a paypal option at http://www.strikesuitzero.com/
Game will be available on GOG.
Following on from the last update – and something we know many of you have been waiting to hear about for some time - we’re ready to formally announce our partnership with the fantastic guys at GOG.com.
We can finally reveal that a DRM-free version of Strike Suit Zero will be available through the GOG.com website. As mentioned throughout the campaign, there are certain obstacles when creating a DRM-free game and as such, the online leaderboards and achievements won’t be available for this version. We’re working closely with GOG.com to support our DRM-free community in every way we can, but developing the DLC for this version will take a little while and - while we will be sure to release it for you - it won't be available at the same time as the Steam version's DLC (If you’ve ordered the Marauder or any other additional digital content, for example, this won’t be available at the same time as Steam. As soon as we can get this to you, however, we will).
Even more good news
Games out any one played it, looked at a few reviews for it and most are saying the mission structure could be better.
The reviews I've seen so far have not been kind.
The reviews I've seen so far have not been kind.
Well, Eurogamer died 20 times on Mission 3 (press build was tougher), then gave us 3/10 😀 Sadly, they have a huge metacritic weighting so it's forever going to be low on there 🙁
Everyone else has universally given the game 7 - 8.5 / 10, so we're actually not doing too badly otherwise 🙂
Here are most of the reviews so far: