To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
Don't trust the Eurogamer amateur-ish review.
Don't trust the Eurogamer amateur-ish review.
Yup Eurogamer has a real bad rep when it comes to reviewing games
The game too big for me to download so I will have to wait and see if they get a disc release.
I did just recently posted a review of Strike Suit Zero here:
I didn't state this as a flaw for SSZ but it would probably benefit them to have a demo, reason being is that one people can of course try out the game and get a feel for it, but two they can make sure there system can run this on full graphic settings. I had to ramp down some in my review to play it at a good rate. So for some of the PC owners that don't have at least a HD4890 you might want to wait until you get a better card because SSZ does look nice and the effects are smooth but you do have to have a system to run it on max settings.
Outside of that I really liked playing it and will probably revisit it once I get my PC upgrade this year.
I've been curious about this game. How many different suits/ships are playable? Can they be customized in any way? 13 missions can be incredibly short or quite sufficient depending on if they can be revisited with new playable ships/weapons/setup.
At where I was in the game I had only unlocked 1 ship there is 3 more that I can see and 3 missile types, 2 laser style and 1 projectile weapons. You unlock more as your progress in the campaign. There is no multiplayer mode which is fine and I didn't ding the game any points for not having it. The missions felt long in the sense that unless you are doing well you might not unlock everything during your mission and you may need to replay to do so. Generally a mission is broken up into three sub missions so use your missiles wisely.
- Cockpit view now uses a 3D cockpit Mesh which we enable/disable when we switch camera modes.
- New settings option to play Suit in third person or first person
- Cockpit uses a small speed shake when boosting
- Cockpit reacts when damaged
- Cockpit has mesh swap for Suit and Strike modes
- Added option to make the cockpit visible or invisible
- Changing difficulty mid mission requires a restart of the mission
- Choose difficulty in mission select
- Score per difficulty uploaded to Leaderboards
- Leaderboards filter updated to reflect new difficulties
- Override the current Select Nearest Objective functionality.
- Use mouse wheel or back button on pad to change Target from dynamic list of targets, press target button to confirm.
- Increased number of allied fighters+ bombers
- Increased enemy priorities on allied fighters
- Separated enemy AI priorities from strike to player/fighter/bomber
- Reduced the amount enemy fighters will target the player bomber.
- Increased time to destroy wreckage in final stage
- Removed half the fighter squads and one bomber squad from final stage of the battle
- Removing one corvette squad + escorts from cruiser group.
- Updated lighting on all missions
- Fixed intensities and colours
- OUTPUT/ASSERT macros to allow output to stay on in distribution without performance hit
- Support for direct input force feedback, edit ForceFeedbackEffect.ffe with DXSDK8 tool fedit.exe to make your own effects.
- Fix for windows 8
- Fixed exit message and added fail message in Mission 4
- Fixing for success scores to match gold medals scores across the board
- Fix for Mission 7 upgrade not unlocking in some circumstances
- Fixed plasma projectiles that were not properly targeting the turret platforms.
- Fix crash with hanging entity bug with multiple entities have same name.
- Decreased the explosion screen flash on the doors in Mission 13
- Fixed subtitles issues with the epilogues
- Fixed bug with turret dead zones
- Bug Fixes in Mission 9
- Moved explosion spawns to their own spawn points, and changed swap delay for the supply cylinders on the fuel platform.
Looks like Born Ready Games have been busy as they have a muiltplayer version of the game coming out at the end of this month for $7.00.
Could not find much about it on their website but RPS has noted it.
Looks like Born Ready Games have been busy as they have a muiltplayer version of the game coming out at the end of this month for $7.00.
Could not find much about it on their website but RPS has noted it.
Looks like you've mistook "multiplier" for "multiplayer" too.
*sigh*. Anyway it's out now and it's standalone. What else?
Oops so I did 😳
Looks like you've mistook "multiplier" for "multiplayer" too.
*sigh*. Anyway it's out now and it's standalone. What else?
Well here's a description I posted on the Steam forums, as the trailer is more directed at people unfamiliar with SSZ it seems! :
- It's a combat simulator set within the SSZ universe. Rather than story-based, it's primarily a score chaser.
- It consists of 18 unique rounds, each with its own set of waves and leaderboards. Round 18 is infinite play (and very hard!), and there are a variety of fun bonus rounds too.
- One if its key features is the ability to spend credits earned while playing on ally reinforcements to bring into the following round (fighter craft and capital ships)
- Access to all three Strike Suits, including the Marauder previously only available to Kickstarter backers. The Raptor and Marauder have also been rebalanced for SSI (these changes should be making it into SSZ shortly too).
- Two new enemy types, exclusive to SSI
- All new black-hole environment
On the bright side, from what I saw they finally mark those capital ship weakspots.
Hope they implement it on next SSZ patch as well.
SSZ now has mod tools via Steam
SSZ have a survey as what type of game they should make next.
Hello, cadet! Today we’d like to call upon your services to help us out defining a new Strike Suit Zero-related project we have on the boil. We’ve set up a little survey, which shouldn’t take a minute to complete, which will help ascertain exactly what you’d like to see from whatever this next project might involve.
We’re being intentionally vague with what this is all leading to, of course, but your input really will help us out. To that end, we’ve made sure there’s something in it for you, too. Everybody who takes the survey (and leaves their email address) will be entered into a draw where five copies of the game are up for grabs, plus a hoodie/t-shirt/artbook/soundtrack/collector’s edition of the game bundle for one lucky winner.
If you have a spare second and fancy helping us out, we’d really appreciate it.
Thanks, cadet!
News from SSZ if you have a copy of the game (Steam version) and a Oculus dev kit you can try the VR version of SSZ.
Do you have an Oculus Rift dev kit? Do you have a copy of Strike Suit Zero in your Steam library? Good stuff — then you can now experience the VR version of Strike Suit Zero.
After a closed beta formed from our Kickstarter backers, we’re now throwing the doors open to anybody with an Oculus dev kit. If you fancy going hands on with the VR version of the game, please do. If you fancy furnishing us with a bit of feedback based on your experience, that’d be even better. You can use this thread to post any comments, questions or suggestions you might have.
Simply launch the game from Steam, and be sure to tick the ‘Oculus’ box on the launcher before jumping in. (Please note: you’ll need your resolution set to 1280×800)
New version of Strike suite Zero coming
Hear that sound? It’s the news horn! Which means we have some big news to share.
Today we’ve announced Strike Suit Zero: Director’s Cut, which will be heading to both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in March (£14.99 / $19.99). The Director’s Cut version of the game not only takes advantage of the power of the next-gen consoles, but adds a host of other additions and improvements, making this the definitive version of the game. Later this Spring, we’ll be following this up with a version of the game for PC, a platform that is very much considered a home by space combat fans. We’ll keep you updated with any developments relating to the PC version as they happen.
The Director’s Cut features a restructured campaign – particularly relating to the first few missions, allowing the player to get in the cockpit of the Strike Suit much earlier – with an adapted story and all new dialogue. We’ve also given the game a complete graphical overhaul, including upscaled ships and updated textures and lighting. We’ve also included the Heroes of the Fleet mission pack, and both the Marauder and Raptor Strike Suits. We’ve taken a year’s worth of comments and suggestions on board, too, directly addressing the points of our community and critics.
Looks like we have to wait till after the console version.
The PC rerelease would be sorta pointless if the *only* new thing is better graphics (I recall some people complained about how small the texture resolution is in the original game though) and 'restructured' campaign that is basically slightly revamped version of the first 3 missions, with most of the later missions especially final mission still being as ridiculous as ever. IMHO.
Heck, almost no one cared about the modding tools they released either, so much wasted potentials here and there.
Not played it myself but was thinking about buying it, might look out for it next time it in a sale.
What about the two DLC didn't they add anything two the game.
From what I heard, the HotF pack adds several ultra-difficult missions
Update video from Born Ready:
And the second vid a Q&A about the game.
Apparently the PS4 version have 3 exclusive ships, looks like representing the 3 existing non-Strike Suit playable ships.
Couple of pic showing the high def version of one of the ships.
Hehe ultra-difficult missions, for those that haven't tried this and like action this game will definitely fit the bill and if you have a decent;y spec'd machine it is visually a good game too when all the action is going on in the game. Interested in Strike Suit Infinity myself.
Cymatic Bruce did a lengthy, somewhat in-depth stream of this a while back:
I thought the soundtrack was pretty slick.
Another update from BRG.
Seems to have some really bad audio on it.
Jamin from Born Ready Games here. We're gearing up for the launch of Strike Suit Zero: Director's Cut on Steam, and would like to select some of you for a quick test run of the game to help us answer a few questions. This is not a beta test, we'd just like your opinion on a few things.
If you've sunk a decent amount of time into the original game (ie you've finished it) and have enough time to play the Director's Cut ahead of release, please post here expressing your interest (alongside the number of hours you've played SSZ) and we'll select some of you to help us out.
If you see a Steam friend request from me, you'll have been selected and I can send you a code -- so if you see the request, please accept.
If you're not selected, don't fret, the game is VERY close to launch.
Thanks in advance,
Why they didn't asked this weeks before launch? Whether it's for betatesting bug finding or not, I find this to be rather weird.
Also here's hoping their post-release support isn't as poor/slow as before.