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Strike Suit Zero

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Active Member

I have Zero and Infinity, but I haven't been able to play either. The framerate is just abysmal, even at lowest settings. It is a laptop, but I can't believe my system can't handle it even at lowest settings. Is it poorly optimized? Is anyone else having bad framerate problems?

Posted : April 4, 2014 00:55
Active Member

What are your laptop's specs?

Posted : April 4, 2014 01:03
Active Member

What are your laptop's specs?


Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2675QM CPU @ 2.20GHz, 2201 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)

AMD Radeon HD 6490M


Posted : April 4, 2014 02:26
Active Member

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2675QM CPU @ 2.20GHz, 2201 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)

AMD Radeon HD 6490M



That's a pretty bad GPU (it's on the lower end of the scale when it comes to laptop graphics cards), so I'm not too surprised that it doesn't run so well.  My main suggestion would be to try lowering the resolution, as lowering the detail settings won't reduce the primary issue which is probably fill rate.

I think people have been able to run the game on the Intel HD 4000 cards (which is of similar performance to yours, perhaps a tiny bit slower)... so perhaps following any advice for getting it to run on those cards would be a good place to start.

Kind regards,


Posted : April 4, 2014 04:24
Active Member

Oh, it's probably also worth mentioning that Infinity is a bit more demanding than Zero, because A LOT of capital ships and fighters are spawned on some stages 🙂

Posted : April 4, 2014 04:27
Estimable Member

The console version will be released tomorrow apparently.

Posted : April 7, 2014 15:20
Active Member

That's a pretty bad GPU (it's on the lower end of the scale when it comes to laptop graphics cards), so I'm not too surprised that it doesn't run so well.  My main suggestion would be to try lowering the resolution, as lowering the detail settings won't reduce the primary issue which is probably fill rate.

I think people have been able to run the game on the Intel HD 4000 cards (which is of similar performance to yours, perhaps a tiny bit slower)... so perhaps following any advice for getting it to run on those cards would be a good place to start.

Kind regards,



Well that's no good. There are some older games that I can play just fine, but this was one I was really hoping would pull through, esp. for the discounted price I paid. Alas, even at lowest settings, it's mostly a no-go. And I can't justify buying a new machine just for a few games here and there. Oh well. Thanks for the help anyway.

Posted : April 7, 2014 17:12
Estimable Member

The review!


Sounds like more or less the same as the final patched PC version with all DLCs but with much better eye candies and less scripted escort mission easier escort mission & more competent friendlies.


update: also out now on Steam


update2: As expected, it's still marred with lots of problem upon launch making it more or less worse than the last year's.

Posted : April 8, 2014 15:24
99 Star General

Update from BRG, PC version looks like it being having some problems although it now being patched and they are continuing to work on it and a hint about their next project.


Topic starter Posted : April 16, 2014 11:19
Estimable Member

Although the first update was out already, I didn't hear it fixed most of the problem though.

Posted : April 17, 2014 03:07
Estimable Member

New playable ship, for Steam only so far. Looks somewhat uglier compared to the previous designs IMHO

Posted : May 11, 2014 00:49
Active Member

I made a video using Joystick and throttle and filming them in real time 😀 


Posted : May 14, 2014 04:19
Estimable Member

Nice visuals.  The framerate on the joystick cams makes the action feel a little choppy, but I still get the general drift.  You seem to have some skill at this game.

Posted : May 14, 2014 05:45
Illustrious Member Admin

Strike Suit Zero is a great combat shooter and I want that joystick setup 🙂


Nice vid.

Posted : May 15, 2014 03:21
Estimable Member

Looks like they finally released Director's Cut on GOG. To be more specific, they replaced the original with it.


Moreover, the original version is also included, so that's a win-win situation.

Posted : May 15, 2014 05:19
Active Member

thank you 😀

Posted : May 15, 2014 08:40
99 Star General

Been a while since we heard anything from Born Ready Games but they have announced about a month ago (I just seen it.) that Strike Suit Zero is being ported to the Switch.

Topic starter Posted : May 31, 2019 08:21
Illustrious Member Admin

I like the update fore the switch, been a while since I played the original but I know it didn't look like that. If they ported that update back it could sell more copies of the original. I had a lot of fun playing this a few years back.

Posted : June 3, 2019 02:19
99 Star General

Might be the director cut of the game which is being ported to switch or this a new update to the game.

Topic starter Posted : June 5, 2019 07:27
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