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Performing a forum software and theme update this weekend 5/2

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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This weekend I will be performing an update to the forum software (two actually) and the theme. I don't think there will be an issue with the forum update, but the theme update could have some issues with extra theme modifications that I have made. 

I know one person on the forums had a issue logging in after the update, I would be clearing all site caches after the upgrade. So if people are using cookies to store login info (ie: session info) that could be affected. That's why after a site update you need to flush your browser cache so your browser doesn't try to use cached settings. Especially with the theme changes it would make sense to flush your browser cache. But as always if you need help logging in afterwards you can email me at (admin @ spacesimcentral . com)

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Performed the update to the site, everything seems to be working so far after browsing the site. If anyone sees anything not right just let me know.

Don't forget to flush your browser cache if you see some issues and then reload the site and see if they go away. I did flush all the server side caches and optimized the DB so things seem smooth right now.

This post was modified 4 years ago by DarkOne

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