To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
If there had been an option to submit 50€ in advance I would have already done it. Now that I read someone mentioning the big publishers I am glad I haven't spent some money already. I totally ignored the option that this game might be released by one of the big publishers. I totally assumed Chris Roberts would go for the indie distribution and everything would be fine. Expecting an online only game I didn't even have worries about piracy.
Thank you for pointing that out, and let's hope it won't be an EA exclusive titel with Origin requirement, because I will definitely not install Origin on my hardware.
Lets hope this is not another future sad story like "Earth & Beyond"...
also like to second that : "no Origin on my hardware"
too bad that this already prevents me from buying Battlefield3
(ya after glassing a few planets with wmd or killing too much aliens or rebels - i need something relaxing and down to earth like Battlefield !)
too bad that this already prevents me from buying Battlefield3
(ya after glassing a few planets with wmd or killing too much aliens or rebels - i need something relaxing and down to earth like Battlefield !)
Battlefield 3? You mean that dumbed down content-lacking piece of garbage which caters to the "Call of Duty audience" (while showing BF vets the middle finger) and has too many overpriced DLC's? You don't need that. Get Battlefield 2, if you don't have it, and download these finely-tuned mods for free:
Both have years of hard work behind them and are still being developed. As far as gameplay, teamwork, depth, innovation, features and overall amount of content are concerned, BF3 can't compete with either of them in any way, shape or form.
oh well - i was rather used to battlefield1942:desertcombat mod and my latest bf is badcompany2+vietnam for cheap
bought bf2 right at start and was "f... disappointed" to say it very nice , the only reason i did not burn the whole thing must be the 45EUR price tag...
a few years later i tried that mod project reality (if thats the mod that also has that blackbird recon plane with weapons - well not that realistic...)
did not see much difference to vanilla bf2 - now its a dust-collecting reminder to never ever buy any EA game at full price.
ya selling a few maps is the big cash cow nowadays - in bf42 there were tons of custom maps and no respawn almost everywhere and this stupid unlock system which puts new players at a very big disadvantage
And with this i hope that in any space-trading-whatever-game are only 2 restrictions to buy a nice gun:
1. money
2. faction relation (although that can be also a money thing <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />
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Doesn't look good for it being a single player game.
CR answering fan questions on his page:
Do you think it’s possible to bring space sims back into the mainstream? If so, how?
YES! I feel like the appeal of Space Sims has never really gone away, it’s just that people stopped innovating and pushing the boundaries of what you could do. For me, games are all about immersion into a world. I think that’s what the Wing Commander series was best at and that was what I was aiming for when designing Freelancer. But I feel that other genres – the FPS and 3rd person action adventure – have taken this mantle and ran with it. If you look at a FPS game built in 2002 it’s a pale comparison to the sophistication of one built today. I haven’t seen the same progress in space sims. Freelancer still looks as good as most of the newer space sims. I also think that every genre needs a champion that’s passionate about pushing the genre. In FPS you had Id, Infinity Ward, Bungie and DICE, in 3rd person cover-based shooters, Epic and BioWare. Action Adventure you had Naughty Dog and so on. Since I took a break from the industry, outside of CCP’s work, space sim’s haven’t had a high profile developer to push the boundaries. I hope to change that with my new project!
How do you feel about modern games; which of them have interested or inspired you?
I think there’s a lot to be admired about games today – the level of graphical fidelity and sophistication is mind blowing in comparison to when I was last making games. Games that I played, finished and loved in the last few years have been the Uncharted series by Naughty Dog – possibly the most cinematic games ever made (yet!) , Battlefield Bad Company 2 and Battlefield 3 (love the whole team aspect, playing with your friends and the destructible environment), Mass Effect series (great cinematic story telling), StarCraft 2 (E-Sports!), Fallout 3 (great, deep FPS RPG) and finally Demon’s Souls – possibly the most frustrating yet rewarding game I’ve ever played. I’ve never put 200 hours into a game before but I did on Demon’s Souls. There’s some great design in the game, and I also think it harkens back to the old days of gaming where beating a level meant something. With too many of today’s games the difficulty is dumbed down so everyone can finish. Problem with this is that it’s just not as rewarding for the player. In most shooters I just charge in blasting in the single player campaign as I know if I die I will respawn a few seconds earlier. My play style is sloppy. But with Demon Souls I had to think, I had to be careful and the sense of accomplishment form beating the game was much more than I have gotten from a game in a long while.
What was it that frustrated you about game development that prompted you to take this break?
It was a combination of the increasing development length – Freelancer had been in production for 4 years when I sold Digital Anvil to Microsoft, frustration with the technology being able to realize the full vision I had in my head and the sense that Microsoft (and the rest of the industry) was becoming more interested in console than PC. Once you mixed in the politics that come with any large organization), it had gotten to the point I had lost my sense of fun when making games …
The Wing Commander games didn’t allow much content creation, but Freelancer continues to flourish because of mods. What is your position on user-created content?
Absolutely for it! I love what the Freelancer community has done, and I’m impressed what other communities like the Skyrim or Team Fortress achieve with good tools. There’s a lot of talent and creativity out there and I fully intend to enable it and support it in my new game.
How did the finished version of Freelancer differ from your original vision? What did you imagine that you wish could have been included?
I think it turned out pretty well, which is down to Phil Wattenbarger, Jorg Neumann and the rest of the team that finished the game after I left. Having said that, it definitely lost some its personality and flair in getting it out the door. As the team realized the sheer amount of content that was needed to build out the universe, a lot of specific content plans were lost in favor of more generic encounters / locations. The final mouse controls, while good, weren’t the ones that I saw in my head (I imagined the game being like a FPS, but in space and having the same level of shooting precision). Finally I regret not getting to follow through on the grander vision – the dynamic economy and the ability for players to all exist in a shared persistent universe.
Some interesting answers. His wish for a modding community may hint for dedicated servers instead of a pay2play business modell
..wish there were more "failed" games like Freelancer !
Modding support is probably one of the most important things for game to keep it relevant for years to come, this is not related to space games. But the team behind Legend of Grimrock just released their mod tools package that they worked months on for free to the community and you know its going to prolong that game for a long time and increase sales. Because you know there will be some good modders that make some great content and people will see it on moddb and buy the game to just play the mod.
Imagine FL with a persistent universe where all players owning the game would go to play the game...... epic <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> Lets do it.
Modding support is probably one of the most important things for game to keep it relevant for years to come, [...]
If the company selling the game has the slightest interest in keeping a game alive for more than 2-3 years. Because, you know... who will buy CoD 8, NfS 15 or C&C 17 every 1-2 years when there are mods that are even better than the original?
Regardings Chris Roberts love for Uncharted and Demon Soul I also expect a quite story driven space opera being created by him. Only 2 days left... <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':P' />
That's a pretty damn good trailer! Squadron 42, eh... I like!
Nice GFX! Hopefully more details soon!
CryEngine 3 btw.
Some details about the story:
- Singleplayer/Co-op Campaign inside the military where you work your way up the ranks
- At the end of the campaign you leave the military
- Then the 'Open World' universe is explorable as a pirate, trader, mercenary or sth in between
- This can all be done in offline mode, multiplayer is optional
- Release is scheduled in 3 years
- "Squadron 42" is just the military campaign/episode descriped above
- Main game title will be 'Star Citizen'
- More episodes will be released later (compare: guildwars franchise - one main title with several add-ons)
- Crowdfunding may be used for later episodes (no Kickstarter though)
- Dedicated server planned for the multiplayer of Star Citizen
- Also modding support
Source (in German)
You can already pledge some money @
I would just like to take this opportunity to wave goodbye to Egosoft and their boring economic simulation. <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bye:' />
Also maybe that lot in Cambridge should be taking notice.
Awesome that it will be a single player game although disappointment that the free world will be online only, also good to see that it is PC only so there will be no console compromise.
you can see the full presentation here.
Awesome that it will be a single player game although disappointment that the free world will be online only, also good to see that it is PC only so there will be no console compromise.
weird... in the german interview it reads that the free world is available after the campaign.
out of that source:
""Nach dem Ende der Kampagne ist man dann Exmilitär und kann nach eigenen Vorstellungen wie in Privateer oder Freelancer auf eigene Faust durchs Open-World-Universum reisen und dort Abenteuer als Söldner, Pirat oder Händler erleben", so Roberts."
well i hope they make a simple free world without campaign too and i hope there will be strikecommander-like financial decisions like: go in with cheap missilles or go safe with the expensive ones, and lots of ways to burn your money.
But i have the feeling that this game is rather for the graphics-<insert your favorite insult>
At least the space is not very bright and colorful...
and in another interview: http://www.pcgamer.c...#comment-303799
"On the single-player side, a campaign called Squadron 42 will provide the “Wing Commander experience†Roberts referred to with a scenario inspired by the fall of Rome. It’s not totally isolated though — like he said, it’s a “tour of duty†with the same character you’ll be playing in the multiplayer universe, and with co-op if you want help from friends"
this could mean that you play MMO - then if you sign a tour of duty then you have your singleplayer part - if your finished you can do your own thing again.
2 interviews 2 different stories
or they dont have the concept how the campaign should tie into the "free world"
either freelancer style: storyline first
or MMO-instance-style: always online + instance (even if its a singleplayer instance)
... btw. i found the evil word "microtransactions" <- pay2win...
and for this PC-exclusive - wonder if he could get something out of wintels and nvidias/amd marketing budgets
just wow.... can't wait............ i was in shocked for two days when i found out it's happing!
cry 3 engine as well, its going to look awesome...
some good news:
- Wing Commander style single player mode, playable OFFLINE if you want
Playable offline or online, co-op with friends, you sign up for a tour of duty with the UEE fleet, manning the front lines, protecting settlements from Vanduul warbands.
looks like you can use a xbox 360 pad to fly your ships <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
The bad news:
might need a RAM upgrade and a better 3d card to run this game on max <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':x' /> lol <<<< main site
By Nov 2014 I'm sure you would have saved up enough money to buy another PC, I know I would have. Hate it I have to wait soooo long for the game. I really like the fact that you can do things that really do affect the game world and that people can make ships and sell them to players (kinda where the modding comes in). It will be interesting to find out what you can really do in the open-world portion of the game. And whether your single player merits have any weight in the open-world game.
It's nice that you can get into Alpha & Beta stage for 30$ already. Because I doubt that the game will be officially released in time.
As far as I understand it now, you will buy Star Citizen which includes the first episode 'Squadron 42', and from there you can buy additional episodes to enrich your singleplayer experience. While there is always the option to go on an official or community server to play 'Star Citizen' online.
missing the debit transfer option
why is there never an IBAN account to get easy payments from european customers...
in other news: corsair 16GB DDR3 kit for 69,90EUR from my favorite (though not the most inexpensive) shop
lets face it the actual crytech engine is at least 2 years ahead before you can play with all details and 60fps with only above-average hardware
so if they finish their game in a few years most (maybe none) of the people wont be displeased by slow or seemingly ugly gfx (ever tried oblivion medium details at 640*480?)
and that means more happy customer who purchase the next episode or tour of duty
but this amount of time also means they need more money to finance the development - and their salary costs they stated looks very convincing and reasonable (at least compared to german labour costs <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />
no idea when the games is going to be out but he said looks great running on a GTX 670, hope it comes out by the end of 2013!
no idea when the games is going to be out but he said looks great running on a GTX 670, hope it comes out by the end of 2013!
I think they are shooting for Q4 2014, but you know how those release dates are. I can gladly wait, I decided to upgrade my rig instead of building a new one just for this game.
*Btw, hello everyone, LONG time lurker, 1st time poster.
I would just like to take this opportunity to wave goodbye to Egosoft and their boring economic simulation. <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bye:' />
Da da Daaaaaaaaaaaaa! Pinback strikes again! <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':haha:' /> Oooh its been a while since I saw I post like that from you <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />
Indeed Pinback <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':nyam:' /> Of course they will notice, but will they actually DO ANYTHING about it? This is what is being said on the good old Frontier Forum.
And as you would expect, there is the usual level of involvement of Frontier Development's staff commenting in the thread.
On well, keep the faith! <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':girlwacko:' />
*Btw, hello everyone, LONG time lurker, 1st time poster.
Welcome vamperium <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />
I stick with the hope for a 2014 release but expect it to be 2015. Which is totally fine for me. I already waited 3 or 4 years for Dark Millenium from Vigil Games until it was finally cancelled. ^^
Da da Daaaaaaaaaaaaa! Pinback strikes again! <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':haha:' /> Oooh its been a while since I saw I post like that from you <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />
I can't help myself <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' /> might be a good thing for Egosoft in the long run as it may encourage them to try some thing different.
Indeed Pinback <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':nyam:' /> Of course they will notice, but will they actually DO ANYTHING about it? This is what is being said on the good old Frontier Forum.
And as you would expect, there is the usual level of involvement of Frontier Development's staff commenting in the thread.
On well, keep the faith! <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':girlwacko:' />
I think they will sit on fence for the next two years until they are sure they can make money from it.
Speaking of money I see theirs only 30 days to pledge to the cause.