To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
I don't think there's any question to be asked, it's just that those people like the game enough to register on their website but have no interest to invest in it at this stage, just to play it. It is clear the devs already have enough money from their campaign (raising a heck of a lot more than they actually asked for, so for me it seems "not cool" to keep asking) plus investors to make this game a reality without any financial problems, so why would anyone still invest in this game at this point when you could easily invest your money into other KS campaigns ran by really small indie devs at their start of their careers and make their dreams a reality as well. Just a thought.
I kinda know where your coming from Sol Command, but they really weren't asking after the pledge campaign ended. Backers voted to keep the campaign going, and have voluntarily donated. The big difference I see between this and other KS campaigns, is that this is truly a AAA title and it's very close to being almost or at least the majority of it is completely crowd funded. None of us have felt pressure to continue donating, but people still are. I say let them, and since it's continuing why not add more stretch goals? Them creating their own mo-cap studio will help immensely with future titles as well as with SC.
I might be missing the obvious here but don't you need a copy of the game in order to play it and maybe that's the answer to the 40.000 that they are waiting for the commercial version of the game to become available before taking the plunge.
Aaaaand they just him 9mil in raised funds.
Spacesuit in the bag :biggrin:
Well, probably those 40k might be waiting for the game to come out, to see some reviews and gameplay videos before they decide to buy the game and play it. Although I'm 95% sure this game's going to be a beast, there is still a possibility that it might turn out completely different than we expect, the industry is full of such examples over the years, games that promised the world but failed badly to deliver. So why not wait. This could be one explanation.
Good point we do seem to seeing a lot of the so called triple A games failing to live up to their own hype.
The spacesuit concept design for hitting the 9 mill mark
Congratulations again to everyone for reaching the $9 million stretch goal! In addition to the Lifetime Insurance discussed yesterday, every user of the “old†site will start the game with a limited edition Roberts Space Industries space suit themed to match our new RSI website. These suits are the same model as those produced by RSI, but only pledgers who used the original website will get the exclusive RSI test pilot colors. It’s your reward for “testing†the site!
The Origin 300i, my in game ship :girlcrazy:
Nice one, not seen that pic before.
Quite nice I think. Kind of reminds me a wee bit of the Raptor from Wing Commander 1.
new web site for SC
Funny I thought the present site was the new one.
new web site for SC
Funny I thought the present site was the new one.
Not quite, they just moved it to vBulletin to make it a little more robust... This new site will have the "wall" up between backers and the public.
A new vid has been released of the Origin 300i
EDIT: Updated Director's Cut Vid.
Spaceship commercial 😎
Completely amazing. I have a very strong feeling that we are going to see game play for the live stream as well.
They changing the web site again it's after the ship brochure and new pledge levels, again.
The existing Roberts Space Industries website will go down at noon CST on Thursday, June 27th. A 24-hour downtime is necessary for porting over our existing database and making sure it slots into the new site correctly. The site will be replaced by a static site with information during that time, but you will not be able to log into your account or access the forums. At 11 AM CST on Friday, June 28th we will begin a live broadcast of Wingman’s Hangar that will culminate in the launch of the new site. After that, you’ll be able to explore the new page, choose or change your handle and assign your existing credits.
The new site will launch in several phases. Friday will be the base update that replaces the WordPress system currently used for RSI. You will have a genuine e-commerce platform that will allow you to modify your pledges and make many changes to your account that were previously impossible. All data from the current site will be ported over and you will be able to access any Comm-Links and Spectrum Dispatches with a much improved navigation system that includes the ability to actually search for tags! The live chat and forums will also be rebuilt, with existing posts ported to the new forums. There may be a temporary loss of some forum features (like private groups,) but these will be replaced with new game-derived grouping features in the near future. In the coming months, long-awaited additional features like the Galactapedia and the Holo-Viewer will also come online.
To avoid the confusion that came with the previous livestream and promotions, there will be a one-week grace period for all pledges. You will have until Saturday, July 6th to pick up packages with the old prices and features, including LTI through the new site, as well as limited ships and other things offered during the 300i and Livestream promotions. This is necessary to allow Kickstarter backers to attribute their pledge credits and to avoid some of the customer service confusion we have experienced in the past.
The whole team is very excited about the livestream. If you saw the initial stream in November, we’re aiming to have the same level of fun plus plenty more reveals. We have a lot of Star Citizen content to show off and a lot to talk about… and we’re eager to involve the many amazing fans we’ve gained in the past six months! So please, be sure to join us at this time next week. It’s going to be one hell of a show!
I sincerely hope you enjoy the 300i materials released today. Even if you choose not to add a 300 Series spacecraft to your hangar you should enjoy the new materials and have a good idea of just how detailed Star Citizen is going to be! I look forward to interacting with fans everywhere on the livestream—see you there!
Star Citizen new site is up and running lots of info coming out by the looks of it as well from this livestream they have being doing.
Just log into the new site and found you have to do a migration of your data, it's pretty easy to do you just need to confirm a few details and change a couple of bits.
Total for SC over $11 and half million and nearly 200,000 backer. :gamer:
More ship reveals
Information overload
Another ship here
Couple of interesting vids one about the hangers.
And the other is WIP of the starmap, looks a bit like the one from Mass Effect.
Also an Alien race the "Banu"
Couple of new star system to look at and
New stretch goals
Greetings Citizens,
We are pleased to announce the next set of stretch goals for Star Citizen. When we started to build Star Citizen, the goal was to raise $2 million to prove to investors that there was a market for space sims. What we’ve realized since then is that YOU are responsible for this game and not investors. So we’re going all the way: crowd funding will raise the $21 million needed to produce a AAA space sim. These are the next stretch goals that will take us there—more will be revealed as they are achieved!
$11 million
- Move Wingman out of the basement! Move CIG Austin to a larger facility that will support expanded development. More room for employees means more man hours spend developing the game.
$12 million
- Build professional sound studios. We’ll move Star Citizen’s sound production from a home office to high tech facilities that will give us access to cutting edge sound effects and Hollywood voice talent!
- Oculus Rift support for the Hangar Module.
$13 million
- Additional flyable ship class: destroyer
- Command and Control Center – Supervise the battle from the deck of your Idris or Destroyer (class TBA) with advanced C&C packages that allow you to tie all of your ships together and assume central command from the 3rd seat.
This is good sign of things to come. The amount of my doubts about this game not turning out to be a properly hardcore space sim has just been reduced by 66%.
I have the feeling this Sim will eat the meager rest of my life,
Looks better all the time, say bye to life when it comes out, we''ll all be on it 🙂
There is huge amount of information about the game on the SC web site in fact their is probably too much as it can be hard to take it all in.
Yeah im trying not to read too much or too detailed don't want to be burned out when it does come out