To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
Looks like the boxed version of the game will be out in early 2014 probably the 1Q. according to iceberg wedsite.
Q1 2014 is the plan indeed. It should be released simultaneously with final digital release through Steam, GG, GameStop and GameFly. We're not yet exactly sure what languages the game will be released on, but German is 100% certain along with naturally English.
Nice one Dorijan looking forward to playing the game. :good:
looks like its going to be spring now before they release the boxed game their also some news about Starlords and StarDrive on Iceberg site.
Create-a-Hero Contest Winner Will Be Featured in Game
Haarlem, The Netherlands – February 27, 2014 – Iceberg Interactive announced today the release of a big update for the advanced alpha version of Starpoint Gemini 2. From local security ships checking for contraband, to the addition of a Skill and Perk respect panel, and new on-ship changing boarding mechanics, this significant update injects new layers of energy, depth, and variation to Little Green Men Games’ open-world 3D space simulation.
Download the all new screenshots from the Starpoint Gemini 2’s advanced alpha HERE.
Starpoint Gemini 2 Advanced Alpha Update Features:
· Graphic and gameplay anomalies redesigned and updated
· Local security ships now check passing ships for illegal goods including the player, and will demand that the ship jettisons the cargo if contraband is found
· Skill & Perk respect panel has been added to stations, so players can test out different skill setups. Skill & Perk points can be reset for a price
· Boarding mechanics have been updated with various random micro-events that can fire off, to change the course of on-ship battles
· Ships “drop†derelicts more frequently when exploding and all ships now have proper derelict models
Full log can be found here.
In addition to the alpha update, Little Green Men Games has launched a user-generated Hero Contest, where players create their own character that they would like to see implemented into the game. The character with the most community votes will win. The contest begins today and will run for two weeks, ending on Friday, March 14. Check out the contest and enter your very own hero here:
Starpoint Gemini 2 is an open-world 3D space simulation game that provides powerful RPG mechanics with the frenzy of space combat and will feature full implementation of Oculus Rift at launch. Starpoint Gemini 2 is currently in Alpha on Steam’s Early Access program and is available for $22.99, Starpoint Gemini 2 is slated for full release on Steam this Spring.
Update about SP2.
Time to cross into the 0.7 version range ladies and gents. This means we've crossed into the BETA stage of development.
To explain a bit what this means exactly I'll make a list to make things completely clear so bear with me 😉 :
- Entering BETA does NOT mean we've got every feature implemented and we're not stopping until we implement everything we've got planned.
- Entering BETA DOES mean we have to stop adding more features for implementation, at least for now if we're to finish the game ;).
- Entering BETA DOES mean we will completely focus on implementing any and all features left on the to-do list as well as finishing all features implemented partially.
- Entering BETA DOES mean we will focus on FIXING BUGS and later on BALANCING and OPTIMIZATION.
- Entering BETA does NOT mean we're not looking forward to more suggestions and comments. Feel free to continue posting them. We will continue adding to the wish-list for later implementation. 🙂
In a nutshell, it's time to wrap it up, but wrap it up PROPERLY. And to do that, we need time. Every new implemented feature almost certainly comes with its own set of bugs and glitches that need to be ironed out.
We have to thank the amazing community that supported us through the alpha stage in Early Access. We owe you a debt we can hardly repay, but we will do our best by completing SG2, polishing it up, and continue building on that foundation :).
Yay hopefully this is one step closer to the boxed version of the game
Steam update, not so much about the compo more about the fact that they say they are near a finished version, will we finally be getting to see the boxed version this year.
Dear community, while we come closer to having a finished product we would like to show you our gratitude again for all the feedback and support we have received. We are having a contest where you will get the chance to leave your mark in the Gemini Universe! We ask you to visit our forum for more information about the contest: 9"> the SPG forum[]]
1977, the cold war, NASA sends out 2 Voyager space crafts into deep space containing a Golden Gramophone with sounds and images representing Earth’s culture, science, nature, languages and DNA. The records are intended for any intelligent extraterrestrial life form, or for future humans…
We can only wonder if these Global Records will ever be found in the vast Gemini system, but if one does, it must make an impact! What would you like to send into deep space? Submit your idea in any format (audio/image/text/video) you seem fit to 9"> the official Golden Record thread[], and maybe you will come across your Golden Record while exploring Starpoint Gemini 2!
The top 5 best submissions will be put in the game and win a limited edition T-shirt! #SPGoldenRecord
Good luck captains!
At last we may see the boxed copy of the game. :nyam:
Starpoint Gemini 2 is currently in Beta stage on Steam’s Early Access program, and publisher Iceberg Interactive is prepping the game for a September 2014 digital and boxed release.