To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
Or here, specifically: ... emini2.pdf
Essentially, everything is improved, 3D doings, seamless universe, tech behind the game much more robust----really it seems they've elected to go all out here following the success of the original.
This is extra awesome to me, as I finally have some gaming funds to disperse and Starpoint Gemini is high on the list and will likely see a grab via GG or maybe Desura any day now. 😎
I'm so very behind on everything kicking about in these parts...been entirely too long..
Beat me to the posting of this getter77 🙂
This is a really good sign personally, it shows that SPG made enough to have a sequel made and will be nice to see some gameplay mechanic tweaks and some mod tools. I hope we could see another patch for SPG to fix some of the minor issues from the forums. I will be reading this PDF soon to get some background story.
Yep yep, perhaps it'd be worthy news for a front page blurb once you've finished dissecting said .pdf to present spiffily to the world? 😎 I only discovered it by sheer accident for browsing to their site for the first time in ages after a Gamersgate sale newsletter afterall.
Excellent news 😀 😀
Hope there a option to turn off / torn down these skyboxes
And some planet action.
Will add it the game release list.
Hi guys! I've been away for quite some time. Apologies to everyone for that, but I had some personal matters to take care of before I could get back in the thick of things.
And as I see, I too was beaten with the announcement. I'll have to work faster in the future 😉 .
I'll talk to the guys about that patch Darkone. I agree that an update would be helpful, but it's on management to get things rolling.
Come on Dorijan spill the beans. 😀
Why whatever do you mean PINBACK? Beans about what? 😉
The pdf in the announcement holds some basic info about the game. What would you like to know more about? 🙂
The pdf in the announcement holds some basic info about the game. What would you like to know more about? 🙂
Just to clarify are we getting full 3d with the z axis this time or are they sticking with the plane. ❓
Also will we see solar systems with planets, moons ect rather than the sky box ones from the last game and if there is will there be any interacting with the planets. ❓
Full 3D movement on Z-axis as well. Destruction is this time available from all directions 😉 .
You cannot blow up planets (that's reserved for SPG 3 😆 ) , but I hope landing on them will be satisfactory 😉 (standard services and some additional ones available too) .
Will you be able to see each individual turret on the ship as you unleash a hellfire of weapons fire? That would be pretty awesome.
You cannot blow up planets (that's reserved for SPG 3 😆 )
What no thermostellar devices 😥
Surely every game should have at lest one planet/moon blowing up mission.
Wait that no moon. 😯
😆 😆
Will the landing be like Freelancer with a cut scene. ❓
We were rattling our brains whether to do that or not and came to the conclusion we all like seeing turrets pumping out heavy metal slugs into space with a with a big flash and loud noise. Even when there are no metal slugs, but only high energy zippying beams that cut through other ships... we still like turrets... so actually yeah, that's the plan 😉
Indeed. No "entering the atmosphere and looking outside as we slowly decend through the clouds" this time. We'd like that very VERY much, but it's out of our scope for now, sad to say. 🙁
I know I would like to see a better ship capturing system and that it gives you options like keep it (add to fleet or replace current ship), salvage it (precious metals or components), sell it or booby trap it.
Great news. Loved the original, can't wait for hte sequel.
Would love to work on it myself...alas, my career in Croatias gaming industry was cut short....Stupid economic crysis 👿
So I can only offer my encouragment to the team.
I could also offer some 3D models for free, but you seem to have that area cowered pretty well 😉
We were rattling our brains whether to do that or not and came to the conclusion we all like seeing turrets pumping out heavy metal slugs into space with a with a big flash and loud noise. Even when there are no metal slugs, but only high energy zippying beams that cut through other ships... we still like turrets... so actually yeah, that's the plan 😉
Hell yea. I love turrets. They add so much life to a ship and give it character
Agreed. More options are a "must-have". I'm very fond of your "salvage" idea D1. I'd like to pass it on to the team to see if we can get it into the game when we come to that part; if you don't have anything against that of course 🙂 .
So I can only offer my encouragment to the team.
We appreciate the support Trashman 🙂 . What have you worked on, if I may know 🙂 ? Feel free to send me a PM or EMail directly to if you prefer.
So I can only offer my encouragment to the team.
We appreciate the support Trashman 🙂 . What have you worked on, if I may know 🙂 ? Feel free to send me a PM or EMail directly to if you prefer.
The only games you might find my name in the credits would be Infinity: The Quest for earth and UFO:AI - but those are Indy/open projects.
Provox Games director contacted me after seeing some of my work on their forums, and we were discussing my employment there. Nothing was signed yet and then the crysis hit. The company went belly-up as far as I know and I never heard from them again.
I work as a junior BDA now. Not great, but the pay check is steady. 😛
Only 8 hours at the computer at work is hurting my modding/modeling mood...and is not good for my eyes. 😆
I've been having some fun with the capturing ships part, the main thing there can only capture ships of equal or smaller size, it seems that how much damage you've done to bigger ships ( like a gunboat slamming a corvette until his hull is less than 50%) doesn't matter. I hit a bigger gunboat until it was ready to explode, and even then my guys got thrown off. Flying a gunboat and trying to capture your way up the ship scale is impossible in Gemini, since each size ship has more and more marines, so smaller ships cant capture them that way.
I'd like to see, ships damage count, and also, the captain has the option to surrender, if it looks like they'll all die. That way it does come down to hurting them, or if you hurt them and the hull drops, to 50% or less...then their marines die casualty's, making it more possible to do what I swore I was going to do with Gemini....cap every ship I use and buy none. So far I've had more than half the gunboats in game, but I'm stuck there, even some bigger gunboats have more men, and I've been thrown off them multiple times. It's a little disappointing, I like the capturing part a lot, makes you earn them that way, but if there's no way to move up the scale, then my plan is a failure.
PS: in the new game please...not so many free cargoes, or have some that are empty. I have almost a million dollars in game and haven't bought anything but equipment yet. Its a little silly to have enough to buy a battleship (your ships are too cheap too, a battleship costs millions in every game I've played) at level
I've been playing this game for the past year almost and I have to say I love it, great simple alternative to X3, and it's great that there is going to be a sequal
so some questions on the sequal:
1. will ship scale be better represented, in SPG it was dissapointing to see that dreds were only a little bigger than gunships, if I'm flying a dreadnought, I want to know that I'm flyin a mechanical space god, and if I'm in a gunship I want to zip around a dred like it's the tiny fish it's saposed to be
2. in SPG fighters are just an ability, will that be changed in SPG 2, I would like to see some ships with hangar slots that you can place fighter squadrons in to, and for the range of fighters to range from intercepters to bombers, and for different ships to have varying numbers of hanger slots, determined by ship type and size, mabey even special hangars that can equip ai controlled gunships
3. will activities like salvage and mining have a little more complexity to them?
thanks, and can't wait for the sequal
I absolutely agree with the perception problem. Battleships are very small here, in a convoy they should be 2-3x the size of a freighter and 5x the size of a gunship. I am personally against 'superships' that cant be beaten , always make sure no matter what size they are there's an enemy ship that can kill it if your not careful. 😳
Point taken. We've discussed it and we agree. We planned on modifying that part already, but additional input is always welcome.
Difference in ship size is quite a bit more apparent in SPG2, but I can't speak of concrete numbers at the moment since it can and probably will be changed some more.
Have you by any chance come to Croatia, found our GDD and took a peek somehow? 😉
A)Fighters are no longer an ability.
B)Ships (not all!) have hangar(s) as a ship system that can be damaged, crippled etc... Hangars hold fighter/bomber/interceptor squadrons, depending on what you choose to buy and place into the hangar.
C)Releasing AI controlled gunships from hangars is a no go, but we do have high-tech AI controlled drones with various abilities that can be "housed" in hangars and released just like fighters.
Yes. To explain:
MINING: Mining is done directly by shooting at asteroids to destroy them and release varying amount of ore (actually ores though I'm not sure this noun has plural ... does it? Educate me please, guys :?). Alternative approach is using a special item to detonate more asteroids at the same time. This special item also provides better mining yield. The item has a price though.
SALVAGING: Similar to mining, shoot at derelicts to destroy them and release valuables. Special item can disassemble a derelict and grant higher yield. There is also a chance (small, but it's there 😉 ) that you manage to patch up the derelict just enough to get it barely working again so you can drag it to a station and repair. Then sell it, or claim it as your own. Personal preference 🙂 .
Shooting rocks to mine them makes sense but shooting wrecks to make one better? that seems a stretch. If there are going to be claimable wrecks, why not just have a few that were 'disabled' and abandoned rather than destroyed? With subsystem targeting its possible to kill all power and the life support systems to ships, and then they would, until repaired be uninhabitable.
Having less rogue cargoes would slow down money gathering, and make getting ships a little harder, I personally am a capture specialist and it took me quite a while to get on to capturing ship in SG, theres even a dead zone with the smallest gunboat, there's nothing bigger that can be capped by one and only two...I think with 10 marines on board, all others are 20 +.
Also when capping ships, if your ship has 20 on board and your in perfect shape it should be able to drop 20, not 12 or 15 when you've taken no damage, but in SG it does that, so you never know from time to time what number you'll use when you attack another ship. Losing men due to combat damage is ok, that's expected, in proportion to the amount of damage done. A ship with 75% damage will NOT have its full amount of marines operating, so why did I see in SG ships bigger than me that I fought hard for that had nearly no hull left, close enough that 1 more shot would kill them, and instead of being almost out of marines, they had only 3-5 less than their maximum. While my ship, in good condition only dropped 75% of the men I had ready to go.
Hope some of these things get fixed as well, random numbers don't fit just everywhere in games.
Since it was mentioned that ships are too cheap and easy to get here's a rough idea from a game I play called X the series:
Light fighters =approx 100k
med fighters=150-200k
heavy fighters = 300k to 1 mil.
bombers = 3-5 mil
corvettes (ships with turrets, the smallest) = 5-15mil (depending on light or heavy)
frigates = 15-25 mil
battleships = up 125mil
carriers (no fighters when bought) = 75-100mil
they have no dreadnaughts, but the modders amide a M1-2+ modded, so thats the closest to it in either battleship or carrier = 200mil+
On that game this is in credits, and you get them doing jobs, like protecting stations, gathering cargoes after battles, including missiles, because their launchers are NOT free to fire like yours, and freight, sometimes as much as 50 heavy bomber missiles, thats worth a lot one of the biggest prizes in game,approx 1 mil in missiles.Also, the ability to ....if your rep is high enough as a pilot, have ships surrender, as the pilot and his crew jump ship, either in spacesuits or escape pods, once out of the ship, its yours to either sell or use, they don't use grappling beams, I like that about this game, they use computer override and autopilot them back.
Just some ideas and what other games have done to make them work.
Had some time to think about mining the way you said for the new game. To be honest..I like the beam type mining better, like we have here. Blowing things up to get to the inside stuff we can do now, so what will we be doing in another 500 years in space? Still blowing stuff up? Or will we have newer high tech ways to mine? 😳
On Gemini everyone can mine asteroids, everyone...why a Admiral would want to dirty up his favorite battleship with ore is beyond me, he just wouldn't do it, and small ships lack the cargo capacity to do any serious mining. I propose a mining ship or ships. Smaller for beginners and larger more expensive ones for later on. The smallest might carry 100 unites, the largest, 500-1000 units, but they would have small turrets for defense ,not enough to defend against big ships, but enough to keep the small gunboats away, like the freighters do now.
Then salvaging ships from wrecks might go like this...the ship can have various signs of damage, like if its totally black, its too far gone to repair, if its medium looking with some spots that dont seem damaged as bad, it might be salvageable but very expensive to do, and if it looks fairly good, with little to no black burn spots, then it can be saved. Of course they all would need HP repairs that cost money, and that would be in comparison to the overall cost of a new ship that size, so making the decision to salvage a ship has to be thought out, dragging it in to find you haven't the money will get you told to get 'that piece of junk' out of the station, so maybe you'll have to place it where you can find it when things go better for you.
Just more ideas for the new game which, I'm sure are too late to get in it, but still good ideas none the less.