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Star Trek Online - Season 3 - Genesis

Illustrious Member Admin

Here is the latest trailer showing off some of the features coming in season 3.

Here is a massive post of all the additions and fixes in Genesis which should be out now. ... p?t=192459

Topic starter Posted : December 31, 2010 07:43
Prominent Member

That mission / map editor looks impressive. I wish there were more games with this kind of feature.

Posted : January 5, 2011 14:27
Estimable Member

its just a shame the whole game is a fail terrible reviews, its a shame i would like to try it....... did they ever add more starting points - factions in the game being the federation is boring all the time, and how are the bugs.... i like the Romulans or maybe the Klingons hmmm just looking at the website looks like you can at last now be more races when did all of this happen ❓ games only been out 9 months :geek:

(Edit) (its a good read about all the factions makes me want to play more now) πŸ˜₯

Posted : January 5, 2011 16:15
Estimable Member

OK this got me interested enough to sign up for another month when this one comes out.

I mean: Trekkies :geek: + Missionbuilding Tools == better missons than what the dev's made

Damn this was a good move on their behalf...

EDIT: Ok it's out already. Will prolly sign up for a month in the upcoming week πŸ™‚

Posted : January 6, 2011 16:40
Illustrious Member Admin

Looking forward to your feedback on Season 3 Braindead. That was my thoughts exactly, giving your MMO community level/mission building tools is brilliant. Keeps people very engaged and if some missions are done right can be hugely popular and better than the stock missions Cryptic made.

Topic starter Posted : January 6, 2011 18:16
Estimable Member

the thing is i will not have the time to play it because of Star Wars The Old Republic and DC online coming out soon... i need to pick one busy busy πŸ™„

Posted : January 6, 2011 20:15
Honorable Member

been playing it a bit still seems a bit restrictive like eve online why these game companies cannot do millions of solar systems infinity is so slow progressing pioneer looks ok needs more development contributions though still to much like FFE2

Posted : January 6, 2011 21:23
Estimable Member
ollobrain wrote:
been playing it a bit still seems a bit restrictive like eve online why these game companies cannot do millions of solar systems

there's a couple of reasons that spring to mind, but the one the company cares about is the fact that with open universe type games you are making a BIG gamble, and most companies don't like that...

Posted : January 6, 2011 21:57
Honorable Member

very true their business model relies on keeping the punters playing i guess thats one thing and gambles just dont pay off somethimes

Posted : January 7, 2011 00:17
Estimable Member
very true their business model relies on keeping the punters playing i guess thats one thing and gambles just dont pay off somethimes

Very true. Fact is, all the most interesting Star Trek stuff happening these days is coming from the Internet:

Posted : January 7, 2011 23:35
Estimable Member

damn you Stardreamer, you made me dig through my boxes of disks to try & find my ST: Armada box set, that Fleet OPS mod looks mighty sweet πŸ™‚

Posted : January 8, 2011 02:34
Estimable Member
Braindead wrote:
damn you Stardreamer, you made me dig through my boxes of disks to try & find my ST: Armada box set, that Fleet OPS mod looks mighty sweet πŸ™‚

πŸ˜† It's well worth the rummage, let me assure you. And when a game is no longer being sold on the market, costs well over the odds on eBay, is from a franchise that itself has been re-booted for a younger, more mainstream audience, I say that *cough*unofficial*cough* download sources are as valid a way of getting the game as any.

Would be much simpler if the devs could just alter the damn thing to run without a CD in the drive, though. My highly prized disk is getting scratched! πŸ˜₯

Posted : January 8, 2011 04:10