To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
Hello all,
With the patch out I have restarted my game but I am stuck at the same part where I was before the translation.
After having delivered a water purifier to a village on the first planet, I am now suppose to talk with some raiders who know where my ship's energy cell is.
Unfortunate I have somewhat of a bad reputation with the raider, having been killing them here and there, so I try to trick the trio at the village or bribe them before they shoot at me.
In few moments that they are passive they tell me to go to some skeleton or talk with a skeleton, anyway, I haven't got a clue what I am suppose to do next.
Does anyone here know what the next step is?
If i remember it well the next step was to talk with the shaman again. I think it doesn't matter if you are friend or enemy of the raiders, your only task was to get rid of the three raiders near the village.
But when I kill them I get the message that the mission failed.
Either sneak up on the bandits, run towards them, deceive or bribe them to talk to the bandit leader before they attack. After that you can kill them...
Hi Wesp5,
Their leader, that is the unique NPC called "Skinny" right?
All he yells is open fire, even after bribing.
I tried to reset my reputation but it does not make the raiders like me.
All he yells is open fire, even after bribing.
My reputation with the bandits was very bad too at that point. What happens if you talk with the shaman after the encounter? Maybe the quest is supposed to fail.
My reputation with the bandits was completely bad at this point too but i could talk to skinny without any problems. It is strange that the mission fails if you kill them, because your only task is to get rid of them. They never tell you were the energy cell for your ship is. You get this information from another npc after completing another quest.
Try to talk with the shaman again, like Wesp5 suggested. Maybe it is a bug. Are you playing the 1.0 or the 1.1 version?
Hello Grimm.
Most likely version 1.0.
Really annoying little problem, especially after now that you told me that it can be so easily solved.
Sorry that it took so long for me to come back but I have completed the mission.
Despite that I got the message that I failed I did manage to continue on.
Right now I am finally in space but it is such a different form of gameplay compared to the ground part, really need to get the hang of it yet.
It looks really nice though.
Yes it's different but really great if you get used to it. It offered nearly anything that Privateer oder Elite has. Bounty Hunting, Piracy, Trading, harvesting debris, doing sidequests etc...
The only thing that ist quite annoying, is the fact that the upgrades for your ship are very limited and there is only one ship to fly. At least at the point in game where i'am.
What are the best ways to make some money to better outfit your ship?
Also, how many shield units do you need to buy to optimally protect your ship?
can you dock at the space station? and what can you do at the stations. ❓
Best way to earn money is doing missions on planets or take missions on starions. I didnt't tried trading and piracy yet.
Yes you can dock on stations. There you can outfit your ship, visit the bar, take missions or trade with goods.
Can you walk about in the station or is done by menus,and if possible can you post any screen shot of this.
I have no screenshots but you can move around freely on the space stations and talk to several traders, the ship upgrader, the service technican and other NPC. They all look the same from the inside and the outside though...
Nice this is what I have been crying about for ages, 😀 now all we need is for some devs to put Frontier fly from space to planet surface into the same game.going to have to get my big box computer out.
Missions it is.
To be honest, I have never been much of a fan of trade as it can be annoyingly complex sometimes to find out what which people want on whatever planet.
I rather do bounty hunting or escorting trade vessels.
I'll use this thread for a question to The Precursors. Has anyone here met the Flyeater on Goldin and talked with him? I only ever manage to fight him and his gang and I wonder if an alternative is possible at all. The dialogues hint at it, but I don't think there is a realistic way to not be enemy to the raiders right from the start!
Okay, I found the Flyeater gang myself and finished the Colorful Miracle quest from the other side this time ;).