If I were to install mods for TC and knowing that I prefer combat and following the story, what would you advise me to download?
I would have to dig back into that myself since it has been a while since I had XTC on the machine. I know the mods I usually put on are enhancing the HUD/Cockpit and sector mods. I like a lot of visual since X3TC isn't really a huge action game. But the combat is ok. So I should look into the more combat mods.
Ok thx, awaiting your answer and I'll start downloading cause I got some time today 😉
Btw, there is a cockpit view in the vanilla game right?
What also would be welcome is a very easy and clear guide, if possible step by step, cause I remember that I didn't understand squat of the ingame one.
I know these are very difficult games but I don't have all that much time and want to play some other games as well that I can't spend a month learning before I can really get to play.
Apparentely there aren't any cockpit views, any mod for that?
Since my computer can handle it anyway, is there a mod which enhances the graphics even more and that you can recommend?
Thx, for your time on this cause I wouldn't know where to start and which ones are good.
Read this thread first: http://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=216690
http://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php? ... sc&start=0
Cockpit Mod: http://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=241761
http://www.3enfamille.net/vb/showthread ... -3.06.2010
I have tried the above ones and liked them, but if I remember correctly there was a lot of configuration involved to get them all working together. So I would test one at a time and look at compatibility lists. I will probably get back into X3TC when I progress further in Guild Wars, been playing that lately getting myself ready for GuildWars 2 🙂
Appreciate this a lot, this will get me on the way 🙂
Have fun with Guild Wars, played it for a while, even bought the whole package, and although it ain't a bad MMO it just isn't my thing to play for long.
Instead I'm more looking forward to the upcoming release of Star Wars: The Old Republic.
That one might put my social life on hold for a bit when it gets released.
Just hope that I got enough time to spent on it cause there's more to life then gaming of course but I'm gonna try anyway 😆
Think you might want to check the latest update on the cockpit mod which has been mentioned in the Ship Rebalance Mod thread.
The cockpit is even more detailed now 🙂
Edit 2:
X-Tra Ship/Station Pack, whish this one came in one package cause that's a lot to download 😕
Think I'll wait with that one.
New Cockpit Mod for X3TC (using Arkblade's and Imp's mods), do I still need this one when I already installed the one from PCO1?
How do you load scripts as suggested in some of the mods?
I can't find the script editor when I presh shift+c ingame.
What's a good walkthrough for the story cause I did the tutorial thing but what do I have to do next?
Yeah, I have been interested in SWTOR as well but getting some mixed feelings about the game from people I know that are in the beta and been reading that several investors ( http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/3260 ... _SWTOR.php). Guild Wars 2 looks great and totally different game from the first one. And a plus its F2P after you buy the game.
On the X3 Mods, its been a while since I threw myself into the game (which I never completed lost the will to continue, I will pick up again sometime), but I would go with the latest of all of the mods and depending on the mod there should be some instructions on how to manually install it and to activate it in the game. You might need to install the mod manager to make things easier if your not good with the files and making backups.
On the game itself the story progressed for me as I was playing and selected certain missions. At first you are very weak and you just need to run around the local systems and do questing and fighting to grab loot and sell it and turn in quests for credits. Because you are nothing in the ship your in 🙂
Yeah, I have been interested in SWTOR as well but getting some mixed feelings about the game from people I know that are in the beta and been reading that several investors ( http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/3260 ... _SWTOR.php). Guild Wars 2 looks great and totally different game from the first one. And a plus its F2P after you buy the game.
On the X3 Mods, its been a while since I threw myself into the game (which I never completed lost the will to continue, I will pick up again sometime), but I would go with the latest of all of the mods and depending on the mod there should be some instructions on how to manually install it and to activate it in the game. You might need to install the mod manager to make things easier if your not good with the files and making backups.
On the game itself the story progressed for me as I was playing and selected certain missions. At first you are very weak and you just need to run around the local systems and do questing and fighting to grab loot and sell it and turn in quests for credits. Because you are nothing in the ship your in 🙂
Yeah I've been reading about the investors thing.
Don' want to take this completely off topic but would you mind giving me a short overview of what the testers viewed as "could be better"?
If you don't want to do in this thread, feel free to send me a PM cause I'm really curious and I don't want to waste some more money on an MMO that I'll never play.
Ok I'll check on the official forum for some solutions what X3TC concerns.
All the mods that I want are installed without the mod manager except for the X-Tra Ship/Station Pack and the New Cockpit Mod for X3TC, I'm just confused about the scripts for some of the mods that I somehow need to activate in the game via the script editor.
Will look what they have to say about in the mods section over there.
I get it, so the best thing to do is, just fly around out there contact a ship and see if they want me to do something for them.
I can do that and I'll see when the next part of the main plot pops up 🙂
Here's my advice for you, and its not bad advice too:
Forget X3TC , pretend like it doesn't even exist, you will be far happier this way.
Now install X3 convincing yourself that it is really the newest game in the X-series.
Now download and install X3:XTM which is about twice as good as X3TC and Mods and has far far more stuff to do in it. It also runs far far better. Did I mention how much more content it has than X3TC oh yes, well it really does have that much more its a joke for Egosoft to have released X3TC on the success of X3XTM.
As X3TC is actually based on X3XTM, however like any commercial developer, they remove all the good parts before releasing it. 😉
Now don't throw away your copy of X3TC. Just use it as a tea mat until the good old modders release X3TC:XTM. Its worth waiting for.
Looks like Xtended mod for X3TC has actually been released so that is the mod to try.
You simpleton Could never stand that game... so bland and generic. I know a lot of people who were totally addicted to it in the extreme. And I do mean extreme, like losing jobs and ending marriage kind of obsessions 🙂