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Procedural clouds

Estimable Member

Hi there


Here are some screengrabs about my WIP on volumetrics clouds. I recovered my previous work on the subject to reintegrate it in my new graphic engine. Thanks to some optimization tips I am now able to display 200 -300 clouds in the scene (instead of 30 - 40 with my previous old framework  :mrgreen:  ). I can remember that some guys around here are interested by the volumetric clouds rendering topic  😉  , so for some interested you can check out source code here (not really well documented for now though)







Topic starter Posted : September 11, 2015 05:11
Famed Member

For a second there I thought you were back on XFrontier! :girlcrazy:  But yes, volumetric clouds is something that's been needed in Pioneer for a while. Perhaps your work here could help them? They look great by the way Nevil :queen:

Posted : September 11, 2015 20:15
99 Star General

Clouds are one my asks in any Frontier like game along with vegetation, animals and city's.

Posted : September 12, 2015 06:14
Famed Member

You forgot clock towers Pinback, that tell the proper game time! :girlcrazy:

Posted : September 12, 2015 14:55
Noble Member

Got it compiling but can't get it to run, fails when trying to "Direct3DCreate9(D3D_SDK_VERSION)" which is very odd.

I mention this only b'cos I am super curious 😀


Anyway nice looking clouds so far, what are your plans for them? Or is this satisfying your personal curiosity?

Posted : September 14, 2015 10:46
Estimable Member


Got it compiling but can't get it to run, fails when trying to "Direct3DCreate9(D3D_SDK_VERSION)" which is very odd.


According to Microsoft documentation, looks like your d3d9 runtime is not compliant with the SDK in my third parts. Maybe try to download d3dx9_24.dll and simply copy it in the compiled binary directory. Beyond this point, I think you'll miss some assets (texture and meshes) that are not available in my github. I'll add it in my public git repository asap.


Sorry for those inconveniences, this is the very first time that someone else is trying to compile and run this framework ! thank you for trying  😀



Anyway nice looking clouds so far, what are your plans for them? Or is this satisfying your personal curiosity?

Thanks ! This is for personal curiosity, and above all for fun. Let's see where all this will leads me...

Topic starter Posted : September 15, 2015 00:16
Noble Member

For some reason this didn't post my reply the other day!


I'll try copying that dll when I get the chance and give it another run.


Personal curiosity and learning is the best reason 😀

Posted : September 17, 2015 08:45
Famed Member

OoooooOOOOooooh this does sound promising! :girlcrazy:  Could we one day see Nevil's clouds in Pioneer? Keeping my fingers crossed!

Posted : September 17, 2015 13:26
Estimable Member

Geraldine as far as I can see from, there's a lot of others new features incoming in Pioneer. I'm not really sure that clouds is on top of the todo list   😀


I've just uploaded the bin directory with the needed assets in my github. Only shaders are missing, 'cause they are available here

Topic starter Posted : September 18, 2015 00:32
Famed Member

Of course there are lots of new features waiting to come into the main build Nevil and that's great too but I just feel that clouds would add...(and I can't believe I am about to write this please forgive me :girlimpossible:)... more atmosphere to the game.....




I do, I do!!! :girlcray:


Oh and one more thing, if your clouds do get added Nevil that means (to me at least) your name ought to be on the list of contributors to the game too! :girlcrazy:

Posted : September 18, 2015 04:14
Estimable Member



Of course there are lots of new features waiting to come into the main build Nevil and that's great too but I just feel that clouds would add...(and I can't believe I am about to write this please forgive me  :girlimpossible:)... more atmosphere to the game.....



Beyond of that, Clouds are a good way to provide to the pilot a good "speed" sensation when he's flying at low altitude

Topic starter Posted : September 18, 2015 08:36
Noble Member

Well I got it running, nice clouds! 😀

Posted : October 2, 2015 22:52
Estimable Member

Awesome !!  :dancer:  :ok:  :clapping: well done !

Just to know, what is the FPS rate on your side ?

Topic starter Posted : October 3, 2015 06:36
Noble Member

I was on my laptop but about 200 FPS in Debug with an nVidia 650m, I haven't tried Release yet as we've been away since I posted.

Posted : October 4, 2015 05:03
Estimable Member

Good evening'


My clouds generation system is now integrated in the lua stack and in my scene viewer tool, where it's now easy to play and test different shaders parameters.




Topic starter Posted : October 7, 2015 08:59