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New RPG space adventure and it is billing itself as the spiritual successor to Mass Effect as it has many of the original devs  who worked on the ME games.

Looks like no space combat so I would guess the ship is just a hub as in the ME games, so I was not that interested in it myself until I read the bit about travelling at near light speed and having to deal with time dilation. how they work that into the game I have no idea but will be interesting to see if they can do it, maybe by having a huge amount of content or a tightly driven narrative.

Website. EXODUS (


This topic was modified 5 months ago by Pinback

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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I thought I already posted info about this game, I saw this one a few weeks back. Looks VERY promising and has some good actors onboard for voicing the roles. If they can capture the spirit of Mass Effect it will do good, but the story and character building needs to be good.

99 Star General Site Moderator
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Posted by: @sscadmin

I thought I already posted info about this game, 

I know the feeling. 😀 

like to see some more the gameplay.
