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Alone in the Universe - no fight game

Crewman Registered
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My name is Adam, and I'm the author of "Alone in the Universe" browser game.



At first some explanation - what is this game and why I did it.

I'm the very big fan of space themed browser games like Astro Empires or Ogame. I used to start to play these games many times. 

Unfortunately, every time, after a couple of days playing, my empire was attacked, destroyed or occupied, even after reading all the manuals and forums about how to play.

All these space games is only: kill! destroy! hate!, fight! WAR!!! 

I don't like war and fighting. I like to build my empire in peace and quiet. And most important - I don't like to loose what I already build by many hours/days.

Then some day I've found a solitary game Rebuild the Universe - great game with nice graphics. This was the inspiration to write my own game: no war, no stress, just progress.

So, AitU is the game I made basically for myself 🙂



Short characteristics what game contains:



- build factories to increase resources output

- build logistic structures to increase technology

- learn technologies to increase bonus

- expand your empire by colonize planets

- build moons on your planets

- send spaceships for missions to find powerful artefacts

- discover unbelievable mega structures in universe

- build your own stars and black hole



I hope you'll like it:



Greets to all forum users


aka homix


Crewman Registered
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Version 2.0 released


- form moons and increase resources income

- tasks (achievements)

- 20 new Mega Discovery

- Master Points increasing limits

- Galaxy:

- searching for planets to create life from 55.000 available

- terraforming, evolution, civilization, attack hostile planets

- new artefacts

- chat

- much better game balance



No e-mail registration!!!



99 Star General Site Moderator
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 9140

Just moving your thread to this forum as seem more appropriate.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 7888

Do you plan on putting this game into an app for mobile at all? I could see myself playing this more on a device than on my PC? Yeah I know I could just go to the website on my device but an app would probably play better in the end.

Crewman Registered
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v2.2 with 100 items collection and some other stuff...

Too bad this game isn't very popular despite it's basically finished.

If you like boring games with nice space climate you are very welcome!


Crewman Registered
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Alone in the Universe is on its first anniversary.
The official 1.0 version of the game started at 13th of January 2016.

Many new features, upgrades and bug fixes was implemented since the start.
Many players registered and lot of them are still playing.

To celebrate there will be 1 month bonus event, from 13 Jan to 13 Feb:
- 2x faster construction build
- 2x faster research
- 10x more resources at start
- 10x more artefacts at start
- collectible chance increased from 35 to 50%

Enjoy the event, enjoy the game and thank you all! <
